1. abase :: lower: humiliate

  2. abash :: embarrass

  3. abdicate :: renounce: give up

  4. aberration :: wandering or staying away; in optics, failure of rays to focus

  5. abettor :: encourager

  6. abeyance :: suspended action

  7. abhor :: detest

  8. abjure :: renounce upon oath

  9. ablution :: washing

  10. abnegation :: repudiation; self-sacrifice

  11. abominate :: loathe: hate

  12. aboriginal :: being the first of its kind in a region: primitive: native

  13. abortive :: unsuccessful: fruitless

  14. abrade :: wear away by friction: erode

  15. abrogate :: abolish

  16. abscond :: depart secretly and hide

  17. absolve :: pardon an offense

  18. abstemious :: temperate: sparing in drink, etc.

  19. abstinence :: restraint from eating or drinking

  20. abstruse :: obscure: profound: difficult to understand

  21. abut :: border upon; adjoin

  22. abysmal :: bottomless

  23. accede :: agree

  24. accelerate :: move faster

  25. accessory :: additional object: useful but not essential thing

  26. acclimate :: adjust to climate

  27. acclivity :: sharp upslope of a hill

  28. accolade :: award of merit

  29. accomplice :: partner in crime

  30. accord :: agreement

  31. accost :: approach and speak first to a person

  32. accoutre :: equip

  33. accretion :: growth: increase

  34. accrue :: come about by addition

  35. acephalous :: headless

  36. acerbity :: bitterness of speech and temper

  37. acetic :: vinegary

  38. acidulous :: slightly sour: sharp: caustic

  39. acknowledge :: recognize: admit

  40. acme :: top: pinnacle

  41. acoustics :: science of sound: quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in

  42. acquiescence :: submission; compliance

  43. acquiescent :: accepting passively

  44. acquittal :: deliverance from a charge

  45. acrid :: sharp: bitterly pungent

  46. acrimonious :: stinging: caustic

  47. actuarial :: calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics

  48. actuate :: motivate

  49. acumen :: mental keenness

  50. adage :: wise saying: proverb

  51. adamant :: hard: inflexible

  52. adapt :: alter: modify

  53. addiction :: compulsive, habitual need

  54. addle :: rotten: muddled; crazy

  55. adduce :: present as evidence

  56. adept :: expert at

  57. adhere :: stick fast to

  58. adipose :: fatty

  59. adjunct :: something attached to but holding an inferior position

  60. adjuration :: solemn urging

  61. adjure :: request solemnly

  62. admonish :: warn: reprove

  63. admonition :: warning

  64. adroit :: skillful

  65. adulation :: flattery: admiration

  66. adulterate :: make impure by mixing with baser substances

  67. adulterated :: made impure or spoiled by the addition of inferior materials

  68. adumbration :: foreshadowing: outlining

  69. advent :: arrival

  70. adventitious :: accidental: casual

  71. adverse :: unfavorable: hostile

  72. adversity :: poverty: misfortune

  73. advert :: refer to

  74. advocate :: urge: plead for

  75. aegis :: shield; defense

  76. aeon :: long period of time; an age

  77. aesthetic :: artistic: dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful

  78. affable :: courteous

  79. affected :: artificial: pretended

  80. afferent :: carrying toward the center

  81. affidavit :: written statement made under oath

  82. affiliation :: joining: associating with

  83. affinity :: kinship

  84. affirmation :: solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath

  85. afflatus :: inspiration

  86. affluence :: abundance: wealth

  87. affray :: public brawl

  88. agape :: openmouthed

  89. agenda :: items of business at a meeting

  90. agglomeration :: collection: heap

  91. aggrandize :: increase or intensify

  92. aggregate :: sum: total

  93. aghast :: horrified

  94. agility :: nimbleness

  95. agitate :: stir up: disturb

  96. agitation :: strong feeling; excitement

  97. agnostic :: one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god

  98. agrarian :: pertaining to land or its cultivation

  99. agronomist :: scientist engaged in the management of land

  100. alacrity :: cheerful promptness

  101. albeit :: although

  102. alchemy :: medieval chemistry

  103. alias :: an assumed name

  104. alienate :: make hostile: separate

  105. alimentary :: supplying nourishment

  106. alimony :: payment by a husband to his divorced wife

  107. allay :: calm: pacify

  108. allege :: state without proof

  109. allegory :: story in which characters are used as symbols: fable

  110. alleviate :: relieve

  111. alliteration :: repetition of beginning sound in poetry

  112. allocate :: assign

  113. alloy :: a mixture as of metals

  114. allude :: refer indirectly

  115. allusion :: indirect reference

  116. alluvial :: pertaining to soil deposits left by rivers, etc.

  117. aloof :: apart; reserved

  118. altercation :: wordy quarrel

  119. altruism :: unselfish aid to others; generosity

  120. amalgamate :: combine; unite in one body

  121. amass :: collect

  122. amazon :: female warrior

  123. ambiguous :: doubtful in meaning

  124. amble :: move at an easy pace

  125. ambrosia :: food of the gods

  126. ambulatory :: able to walk

  127. ameliorate :: improve

  128. amenable :: readily managed; willing to be led

  129. amenities :: agreeable manners; courtesies

  130. amiable :: agreeable; lovable

  131. amicable :: friendly

  132. amnesia :: loss of memory

  133. amnesty :: pardon

  134. amoral :: nonmoral

  135. amorphous :: shapeless

  136. amortization :: act of reducing a debt through partial payments

  137. amphibian :: able to live both on land in water

  138. amphitheater :: oval building with tiers of seats

  139. ample :: abundant

  140. amplify :: enlarge

  141. amputate :: cut off part of body; prune

  142. amuck :: in a state of rage

  143. amulet :: charm; talisman

  144. anachronism :: an error involving time in a story

  145. analgesic :: causing insensitivity to pain

  146. analogous :: comparable

  147. analogy :: similarity; parallelism

  148. anarchy :: absence of governing body; state of disorder

  149. anathema :: solemn curse

  150. ancestors rather than to parents

  151. ancillary :: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary

  152. andirons :: metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs

  153. anemia :: condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles

  154. anesthetic :: substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness

  155. animadversion :: critical remark

  156. animated :: lively

  157. animosity :: active enmity

  158. animus :: hostile feeling or intent

  159. annals :: records; history

  160. anneal :: reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling

  161. annihilate :: destroy

  162. annotate :: comment; make explanatory notes

  163. annuity :: yearly allowance

  164. annul :: make void

  165. anomalous :: abnormal; irregular

  166. anomaly :: irregularity

  167. anonymous :: having no name

  168. antagonism :: active resistance

  169. antediluvian :: antiquated; ancient

  170. anthropoid :: manlike

  171. anthropologist :: a student of the history and science of mankind

  172. anthropomorphic :: having human form or characteristics

  173. anticlimax :: letdown in thought or emotion

  174. antipathy :: aversion; dislike

  175. antiseptic :: substance that prevents infection

  176. antithesis :: contrast; direct opposite of or to

  177. apathetic :: indifferent

  178. aperture :: opening; hole

  179. apex :: tip; summit; climax

  180. aphasia :: loss of speech due to injury

  181. aphorism :: pithy maxim

  182. apiary :: a place where bees are kept

  183. aplomb :: poise

  184. apocalyptic :: prophetic; pertaining to revelations

  185. apocryphal :: not genuine; sham

  186. apogee :: highest point

  187. apologue :: moral fable

  188. apostate :: one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs

  189. apothecary :: druggist

  190. apothegm :: pithy, compact saying

  191. apotheosis :: deification; glorification

  192. apparition :: ghost; phantom

  193. appease :: pacify; soothe

  194. appellation :: name; title

  195. append :: attach

  196. apposite :: appropriate; fitting

  197. appraise :: estimate value of

  198. apprehend :: arrest a criminal; dread; perceive

  199. apprehensive :: fearful; discerning

  200. apprise :: inform

  201. appurtenances :: subordinate possessions

  202. apropos :: with reference to; properly

  203. aptitude :: fitness; talent

  204. aquiline :: curved; hooked

  205. arable :: fit for plowing

  206. arbiter :: a person with power to decide a dispute; judge

  207. arbitrary :: fixed or decided; despotic

  208. arcade :: a covered passageway, usually lined with shops

  209. archaeology :: study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

  210. archaic :: antiquated

  211. archetype :: prototype; primitive pattern

  212. archipelago :: group of closely located islands

  213. archives :: public records; place where public records are kept

  214. ardor :: heat; passion; zeal

  215. arduous :: hard; strenuous

  216. argot :: slang

  217. aromatic :: fragrant

  218. arraign :: charge in court; indict

  219. arrant :: thorough; complete; unmitigated

  220. arrogance :: haughtiness

  221. arrogate :: claim without reasonable grounds

  222. arroyo :: gully

  223. artifacts :: products of primitive culture

  224. artifice :: deception; trickery

  225. artisan :: a manually skilled worker

  226. ascertain :: find out for certain

  227. ascetic :: practicing self-denial; austere

  228. asceticism :: doctrine of self-denial

  229. ascribe :: refer; attribute; assign

  230. aseptic :: preventing putrefaction or

  231. ashen :: ash-colored

  232. asinine :: stupid

  233. askance :: with a sideway or indirect look

  234. askew :: crookedly; slanted; at an angle

  235. asperity :: sharpness of temper

  236. aspersion :: slanderous remark

  237. aspirant :: seeker after position or status

  238. aspiration :: noble ambition

  239. assail :: assault

  240. assay :: analyze; evaluate

  241. asseverate :: make a positive

  242. assiduous :: diligent

  243. assimilate :: absorb; cause to become homogeneous

  244. assuage :: ease; lessen pain

  245. asteroid :: small planet

  246. astigmatism :: eye defect which prevents proper focus

  247. astral :: relating to the stars

  248. astringent :: binding; causing contraction

  249. astute :: wise; shrewd

  250. atavism :: resemblance to remote

  251. atelier :: workshop; studio

  252. atheistic :: denying the existence of God

  253. athwart :: across; in opposition

  254. atrocity :: brutal deed

  255. atrophy :: wasting away

  256. attenuate :: make thin; weaken

  257. attest :: testify; bear witness

  258. attribute :: essential quality

  259. attrition :: gradual wearing down

  260. atypical :: not normal

  261. audacity :: boldness

  262. audit :: examination of accounts

  263. augment :: increase

  264. augury :: omen; prophecy

  265. aureole :: sun's corona; halo

  266. auroral :: pertaining to the aurora borealis

  267. auscultation :: act of listening to the heart or lungs to discover abnormalities

  268. auspicious :: favoring success

  269. austere :: strict; stern

  270. austerity :: sternness; severity

  271. authenticate :: prove genuine

  272. autocrat :: monarch with supreme power

  273. automaton :: mechanism which imitates actions of humans

  274. autonomous :: self-governing

  275. autopsy :: examination of a dead body; postmortem

  276. auxiliary :: helper, additional or subsidiary

  277. avarice :: greediness for wealth

  278. avatar :: incarnation

  279. aver :: state confidently

  280. averse :: reluctant

  281. avid :: greedy; eager for

  282. avocation :: secondary or minor occupation

  283. avouch :: affirm; proclaim

  284. avow :: declare openly

  285. avuncular :: like an uncle

  286. awe :: solemn wonder

  287. awry :: distorted; crooked

  288. axiom :: self-evident truth requiring no proof

  289. azure :: sky blue


  1. babble :: chatter idly

  2. bacchanalian :: drunken

  3. badger :: pester; annoy

  4. baffle :: frustrate; perplex

  5. baleful :: deadly; destructive

  6. balk :: foil

  7. balmy :: mild; fragrant

  8. banal :: hackneyed; commonplace; trite

  9. bandanna :: large, bright-colored handkerchief

  10. baneful :: ruinous; poisonous

  11. bantering :: good-natured ridiculing

  12. barb :: sharp projection from fishhook, etc.

  13. baroque :: highly ornate

  14. barrage :: barrier laid down by artillery fire

  15. barrister :: counselor-at-law

  16. barterer :: trader

  17. bassoon :: reed instrument of the woodwind family

  18. bate :: let down; restrain

  19. batten :: grow fat; thrive upon others

  20. bauble :: trinket; trifle

  21. beatific :: giving bliss; blissful

  22. bedizen :: dress with vulgar finery

  23. bedraggle :: wet thoroughly

  24. beguile :: delude; cheat; amuse

  25. beholden :: obligated; indebted

  26. behoove :: suited to; incumbent upon

  27. belabor :: beat soundly; assail verbally

  28. belated :: delayed

  29. beleaguer :: besiege

  30. belittle :: disparage; depreciate

  31. bellicose :: warlike

  32. benediction :: blessing

  33. benefactor :: gift giver; patron

  34. beneficiary :: person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will

  35. benevolent :: generous; charitable

  36. benighted :: overcome by darkness

  37. benign :: kindly; favorable; not malignant

  38. benignity :: state of being kind, benign, gracious

  39. benison :: blessing

  40. berate :: scold strongly

  41. bereavement :: state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved

  42. bereft :: deprived of; lacking

  43. berserk :: frenzied

  44. besmirch :: soil; defile

  45. bestial :: beastlike; brutal

  46. bestow :: confer

  47. bete noire :: aversion; person or thing strongly disliked or avoided

  48. betroth :: become engaged to marry

  49. bicameral :: two-chambered, as a legislative body

  50. biennial :: every two years

  51. bifurcated :: divided into two branches; forked

  52. bigotry :: stubborn intolerance

  53. bilious :: suffering from indigestion; irritable

  54. billingsgate :: vituperation; abusive language

  55. bivouac :: temporary encampment

  56. bizarre :: fantastic; violently contrasting

  57. blanch :: bleach; whiten

  58. bland :: soothing; mild

  59. blandishment :: flattery

  60. blasé :: bored with pleasure or dissipation

  61. blasphemous :: profane; impious

  62. blatant :: loudly offensive

  63. blazon :: decorate with an heraldic coat of arms

  64. bleak :: cold; cheerless

  65. blighted :: suffering from a disease; destroyed

  66. blithe :: gay; joyous

  67. bloated :: swollen or puffed as with water or air

  68. blood poisoning by killing bacteria

  69. bludgeon :: club; heavy-headed weapon

  70. bode :: foreshadow; portend

  71. bogus :: counterfeit; not authentic

  72. boisterous :: violent; rough; noisy

  73. bolster :: support; prop up

  74. bombastic :: pompous; using inflated language

  75. boorish :: rude; clownish

  76. bootless :: useless

  77. bouillon :: clear beef soup

  78. bountiful :: generous; showing bounty

  79. bourgeois :: middle class

  80. bowdlerize :: expurgate

  81. brackish :: somewhat saline

  82. braggadocio :: boasting

  83. bravado :: swagger; assumed air of defiance

  84. brazen :: insolent

  85. brazier :: open pan in which live coals are burned

  86. breach :: breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap

  87. breviary :: book containing the daily prayers

  88. brevity :: conciseness

  89. brindled :: tawny or grayish with streaks or spots

  90. bristling :: rising like bristles; showing irritation

  91. broach :: open up

  92. brocade :: rich, figured fabric

  93. brochure :: pamphlet

  94. brooch :: ornamental clasp

  95. brusque :: blunt; abrupt

  96. bucolic :: rustic; pastoral

  97. buffoonery :: clowning

  98. bugaboo :: bugbear; object of baseless terror

  99. bullion :: gold and silver in the form of bars

  100. bulwark :: earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends

  101. bumptious :: self-assertive

  102. bungle :: spoil by clumsy behavior

  103. bureaucracy :: government by bureaus

  104. burgeon :: grow forth; send out buds

  105. burlesque :: give an imitation that ridicules

  106. burnish :: make shiny by rubbing; polish

  107. buskin :: thick-soled half boot worn by actors of Greek tragedy

  108. buttress :: support or prop

  109. buxom :: plump; vigorous; jolly


  1. cabal :: small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

  2. cache :: hiding place

  3. cacophony :: discord

  4. cadaver :: corpse

  5. cadaverous :: like a corpse; pale

  6. cajole :: coax; wheedle

  7. caliber :: ability; capacity

  8. calligraphy :: beautiful writing; excellent penmanship

  9. callous :: hardened; unfeeling

  10. callow :: unfledged; youthful

  11. calorific :: heat-producing

  12. calumniate :: slander

  13. calumny :: malicious misrepresentation; slander

  14. cameo :: shell or jewel carved in relief

  15. canard :: unfounded rumor;

  16. candor :: frankness

  17. canker :: any ulcerous sore; any evil

  18. canny :: shrewd; thrifty

  19. cant :: jargon of thieves; pious phraseology

  20. cantata :: story set to music, to be sung by a chorus

  21. canter :: slow gallop

  22. canto :: division of a long poem

  23. canvass :: determine votes, etc.

  24. capacious :: spacious

  25. caparison :: put showy ornamentation on a horse

  26. caparison :: showy harness or ornamentation for a horse

  27. capillary :: having a very fine bore

  28. capitulate :: surrender

  29. caprice :: whim

  30. capricious :: fickle; incalculable

  31. caption :: title; chapter heading; text under illustration

  32. captious :: faultfinding

  33. carafe :: glass water bottle; decanter

  34. carat :: unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold

  35. caricature :: distortion; burlesque

  36. carillon :: a set of bells capable of being played

  37. carmine :: rich red

  38. carnage :: destruction of life

  39. carnal :: fleshly

  40. carnivorous :: meat-eating

  41. carousal :: drunken revel

  42. carping :: finding fault

  43. carrion :: rotting flesh of a dead body

  44. carte blanche :: unlimited authority or freedom

  45. cartographer :: maker of maps or charts

  46. caryatid :: sculptured column of a female figure

  47. cascade :: small waterfall

  48. caste :: one of the hereditary classes in Hindu society

  49. castigate :: punish

  50. casualty :: serious or fatal accident

  51. casuistry :: subtle or sophisticated reasoning resulting in minute distinctions

  52. cataclysm :: deluge; upheaval

  53. catalyst :: agent which brings about a chemical change while it remains unchanged

  54. catapult :: slingshot; a hurling machine

  55. catastrophe :: calamity

  56. catechism :: book for religious instruction; instruction by question and answer

  57. cathartic :: purgative

  58. catholic :: broadly sympathetic; liberal

  59. caucus :: private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine

  60. caustic :: burning; sarcastically biting

  61. cauterize :: burn with hot iron or caustic

  62. cavalcade :: procession; parade

  63. cavil :: make frivolous objections

  64. cede :: transfer; yield title to

  65. celerity :: speed; rapidity

  66. celestial :: heavenly

  67. celibate :: unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse

  68. censor :: overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remark

  69. censure :: blame; criticize

  70. centaur :: mythical figure, half man and half horse

  71. centigrade :: measure of temperature used widely in Europe

  72. centrifugal :: radiating; departing from the center

  73. centripetal :: tending toward the center

  74. centurion :: Roman army officer

  75. cerebral :: pertaining to the brain of intellect

  76. cerebration :: thought

  77. cessation :: stopping

  78. cession :: yielding to another; ceding

  79. chafe :: warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing

  80. chaffing :: bantering; joking

  81. chagrin :: vexation; disappointment

  82. chalice :: goblet; consecrated cup

  83. chameleon :: lizard that changes color in different situations

  84. champ :: chew noisily

  85. chaotic :: in utter disorder

  86. charisma :: divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader

  87. charlatan :: quack; pretender to knowledge

  88. chary :: cautiously watchful

  89. chasm :: abyss

  90. chassis :: framework and working parts of an automobile

  91. chaste :: pure

  92. chastise :: punish

  93. chattel :: personal property

  94. chauvinist :: blindly devoted patriot

  95. checkered :: marked by changes in fortune

  96. chicanery :: trickery

  97. chide :: scold

  98. chimerical :: fantastic; highly imaginative

  99. chiromancy :: art of telling fortunes by reading the hand; palmistry

  100. chiropodist :: one who treats disorders of the feet

  101. choleric :: hot-tempered

  102. choreography :: art of dancing

  103. chronic :: long established as a disease

  104. churlish :: boorish; rude

  105. ciliated :: having minute hairs

  106. circlet :: small ring; band

  107. circuitous :: roundabout

  108. circumlocution :: indirect or roundabout expression

  109. circumscribe :: limit; confine

  110. circumspect :: prudent; cautious

  111. circumvent :: outwit; baffle

  112. citadel :: fortress

  113. cite :: quote; commend

  114. clairvoyant :: fortuneteller

  115. clairvoyant :: having foresight

  116. clamber :: climb by crawling

  117. clandestine :: secret

  118. clarion :: shrill trumpetlike sound

  119. claustrophobia :: fear of being locked in

  120. clavicle :: collarbone

  121. cleave :: split asunder

  122. cleft :: split

  123. clemency :: disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather

  124. cliché :: phrase dulled in meaning by repetition

  125. climactic :: relating to the highest point

  126. clique :: small exclusive group

  127. cloister :: monastery or convent

  128. coadjutor :: assistant; colleague

  129. coalesce :: combine; fuse

  130. cockade :: decoration worn on hat

  131. codicil :: supplement to the body of a will

  132. coerce :: force; repress

  133. cog :: tooth projecting from a wheel

  134. cogent :: convincing

  135. cogitate :: think over

  136. cognate :: allied by blood; of the same or kindred nature

  137. cognizance :: knowledge

  138. cognomen :: family name

  139. cohere :: stick together

  140. cohesion :: force which keeps parts together

  141. cohorts :: armed band

  142. coincident :: occurring at the same time

  143. colander :: utensil with perforated bottom used for straining

  144. collaborate :: work together

  145. collate :: examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order

  146. collateral :: security given for loan

  147. collation :: a light meal

  148. collier :: worker in coal mine; ship carrying coal

  149. colloquial :: pertaining to conversational or common speech

  150. colloquy :: informal discussion

  151. collusion :: conspiring in a fraudulent scheme

  152. colossal :: huge

  153. comatose :: in a coma; extremely sleepy

  154. combustible :: easily burned

  155. comely :: attractive; agreeable

  156. comestible :: something fit to be eaten

  157. comity :: courtesy; civility

  158. commandeer :: to draft for military

  159. commensurate :: equal in extent

  160. commiserate :: feel or express pity or sympathy for

  161. commodious :: spacious and comfortable

  162. compact :: agreement; contract

  163. compatible :: harmonious; in harmony with

  164. compendium :: brief comprehensive summary

  165. compilation :: listing of statistical

  166. complacent :: self-satisfied

  167. complaisant :: trying to please; obliging

  168. complement :: that which completes

  169. compliant :: yielding

  170. complicity :: participation; involvement

  171. comport :: bear one's self; behave

  172. compromise :: adjust; endanger the interests or reputation of

  173. compunction :: remorse

  174. compute :: reckon; calculate

  175. concatenate :: link as in a chain

  176. conceal the truth

  177. concentric :: having a common center

  178. conception :: beginning; forming of an idea

  179. conch :: large seashell

  180. conciliate :: pacify; win over

  181. concise :: brief and compact

  182. conclave :: private meeting

  183. concoct :: prepare by combining; make up in concert

  184. concomitant :: that which accompanies

  185. concordat :: agreement, usually between the papal authority and the secular

  186. concurrent :: happening at the same time

  187. condescend :: bestow courtesies with a superior air

  188. condign :: adequate; deservedly severe

  189. condiments :: seasonings; spices

  190. condole :: express sympathetic sorrow

  191. condone :: overlook; forgive

  192. conduit :: aqueduct; passageway for fluids

  193. confiscate :: seize; commandeer

  194. conformity :: harmony; agreement

  195. congeal :: freeze; coagulate

  196. congenital :: existing at birth

  197. conglomeration :: mass of material sticking together

  198. congruence :: correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship

  199. conifer :: pine tree; cone-bearing tree

  200. conjecture :: surmise; guess

  201. conjugal :: pertaining to marriage

  202. connivance :: pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance

  203. connoisseur :: person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an art

  204. connotation :: suggested or implied meaning of an expression

  205. connubial :: pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state

  206. consanguinity :: kinship

  207. consecrate :: dedicate; sanctify

  208. consensus :: general agreement

  209. consort :: associate with

  210. constraint :: compulsion; repression of feelings

  211. construe :: explain; interpret

  212. consummate :: complete

  213. contaminate :: pollute

  214. contemn :: regard with contempt; disregard

  215. contentious :: quarrelsome

  216. context :: writings preceding and following the passage quoted

  217. contiguous :: adjacent to; touching upon

  218. continence :: self-restraint; sexual chastity

  219. contingent :: conditional

  220. contortions :: twistings; distortions

  221. contraband :: illegal trade; smuggling

  222. contravene :: contradict; infringe on

  223. contrite :: penitent

  224. controvert :: oppose with arguments; contradict

  225. contumacious :: disobedient; resisting authority

  226. contumely :: scornful insolence; insult

  227. contusion :: bruise

  228. convene :: assemble

  229. conversant :: familiar with

  230. conveyance :: vehicle; transfer

  231. convivial :: festive; gay; characterized by joviality

  232. convoke :: call together

  233. convoluted :: coiled around; involved;intricate

  234. copious :: plentiful

  235. coquette :: flirt

  236. cordon :: extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress

  237. cormorant :: greedy, rapacious bird

  238. cornice :: projecting molding on building usually above columns

  239. corporeal :: bodily; material

  240. corpulent :: very fat

  241. correlation :: mutual relationship

  242. corroborate :: confirm

  243. corrosive :: eating away by chemicals or disease

  244. corsair :: pirate; pirate ship

  245. cortege :: procession

  246. coruscate :: glitter; scintillate

  247. cosmic :: pertaining to the universe; vast

  248. coterie :: group that meets socially; select circle

  249. countermand :: cancel; revoke

  250. counterpart :: a thing that completes another; things very much alike

  251. covenant :: agreement

  252. covert :: secret; hidden; implied

  253. covetous :: avaricious; eagerly desirous of

  254. cower :: shrink quivering, as from fear

  255. coy :: shy; modest; coquettish

  256. cozen :: cheat; hoodwink; swindle

  257. crabbed :: sour; peevish

  258. crass :: very unrefined; grossly insensible

  259. craven :: cowardly

  260. credence :: belief

  261. credo :: creed

  262. credulity :: belief on slight evidence

  263. creed :: system of religious or ethical belief

  264. crepuscular :: pertaining to twilight

  265. crescendo :: increase in the volume of sound in a musical passage

  266. crestfallen :: dejected; dispirited

  267. crevice :: crack; fissure

  268. criterion :: standard used in judging

  269. crone :: hag

  270. crotchety :: eccentric; whimsical

  271. cruet :: small glass bottle for vinegar, oil, etc.

  272. crux :: crucial point

  273. crypt :: secret recess or vault, usually used for burial

  274. cryptic :: mysterious; hidden; secret

  275. cubicle :: small chamber used for sleeping

  276. cuisine :: style of cooking

  277. cul-de-sac :: blind alley; trap

  278. culinary :: relating to cooking

  279. cull :: pick out; reject

  280. culmination :: attainment of highest point

  281. culpable :: deserving blame

  282. culvert :: artificial channel for water

  283. cupidity :: greed

  284. curator :: superintendent; manager

  285. curmudgeon :: churlish, miserly individual

  286. curry :: dress; treat leather; seek favor

  287. cursive :: flowing, running

  288. cursory :: casual; hastily done

  289. curtail :: shorten; reduce

  290. cynic :: one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives

  291. cynosure :: the object of general attention

CAT Questions for Practice

Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. authority
  2. cruel
  3. kind
  4. loyal


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. revenue
  2. income
  3. expenditure
  4. receivables


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. courage
  2. strength
  3. valour
  4. warrior


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. democracy
  2. voting
  3. monarchy
  4. dictatorship


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. Gold medalist
  2. Athlete
  3. Olympic Champion
  4. Record holder


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. Managers use their authority.
  2. Scientists use their logical abilities.
  3. Artists use their creative abilities
  4. Engineers use their technical skills.


Q.Each of these questions has four items. You are required to select that item which does not belong to the group

  1. Air travel is expensive.
  2. Most people travel to Australia by air.
  3. Businessmen travel a lot by air.
  4. Aeroplanes are expensive.


Each question has a pair of CAPITALIZED words followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair of words which best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair.


  1. rain : flood
  2. light : switch
  3. novel : author
  4. song : music



  1. pen : ink
  2. car : chassis
  3. cabin : log
  4. arm : body



  1. line : segment
  2. part : whole
  3. percent : fraction
  4. small : big



  1. grass : green
  2. child : family
  3. bald : hair
  4. horse : jockey



  1. rayon : silk
  2. plastic : rubber
  3. winter : spring
  4. cotton : terylene



  1. policeman : criminal
  2. dentist : drill
  3. politician : electorate
  4. teacher : ignorance



  1. zoology : animal
  2. stars : galaxy
  3. archeology : antiquity
  4. plants : botany



  1. sleep : weariness
  2. night : slumber
  3. dream : sleep
  4. thirst : drink



  1. knife : sword
  2. door : window
  3. mountain : molehill
  4. cannon : gun



  1. lime : cement
  2. highway : asphalt
  3. river : bridge
  4. vehicle : road


CAT Questions for practice

Q. In each of the three questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts and marked a, b, c and d. One of these parts contains a mistake in grammar, idiom or syntax. Identify that part and mark it as the answer.

  1. Pakistan was the team
  2. whom most people thought
  3. would win the World Cup
  4. held in 1987.


Q. In each of the three questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts and marked a, b, c and d. One of these parts contains a mistake in grammar, idiom or syntax. Identify that part and mark it as the answer.

  1. When you turn to your right,
  2. you will find a big house
  3. with a beautiful garden on the front side of it
  4. and that is my residence.


Q. In each of the three questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts and marked a, b, c and d. One of these parts contains a mistake in grammar, idiom or syntax. Identify that part and mark it as the answer.

  1. I have been postponing calling
  2. on my friend in the hospital
  3. but I am planning
  4. I would go there tomorrow.


Q. In each of the three questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts and marked a, b, c and d. One of these parts contains a mistake in grammar, idiom or syntax. Identify that part and mark it as the answer.

  1. I wondered who could be calling me at midnight
  2. and when I took the phone
  3. I found it was not other
  4. Than my fiancé from Paris.


Q. In each of the three questions, a sentence has been divided into four parts and marked a, b, c and d. One of these parts contains a mistake in grammar, idiom or syntax. Identify that part and mark it as the answer.

  1. I want you to take the first bus
  2. and to go to the Bank
  3. and remit this cheque and then
  4. come back straight here.


Q.Each of three friends knows whether the other two have passed or failed in an examination, but does not know his own result. The teacher comes and says, “At least one has failed”. If all three still does not know their own results which of the following is true?

  1. One student has failed.
  2. Two students have failed.
  3. Two or more students have failed
  4. All three have failed


Each question is a logical sequence of statements with a missing link, the location of which is shown parenthetically. From the four choices available you are required to choose the one which best fits the sequence logically.

Q.Many of us live one-eyed lives. We rely largely on the eye of the mind to form our images of reality. It is a mechanical world based on fact and reason. (_______). So today more and more of us are opening the other eye, the eye of the heart, looking for realities to which the mind’s eye is blind. This is a world warmed and transformed by the power of love, a vision of community beyond the mind’s capacity to see. Either eye alone is not enough. We need “wholesight”, a vision of the world in which mind and heart unite.

  1. It had led to unprecedented scientific growth and material well – being.
  2. In the nuclear age, our mind-made world has been found flawed and dangerous, even lethal,
  3. The question is irrelevant, whether or not they can be seen and reasoned.
  4. We have built our lives based on it because it seemed predictable and safe


Q.People arguing for a position have been known to cast the opposite in an unnecessarily feeble light. (______). People who indulge in this fallacy may be fearful or ignorant of a strong counter argument. Detecting this fallacy often depends on having already heard a better refutation, or having information with which to construct one

  1. Casting the opposite as weaker than it really is, is a very effective strategy.
  2. This portrayal of a refutation as weaker than it really is, is a sure way of proving your point
  3. Casting the opposite as weaker than it really is, is not a very effective strategy
  4. This portrayal of refutation as weaker than it really is, is unwarranted


Q.The question of what rights animals should enjoy is a vexatious one. Hundreds of millions of animals are put to death for human use each year. Contrariwise, it can be argued that slowing down scientific research would retard discovery of antidotes to diseases such as cancer which kill humans and animals alike. (_________). What if super intelligent beings from Alpha Centauri landed on earth and decided to use us for their experiments, arguing that they could save far more of their and our lives by so doing?

  1. It will benefit both in the long run.
  2. Is the argument truly fair to animals
  3. But the progress of human civilization cannot be made contingent on some hypothetical rights of animals
  4. There is no question of equating human rights with those of animals.


Q.A deliberation is a form of discussion in which two people begin on different sides of an issue. (_______) Then each decides, in the light of the other argument whether to adopt the other position, to change his or her position somewhat, or to maintain the same position. Both sides realize that to modify one’s position is not to lose; the point is to get closer to the truth of the matter.

  1. Each person argues his or her position most sincerely.
  2. The prerequisite for deliberation to be productive is that persons involved must keep an open mind.
  3. The purpose is to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of both parties.
  4. The trick is to state your viewpoint from a position of strength


Each of these questions has a pair of CAPITALIZED words followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair of words which best expresses the relationship similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair.


  1. Dalda : Rath
  2. Aircraft : Flying Machine
  3. Shoes : Reebok
  4. Sports car : Automobiles



  1. Book : Critic
  2. Art : Connoisseur
  3. Sports : Fans
  4. Craft : Skill



  1. Black : White
  2. Yellow : Orange
  3. Red : Maroon
  4. Red : Indigo



  1. Poverty : Plenty
  2. Drip : Fluid
  3. Camera : Film
  4. Training : Skill



  1. Nitty : Gritty
  2. Bare : Feet
  3. Naked : Clothes
  4. Hard : Soft



  1. Sweet : Sugar
  2. Cow : Bovine
  3. Bitter : Sour
  4. Taste : Flavor



  1. Order : Chaos
  2. Bare : Clothed
  3. Hope : Surprise
  4. Proper : Improper



  1. Lawyer : Judge
  2. Court : Room
  3. Accused : Defendant
  4. Homicide : Penalty



  1. Nimbus : Cloud
  2. Instrument : Calibration
  3. Aircraft : Jet
  4. Climate : Rain



  1. Split : Apart
  2. Marriage : Divorce
  3. Fission : Fusion
  4. Chasm : Gap


CAT Problems

Q.Each of the following questions has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.

  1. Invoice
  2. Sales Tax
  3. Octroi
  4. Quotation


Q.Each of the following questions has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.

  1. Equestrian
  2. Neigh
  3. Derby
  4. Bark


Q.Each of the following questions has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.

  1. Apt
  2. Relevant
  3. Appropriate
  4. Adept


Q.Each of the following questions has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.

  1. Ring
  2. Shoulder
  3. Finger
  4. Write


Q.Each of the following questions has four items. Mark the one that does not belong to this group.

  1. Abstract
  2. Conceptual
  3. Material
  4. Idealist


Find the Error

Q.Each question is a sentence broken into four parts. Select that part which has an error.

  1. You did not wait
  2. for us before you
  3. went to meet him.
  4. Isn’t it?


Q.Each question is a sentence broken into four parts. Select that part which has an error.

  1. The police have prevented
  2. Rajan in leaving the
  3. city without informing them
  4. two days in advance.


Q.Each question is a sentence broken into four parts. Select that part which has an error.

  1. I would have
  2. given you the
  3. documents yesterday if
  4. you had asked for it.


Q.Each question is a sentence broken into four parts. Select that part which has an error.

  1. Who have you
  2. invited for the lecture
  3. on astrophysics
  4. this evening?


In each of the following questions, four sentences are given between the sentences numbered 1 and 6. You are required to arrange the four sentences so that all six together make a logical paragraph.

Q.1. It doesn't take a highly esteemed medical expert to conclude that women handle pain better than men.
A. First the men would give birth, and then take six months to recover.
B. As for labour pains, the human species would become extinct if men had to give birth.
C. They do, however, make life hell for everyone else with their non-stop complaining about how bad they feel.
D. The men in my life, including my husband and my father, would not take a Tylenol for pain even if their lives depends on it.
6. And by the time they finish sharing their excruciating experience with their buddies, all reproduction would come to a halt.

  1. ABDC
  2. DCBA
  3. CDBA
  4. BACD


Q.1. A few years ago, hostility towards Japanese-Americans was so strong that I thought they were going to reopen the detention camps here in Kolkata.
A. Today Asians are a success story.
B. I cannot help making a comparison to the anti-Jewish sentiment in Nazi Germany when Jewish people were successful in business.
C. But do people applaud President Clinton for improving foreign trade with Asia?
D. Now, talk about the ‘Arkansas-Asia Connection’ is broadening that hatred to include all Asian- Americans.
6. No, blinded by jealousy, they complain that it is the Asian-Americans who are reaping the wealth.

  1. DBAC
  2. ABDC
  3. DABC
  4. ACBD


Q.1. Michael Jackson, clearly no admirer of long engagements, got married abruptly for the second time in three years.
A. The latest wedding took place in a secret midnight ceremony in Sydney, Australia.
B. It is also the second marriage for the new missus, about whom little is known.
C. The wedding was attended by the groom's entourage and staff, according to Jackson's publicist.
D. The bride, 37-year-old Debbie Rowe, who is carrying Jackson's baby, wore white.
6. All that is known is that she is a nurse for Jackson's dermatologist.

  1. ACDB
  2. BDCA
  3. DABC
  4. CDBA


Q.1. Liz Taylor isn't just unlucky in love.
A. She, and husband Larry Fortensky, will have to pay the tab — $4,32,600 in court costs.
B. The duo claimed that a 1993 story about a property dispute damaged their reputations.
C. Taylor has just filed a defamation suit against the National Enquirer.
D. She is unlucky in law too.
6. Alas, all levels of the California court system disagreed.

  1. CDAB
  2. DCAB
  3. DABC
  4. CDBA


Q.1. Hiss was serving as Head of the Endowment on August 3, 1948, when Whittaker Chambers reluctantly appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee.
A. Chambers, a portly rumpled man with a melodramatic style, had been a Communist courier but had broken with the party in 1938.
B. When Nixon arranged a meeting of the two men in New York, Chambers repeated his charges and Hiss his denials.
C. Summoned as a witness, Hiss denied that he had ever been a Communist or had known Chambers.
D. He told the Committee that among the members of a secret Communist cell in Washington during the 1930s was Hiss.
6. Then, bizarrely, Hiss asked Chambers to open his mouth.

  1. CBAD
  2. ADBC
  3. ADCB
  4. ACDB


Q.1. Since its birth, rock has produced a long string of guitar heroes.
A. It is a list that would begin with Chuck Berry and continue with Hendrix, Page and Clapton.
B. These are musicians celebrated for their sheer instrumental talent, and their flair for expansive, showy and sometimes self-indulgent solos.
C. It would also include players of more recent vintage, like Van-Halen and Living Colour's Vemon Rei(d)
D. But with the advent of alternative rock and grunge, guitar heroism became uncool.
6. Guitarists like Peter Buck and Kurt Cobain shy away from exhibitionism.

  1. ACBD
  2. ABCD
  3. BCAD
  4. BADC


Q.1. For many scientists, oceans are the cradle of life.
A. But all over the world, chemical products and nuclear waste continue to be dumped into them.
B. Coral reefs, which are known to be the most beautiful places of the submarine world, are fast disappearing.
C. The result is that many species of fish die because of this pollution.
D. Of course man is the root cause behind these problems.
6. Man has long since ruined the places he visits — continents and oceans alike.

  1. ACBD
  2. BACD
  3. ABDC
  4. BCAD


Q.1. Am I one of the people who are worried that Bill Clinton's second term might be destroyed by the constitutional crisis?
A. On the other hands, ordinary citizens have put the campaign behind them.
B. In other words, what worries me is that Bill Clinton could exhibit a version of what George Bush used to refer to as Big Mo.
C. That is, he might have so much campaign momentum that he may not be able to stop campaigning.
D. Well, it's true that I've been wondering whether a President could be impeached for refusing to stop talking about the bridge we need to build to the 21st century.
6. They now prefer to watch their favourite soaps and ads on TV rather than senators.

  1. DBCA
  2. ABDC
  3. BACD
  4. CBDA


Q.1. So how big is the potential market?
A. But they end up spending thousands more each year on hardware overhaul and software upgradation.
B. Analysts say the new machines will appeal primarily to corporate users.
C. An individual buyer can pick up a desktop computer for less than $2,000 in America.
D. For them, the NCs best-drawing card is its promise of much lower maintenance costs.
6. NCs, which automatically load the latest version of whatever software they need could put an end to all that.

  1. BCAD
  2. DABC
  3. BDCA
  4. DCAB


Q.1. Historically, stained glass was almost entirely reserved for ecclesiastical spaces.
A. By all counts, he has accomplished that mission with unmistakable style.
B. "It is my mission to bring it kicking and screaming out of that milieu," says Clarke.
C. The first was the jewel-like windows he designed for a Cistercian Church in Switzerland.
D. Two recent projects show his genius in the separate worlds of the sacred and the mundane.
6. The second was a spectacular, huge skylight in a shopping complex in Brazil.

  1. CBAD
  2. BADC
  3. ABDC
  4. DBAC


Find the odd word

Q.Find the odd word out from each of the following sets of four word.

  1. Impetuosity
  2. Equanimity
  3. Zealousness
  4. Effervescence


Q.Find the odd word out from each of the following sets of four word.

  1. Drip
  2. Intrusion
  3. Percolation
  4. Effluence


Q.Find the odd word out from each of the following sets of four word.

  1. Duplicity
  2. Guilelessness
  3. Artfulness
  4. Shrewdness


Q.Find the odd word out from each of the following sets of four word.

  1. Taxi
  2. Cruiser
  3. Amble
  4. Cab


Q.Find the odd word out from each of the following sets of four word.

  1. Hiatus
  2. Break
  3. Pause
  4. End


In each of the following questions a pair of capitalised words is followed by four pair of words. You are required to mark as the answer the pair of words which have a relationship between them most similar to the relationship between the capitalised pair.

Q.Liquid : Gaseousness

  1. Serum : Fume
  2. Humid : Arid
  3. Thaw : Distil
  4. Smoke : Cloud


Q.Fission : Fusion

  1. Implosion : Explosion
  2. Separation : Combination
  3. Intrusion : Extrusion
  4. Enemy : Friend


Q.Doubt : Faith

  1. Atheist : Religion
  2. Sceptic : Pious
  3. Iconoclast : Idol
  4. Apostate : State


Q.Brick : Building

  1. Word : Dictionary
  2. Alphabet : Letter
  3. Platoon : Soldier
  4. Idiom : Language


Q.Dulcet : Raucous

  1. Sweet : Song
  2. Crazy : Insane
  3. Palliative : Exacerbating
  4. Theory : Practical


Q.Action : Reaction

  1. Introvert : Extrovert
  2. Assail : Defend
  3. Diseased : Treatment
  4. Death : Rebirth


Q.Malapropism : Words

  1. Anachronism : Time
  2. Ellipsis : Sentence
  3. Jinjanthropism : Apes
  4. Catechism : Religion


Q.Anterior : Posterior

  1. In : Out
  2. Top : Bottom
  3. Head : Tail
  4. Front : Rear


In each of the following questions, a part of a sentence is left blank. Choose from among the four options given below each question, the one which would best fill the blanks.

Q.When we call others dogmatic, what we really object to is ___.

  1. their giving the dog a bad name
  2. their holding dogmas that are different from our own
  3. the extremism that goes along with it
  4. the subversion of whatever they actually believe in concomitantly


Q.I am an entertainer ___, I have to keep smiling because in my heart laughter and sorrow have an affinity.

  1. Even if I have tears in my eyes
  2. Even though I am depressed inside
  3. While entertaining people
  4. In the entertainment business


Q.The stock markets ___. The state they are in right now speaks volumes about this fact.

  1. is the barometer of public confidence
  2. are the best indicators of public sentiment
  3. are used to trade in expensive shares
  4. are not used to taking stock of all markets


Q.Political power is just as permanent as today's newspaper. Ten years down the line, ___ the most powerful man in any state today.

  1. who cares
  2. nobody will remember what was written in today's newspaper or
  3. few will know, or care about
  4. when a lot of water will have passed under the bridge, who will care


Q.___, the more they remain the same.

  1. People all over the world change
  2. The more people change
  3. The more they are different
  4. The less people change


Q.Although, it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, ___ refuse to go away from the mind

  1. the haunting images
  2. its haunting images
  3. its haunted images
  4. the haunt of its images.


In each of the following questions, a part of the paragraph or sentences has been underlined. From the choices given to you, you are required to choose the one which would best replace the underlined part.

Q.The Romanians may be restive under Soviet direction — but they are tied to Moscow by ideological and military links.

  1. they are tied to Moscow by ideological and military links
  2. they are preparing for a great revolution
  3. secretly they rather enjoy the prestige of being protected by the mighty Soviets
  4. there is nothing they can do about it


Q.In a penetrating study, CBS-TV focuses on these people without hope, whose bodies are cared for by welfare aid, but whose spirit is often neglected by a disinterested society.

  1. whose bodies are cared for by welfare aid
  2. who do not have enough to eat
  3. whose hopelessness may be alleviated
  4. who may be physically satiated


Q.Contemplating whether to exist with an insatiable romantic temperament, he was the author and largely the subject of a number of memorable novels.

  1. Contemplating whether to exist
  2. Combining realistic details
  3. Miscegenating a brilliant mind
  4. Aware that he had been born


Q.How many times have I asked myself: when is the world going to start to make sense? There is a monster out there, and it is rushing towards me over the uneven ground of consciousness.

  1. There is a monster out there
  2. It is as if the world is on my shoulders
  3. The answer is out there somewhere
  4. There is a sea of sensibility in me


Q.In Martin Amis' new novel, the narrator is trapped — and hurtling towards a terrible secret, its resolution and the dreadful revelations it brings, ally to give an excruciating vision of guilt.

  1. ally to give an excruciating vision of guilt
  2. to us give a vivid picture of guilt
  3. is a painful picture of a guilt ridden world
  4. does not really solve all the questions in the narrator's mind


Q.Victory is everything in the Indian universe and Tendulkar will be expected to translate his genius to that effect. To contemplate any other option is to contemplate the risk of failure.

  1. To contemplate any other option is to contemplate the risk of failure.
  2. Failure is not an action that can be contemplated.
  3. Any other action has the potential of failure.
  4. Failure is not an option


CAT - 1996 - Given below are six statements followed by sets of three. You are to mark the option in which the statements are most logically related.

Q.1. Some pins are made of tin
2. All tin is made of copper
3. All copper is used for pins
4. Some tin is copper
5. Some pins are used for tin
6. Some copper is used for tin

  1. 123
  2. 356
  3. 341
  4. 125


Q.1. An ostrich lays eggs
2. All birds lay eggs
3. Some birds can fly
4. An ostrich cannot fly
5. An ostrich is a bird
6. An ostrich cannot swim

  1. 251
  2. 125
  3. 453
  4. 532


Q.1. Some paper is wood
2. All wood is good
3. All that is good is wood
4. All wood is paper
5. All paper is good
6. Some paper is good

  1. 254
  2. 246
  3. 612
  4. 621


Q.1. All bricks are tricks
2. Some tricks are shrieks
3. Some that are shrieks are bricks
4. Some tricks are not bricks
5. All tricks are shrieks
6. No tricks are shrieks

  1. 513
  2. 234
  3. 123
  4. 543


Q.1. Some sand is band
2. All sandal is band
3. All band is sandal
4. No sand is sandal
5. No band is sand
6. Some band is sandal

  1. 231
  2. 165
  3. 453
  4. 354


Q.1. No wife is a life
2. All life is strife
3. Some wife is strife
4. All that is wife is life
5. All wife is strife
6. No wife is strife

  1. 256
  2. 632
  3. 126
  4. 245


Q.1. Some crows are flies
2. Some flies are mosquitoes
3. All mosquitoes are flies
4. Some owls are flies
5. All owls are mosquitoes
6. Some mosquitoes are not owls

  1. 123
  2. 356
  3. 145
  4. 542


Q.1. Six is five
2. Five is not four
3. Some five is ten
4. Some six is twelve
5. Some twelve is five
6. Some ten is four

  1. 145
  2. 123
  3. 156
  4. 543


Q.1. Poor girls want to marry rich boys
2. Rich girls want to marry rich boys
3. Poor girls want to marry rich girls
4. Rich boys want to marry rich girls
5. Poor girls want to marry rich girls
6. Rich boys want to marry poor girls

  1. 145
  2. 123
  3. 234
  4. 456


CAT - Paragraph forming questions

Q.A. Still, Sophie might need an open heart surgery later in life and now be more prone to respiratory infections.
B. But with the news that his infant daughter Sophie has a hole in her heart, he appears quite vulnerable.
C. While the condition sounds bad, it is not life threatening, and frequently corrects itself.
D. Sylvester Stallone has made millions and built a thriving career out of looking invincible.

  1. DCAB
  2. DBAC
  3. DBCA
  4. DCBA


Q.A. However, the severed head could not grow back if fire could be applied instantly to the amputated part.
B. To get rid of this monstrosity was truly a Herculean task, for as soon as one head was cut off, two new ones replaced it.
C. Hercules accomplished this labour with the aid of an assistant who cauterized the necks as fast as Hercules cut off the heads!
D. One of the twelve labours of Hercules was the killing of hydra, a water monster with nine heads.

  1. DCBA
  2. ABCD
  3. DBAC
  4. BDCA


Q.A. That Hollywood is a man's world is certainly true, but it is not the whole truth.
B. Even Renaissance film actress, Jodie Foster, who hosts this compendium of movie history, confesses surprise at this.
C. She says that she had no idea that women were so active in the industry even in those days.
D. During the silent era, for example, female scriptwriters outnumbered males 10 to 1.

  1. ADBC
  2. ABDC
  3. DCAB
  4. ABCD


Q.A. Its business decisions are made on the timely and accurate flow of information.
B. It has 1,700 employees in 13 branch and representative offices across the Asia-Pacific region.
C. For employees to maintain a competitive edge in a fast-moving field, they must have quick access to JP Morgan's proprietary trade related data.
D. JP Morgan's is one of the largest banking institutions in the US and a premier international trading firm.

  1. DBAC
  2. DCBA
  3. CDAB
  4. DCAB


Q.A. The Saheli Programme, run by the US Cross-Cultural Solutions, is offering a three week tour of India that involves a lot more than frenzied sightseeing.
B. Participants interested in women's issues will learn about arranged marriages, dowry and infanticide.
C. Holiday packages include all sorts of topics, but female infanticide must be the first for tourism.
D. Interspersed with these talks and meetings are visits to cities like New Delhi and Agra, home to the Taj Mahal.

  1. ACBD
  2. CDBA
  3. ADBC
  4. CABD


Q.A. Something magical is happening to our planet.
B. Some are calling it a paradigm shift.
C. Its getting smaller.
D. Others call it business transformation.

  1. ABDC
  2. ACDB
  3. ABCD
  4. ACBD


In each of the following questions, a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words or phrases. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair.

Q.Peel : Peal

  1. Coat : Rind

  2. Laugh : Bell

  3. Rain : Reign

  4. Brain : Cranium


Q.Doggerel : Poet

  1. Symphony : Composer

  2. Prediction : Astrologer

  3. Wine : Vintner

  4. Pulp fiction : Novelist


Q.Premise : Conclusion

  1. Assumption : Inference

  2. Hypothesis : Theory

  3. Knowledge : Ideas

  4. Brand : Marketing


Q.Barge : Vessel

  1. Shovel : Implement

  2. Book : Anthology

  3. Rim : Edge

  4. Training : Preparation


Q.Love : Obsession

  1. Happiness : Joy

  2. Amity : Harmony

  3. Enemy : Hatred

  4. Sorrow : Misery


Q.Reptile : Adder

  1. Skeleton : Flesh

  2. Method : System

  3. Plant : Genus

  4. Dinosaur : Tyrannosaurus


Each of the following questions contains six statements followed by four sets of combinations of three. You have to choose that set in which the third statement logically follows from the first two.

Q.A. No bird is viviparous. B. All mammals are viviparous.
C. Bats are viviparous. D. No bat is a bird.
E. No bird is a mammal. F. All bats are mammals.

  1. ADC

  2. ABE

  3. FBA

  4. AFC


Q.A. No mother is a nurse. B. Some nurses like to work.
C. No woman is a prude. D. Some prude are nurses.
E. Some nurses are women. F. All women like to work.

  1. ABE

  2. CED

  3. FEB

  4. BEF


Q.A. Oranges are sweet. B. All oranges are apples.
C. Some sweet are apples. D. Some oranges are apples.
E. All sweet are sour. F. Some apples are sour.

  1. DAC

  2. CDA

  3. BCA

  4. FEC


Q.A. Zens are Marutis. B. Zens are fragile.
C. Marutis are fragile. D. Opels are fragile.
E. Marutis are Opels. F. Opels are stable.

  1. ACB

  2. EFD

  3. CEA

  4. ABC


Q.A. Dogs sleep in the open. B. Sheep sleep indoors.
C. Dogs are like sheep. D. All indoors are sheep.
E. Some dogs are not sheep. F. Some open are not sheep.

  1. AFE

  2. DCA

  3. ABE

  4. FBD


In each of the following sentences, the main statement is followed by four sentences each. Select a pair of sentences that relate logically to the given statement.

Q.Either Sam is ill, or he is drunk.
A. Sam is ill. B. Sam is not ill.
C. Sam is drunk. D. Sam is not drunk.

  1. AB

  2. DA

  3. AC

  4. CD


Q.Whenever Ram hears of a tragedy, he loses sleep.
A. Ram heard of a tragedy. B. Ram did not hear of a tragedy.
C. Ram lost sleep. D. Ram did not lose sleep.

  1. CA

  2. BD

  3. DB

  4. AD


Q.Either the train is late, or it has derailed.
A. The train is late. B. The train is not late.
C. The train is derailed. D. The train is not derailed.

  1. AB

  2. DB

  3. CA

  4. BC


Q.When I read a horror story I have a nightmare.
A. I read a story. B. I did not read a horror story.
C. I did not have a nightmare. D. I had a nightmare.

  1. CB

  2. AD

  3. BC

  4. AC


Q.When I eat berries I get rashes.
A. I ate berries. B. I did not get rashes.
C. I did not eat berries. D. I got rashes.

  1. DA

  2. BC

  3. CB

  4. None of these


In each of the following questions, a part of the paragraph or sentence has been underlined. From the choices given, you are required to choose the one, which would best replace the underlined part

Q.This government has given subsidies to the Navratnas but there is no telling whether the subsequent one will do.

  1. whether the subsequent government will do so

  2. if the government to follow will accept the policy

  3. if the government to follow will adhere to the policy

  4. whether the subsequent one will do so


Q.Rahul Bajaj has done a great job of taking the company to its present status, but it is time that he let go off the reins

  1. let go of the reins

  2. stepped down

  3. let go off the reins

  4. delegated responsibility


Q.With the pick up in the standard of education, expensive private schools have started blooming up in every corner of the country.

  1. started blooming in every corner of the country

  2. started mushrooming all over the country

  3. started mushrooming in every corner of the country

  4. blossomed all over the country


Q.It is important that whatever else happens, these two factors should not be messed around with.

  1. It is important that

  2. It is a fact that

  3. It should be urgently understood that

  4. It should be understood that


Q.It must be noticed that under no circumstance should the company go in for diversification

  1. It must be noticed

  2. It must be noted

  3. It must be pointed out

  4. It should be noticed


In each of the following questions, a part of a sentence has been left blank. Select from among the four options given below each question, the one which would best fill in the blank.

Q.An act of justice closes the book on a misdeed; an act of vengeance ___.

  1. is reprehensible

  2. is sordid

  3. reopens the first chapter

  4. writes an epilogue


Q.This is about ___ a sociological analysis can penetrate.

  1. as far as

  2. the outer limits that

  3. just how far into the subject

  4. just the relative distance that


Q.I am always the first to admit that I have not accomplished everything that I ___ achieve five years ago.

  1. set out to

  2. went to

  3. thought to

  4. thought of


Q.This is not the first time that the management has done some ___.

  1. tough talk

  2. tough talking

  3. firm talk

  4. firm talking


Q.In India the talent is prodigious, and it increases ___.

  1. each year

  2. year by year

  3. annually

  4. progressively


Q.The present constitution will see ___ amendments but its basic structure will survive.

  1. much more

  2. many more

  3. too many more

  4. quite a few more


Q.Taking risks, breaking the rules, and being a maverick have always been important for companies, but, today, they are ___.

  1. more crucial than ever

  2. more crucial

  3. much more crucial

  4. very crucial


Q.Education is central because electronic networks and software-driven technologies are beginning to ___ the economic barriers between nations.

  1. break down

  2. break

  3. crumble

  4. dismantle


Arrange sentences A, B, C and D between sentences 1 and 6, so as to form a logical sequence of six sentences.

Q.1. Whenever technology has flowered, it has put man's language — developing skills into overdrive.
A. Technical terms are spilling into mainstream language almost as fast as junk — mail is slapped into e-mail boxes.
B. The era of computers is no less.
C. From the wheel with its axle to the spinning wheel with its bobbins, to the compact disc and its jewel box, inventions have trailed new words in their wake.
D. "Cyberslang is huge, but it's parochial, and we don't know what will filter into the large culture," said Tom Dalzell, who wrote the slang dictionary Flappers 2 Rappers.
6. Some slangs already have a pedigree.

  1. BCAD

  2. CBAD

  3. ABCD

  4. DBCA


Q.1. Until the MBA arrived on the scene the IIT graduate was king.
A. A degree from one of the five IITs was a passport to a well-paying job, great prospects abroad and, for some, a decent dowry to boot.
B. From the day he or she cracked the Joint Entrance Examination, the IIT student commanded the awe of neighbours and close relatives.
C. IIT students had, meanwhile, also developed their own special culture, complete with lingo and attitude, which they passed down.
D. True, the success stories of IIT graduates are legion and they now constitute the cream of the Indian diaspora.
6. But not many alumni would agree that the IIT undergraduate mindset merits a serious psychological study, let alone an interactive one.

  1. BACD

  2. ADCB

  3. BADC

  4. ABCD


Q.1. Some of the maharajas, like the one at Kapurthala, had exquisite taste.
A. In 1902, the Maharaja of Kapurthala gave his civil engineer photographs of the Versailles Palace and asked him to replicate it, right down to the gargoyles.
B. Yeshwantrao Holkar of Indore brought in Bauhaus aesthetics and even works of modern artists like Brancusi and Duchamp.
C. Kitsch is the most polite way to describe them.
D. But many of them, as the available light photographs show, had execrable taste.
6. Like Ali Baba's caves, some of the palaces were like warehouses with the downright ugly next to the sublimely aesthetic.

  1. BACD

  2. BDCA

  3. ABCD

  4. ABDC


Q.1. There, in Europe, his true gifts unveiled.
A. Playing with Don Cherie, blending Indian music and jazz for the first time, he began setting the pace in the late 70s for much of what present — day fusion is.
B. John McLaughlin, the legendary guitarist whose soul has always had an Indian stamp on it, was seduced immediately.
C. Fusion by Gurtu had begun.
D. He partnered Gurtu for four years, and 'natured' him as a composer.
6. But for every experimental musician there's a critic nestling nearby.

  1. ABCD

  2. BCAD

  3. ADBC

  4. ABDC


Q.1. India, which has two out of every five TB patients in the world, is on the brink of a major public health disaster.
A. If untreated, a TB patient can die within five years.
B. Unlike AIDS, the great curse of modern sexuality, the TB germ is airborne, which means there are no barriers to its spread.
C. The dreaded infection ranks fourth among major killers worldwide.
D. Every minute, a patient falls prey to the infection in India, which means that over five lakh people die of the disease annually.
6. Anyone, anywhere can be affected by this disease.

  1. CADB

  2. BACD

  3. ABCD

  4. DBAC


Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D in a proper sequence so as to make a coherent paragraph

Q.A. It begins with an ordinary fever and a moderate cough.
B. India could be under attack from a class of germs that cause what are called atypical pneumonias.
C. Slowly, a sore throat progresses to bronchitis and then pneumonia and respiratory complications.
D. It appears like the ordinary flu, but baffled doctors find that the usual drugs don't work.

  1. ABCD

  2. BDAC

  3. ADCB

  4. BCDA


Q.A. Chemists mostly don't stock it: only a few government hospitals do but in limited quantities.
B. Delhi's building boom is creating a bizarre problem: snakes are increasingly biting people as they emerge from their disturbed underground homes.
C. There isn't enough anti-snake serum, largely because there is no centralised agency that distributes the product.
D. If things don't improve, more people could face paralysis, and even death.

  1. BCAD

  2. DBCA

  3. ABCD

  4. CABD


Q.A. But the last decade has witnessed greater voting and political participation by various privileged sections.
B. If one goes by the earlier record of mid-term elections, it is likely that the turnout in 1998 will drop by anything between four and six percentage points over the already low polling of 58 per cent in 1996.
C. If this trend offsets the mid-term poll fatigue, the fall may not be so steep.
D. Notwithstanding a good deal of speculation on this issue, it is still not clear as to who benefits from a lower turnout.

  1. BACD

  2. ABCD

  3. DBAC

  4. CBDA


Q.A. After several routine elections there comes a 'critical' election which redefines the basic pattern of political loyalties, redraws political geography and opens up political space.
B. In psephological jargon, they call it realignment.
C. Rather, since 1989, there have been a series of semi-critical elections.
D. On a strict definition, none of the recent Indian elections qualifies as a critical election.

  1. ABCD

  2. ABDC

  3. DBAC

  4. DCBA


Q.A. Trivial pursuits marketed by the Congress, is a game imported from Italy.
B. The idea is to create an imaginary saviour in times of crisis so that the party doesn't fall flat on its collective face.
C. Closest contenders are Mani Shankar Aiyar, who still hears His Master's Voice and V. George, who is frustrated by the fact that his political future remains Sonia and yet so far.
D. The current champion is Arjun for whom all roads lead to Rome, or in this case, 10 Janpath.

  1. ABDC

  2. ABCD

  3. DCBA

  4. CDBA


Q.A. Good advertising can make people buy your products even if it sucks.
B. A dollar spent on brainwashing is more cost-effective than a dollar spent on product improvement.
C. That's important because it takes pressure off you to make good products.
D. Obviously, there's a minimum quality that every product has to achieve: it should be able to withstand the shipping process without becoming unrecognizable.

  1. BACD

  2. ACBD

  3. ADCB

  4. BCDA


Q.A. Almost a century ago, when the father of the modern automobile industry, Henry Ford, sold the first Model T car, he decided that only the best would do for his customers.
B. Today, it is committed to delivering the finest quality with over six million vehicles a year in over 200 countries across the world.
C. And for over 90 years, this philosophy has endured in the Ford Motor Company.
D. Thus, a vehicle is ready for the customer only if it passes the Ford 'Zero Defect Programme'.

  1. ABCD

  2. ACDB

  3. ACBD

  4. CDAB


Q.A. But, clearly, the government still has the final say.
B. In the past few years, the Reserve Bank of India might have wrested considerable powers from the government when it comes to monetary policy.
C. The RBI's announcements on certain issues become effective only after the government notifies them.
D. Isn't it time the government vested the RBI with powers to sanction such changes, leaving their ratification for later?

  1. ACDB

  2. ACBD

  3. BACD

  4. DACB


Q.A. I sat there frowning at the checkered tablecloth, chewing the bitter cud of insight.
B. That wintry afternoon in Manhattan, waiting in the little French restaurant, I was feeling frustrated and depressed.
C. Even the prospect of seeing a dear friend failed to cheer me as it usually did.
D. Because of certain miscalculations on my part, a project of considerable importance in my life had fallen through.

  1. ADBC

  2. BCDA

  3. BDCA

  4. ABCD


Q.A. Perhaps the best known is the Bay Area Writing Project, founded by James Gray in 1974.
B. The decline in writing skills can be stopped.
C. Today's back-to-basics movement has already forced some schools to place renewed emphasis on writing skills.
D. Although the inability of some teachers to teach writing successfully remains a big stumbling block, a number of programmes have been developed to attack this problem.

  1. BCDA

  2. ADCB

  3. ACBD

  4. CABD


Read and Answer

Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Keen

  2. Kin

  3. Enthusiastic

  4. Willing


Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Adept

  2. Adapt

  3. Skilful

  4. Proficient


Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Ring

  2. Round

  3. Bell

  4. Circle


Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Computer

  2. Internet

  3. Grid

  4. Network


Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Suffer

  2. Endure

  3. Bear

  4. Withstand


Q.In the following questions, a set of four words has been given. Three of the words are related to in some way. You have to select the word that does not fit in the relation.

  1. Break

  2. Hiatus

  3. Chasm

  4. Bridge
