1. dais :: raised platform for guests of honor

  2. dally :: trifle with; procrastinate

  3. dank :: damp

  4. dastard :: coward

  5. daunt :: intimidate

  6. dauntless :: bold

  7. dawdle :: loiter; waste time

  8. dearth :: scarcity

  9. debacle :: breaking up; downfall

  10. debase :: reduce to lower state

  11. debauch :: corrupt; make intemperate

  12. debenture :: bond issued to secure a loan

  13. debilitate :: weaken; enfeeble

  14. debonair :: friendly; aiming to please

  15. debutante :: young woman making formal entrance into society

  16. decadence :: decay

  17. decant :: pour off gently

  18. deciduous :: falling of as of leaves

  19. decimate :: kill, usually one out of ten

  20. declivity :: downward slope

  21. décolleté :: having a low-necked dress

  22. decorous :: proper

  23. decoy :: lure or bait

  24. decrepit :: worn out by age

  25. decrepitude :: state of collapse caused by illness or old age

  26. decry :: disparage

  27. deducible :: derived by reasoning

  28. defalcate :: misuse money held in trust

  29. defamation :: harming a person's reputation

  30. default :: failure to do

  31. defeatist :: attitude of one who is ready to accept defeat as a natural outcome

  32. defection :: desertion

  33. deference :: courteous regard for another's wish

  34. defile :: pollute; profane

  35. definitive :: final; complete

  36. deflect :: turn aside

  37. defunct :: dead; no longer in use or existence

  38. degraded :: lowered in rank; debased

  39. deign :: condescend

  40. delete :: erase; strike out

  41. deleterious :: harmful

  42. delineation :: portrayal

  43. deliquescent :: capable of absorbing moisture from the air and becoming liquid

  44. delirium :: mental disorder marked by confusion

  45. delude :: deceive

  46. delusion :: false belief; hallucination

  47. delusive :: deceptive; raising vain hopes

  48. demagogue :: person who appeals to people's prejudice; false leader of people

  49. demean :: degrade; humiliate

  50. demeanor :: behavior; bearing

  51. demesne :: domain; land over which a

  52. demise :: death

  53. demolition :: destruction

  54. demoniac :: fiendish

  55. demotic :: pertaining to the people

  56. demur :: delay; object

  57. demure :: grave; serious; coy

  58. denigrate :: blacken

  59. denizen :: inhabitant of

  60. denotation :: meaning; distinguishing by name

  61. denouement :: outcome; final

  62. depict :: portray

  63. depilate :: remove hair

  64. deplete :: reduce; exhaust

  65. deploy :: bring (forces, arguments,

  66. deposition :: testimony under oath

  67. depravity :: corruption; wickedness

  68. deprecate :: disapprove regretfully

  69. deprecatory :: disapproving

  70. depreciate :: lessen in value

  71. depredation :: plundering

  72. deranged :: insane

  73. derelict :: abandoned

  74. deride :: scoff at

  75. derision :: ridicule

  76. dermatologist :: one who studies the skin and its diseases

  77. derogatory :: expressing a low opinion

  78. descant :: discuss fully

  79. descry :: catch sight of

  80. desecrate :: profane; violate the sanctity of

  81. desiccate :: dry up

  82. desideratum :: that which is desired

  83. despicable :: contemptible

  84. despise :: scorn

  85. despoil :: plunder

  86. despotism :: tyranny

  87. destitute :: extremely poor

  88. desuetude :: disused condition

  89. desultory :: aimless; jumping around

  90. detergent :: cleansing agent

  91. detonation :: explosion

  92. detraction :: slandering; aspersion

  93. detriment :: harm; damage

  94. development of the plot of a play

  95. deviate :: turn away from

  96. devious :: going astray; erratic

  97. devoid :: lacking

  98. devolve :: deputize; pass to others

  99. devout :: pious

  100. dexterous :: skillful

  101. diabolical :: devilish

  102. diadem :: crown

  103. dialectic :: art of debate

  104. diaphanous :: sheer; transparent

  105. diatribe :: bitter scolding; invective

  106. dichotomy :: branching into two parts

  107. dictum :: authoritative and weighty statement

  108. didactic :: teaching; instructional

  109. diffidence :: shyness

  110. diffusion :: wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas

  111. digressive :: wandering away from the subject

  112. dilapidation :: ruin because of neglect

  113. dilate :: expand

  114. dilatory :: delaying

  115. dilemma :: problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives

  116. dilettante :: aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler

  117. diminution :: lessening; reduction in size

  118. dint :: means; effort

  119. dipsomaniac :: on who has a strong craving for intoxicating liquor

  120. dire :: disastrous

  121. disabuse :: correct a false impression; undeceive

  122. disavowal :: denial; disclaiming

  123. discernible :: distinguishable; perceivable

  124. discerning :: mentally quick and observant; having insight

  125. disclaim :: disown; renounce claim to

  126. discomfit :: put to rout; defeat; disconcert

  127. disconcert :: confuse; upset; embarrass

  128. disconsolate :: sad

  129. discordant :: inharmonious; conflicting

  130. discrete :: separate; unconnected

  131. discretion :: prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances

  132. discursive :: digressing; rambling

  133. disdain :: treat with scorn or contempt

  134. disgruntle :: make discontented

  135. dishabille :: in a state of undress

  136. disheveled :: untidy

  137. disingenuous :: not naive; sophisticated

  138. disinterested :: unprejudiced

  139. disjointed :: disconnected

  140. dismember :: cut into small parts

  141. disparage :: belittle

  142. disparate :: basically different; unrelated

  143. disparity :: difference; condition of inequality

  144. dispassionate :: calm; impartial

  145. dispersion :: scattering

  146. dispirited :: lacking in spirit

  147. disport :: amuse

  148. disputatious :: argumentative; fond of argument

  149. disquisition :: a formal systematic inquiry

  150. dissection :: analysis; cutting apart in order to examine

  151. dissemble :: disguise; pretend

  152. disseminate :: scatter like seeds

  153. dissertation :: formal essay

  154. dissimulate :: pretend; conceal by feigning

  155. dissipate :: squander

  156. dissolute :: loose in morals

  157. dissonance :: discord

  158. dissuade :: advise against

  159. dissuasion :: advice against

  160. distaff :: female

  161. distend :: expand; swell out

  162. distortion :: twisting out of shape

  163. distrait :: absentminded

  164. distraught :: upset; distracted by anxiety

  165. diurnal :: daily

  166. diva :: operatic singer; prima donna

  167. diverge :: vary; go in different directions from the same point

  168. divers :: several; differing

  169. diverse :: differing in some characteristics; various

  170. diversity :: variety; dissimilitude

  171. divest :: strip; deprive

  172. divination :: foreseeing the future with aid of magic

  173. divulge :: reveal

  174. docile :: obedient; easily managed

  175. docket :: program as for trial; book where such entries are made

  176. doddering :: shaky; infirm from old age

  177. doff :: take off

  178. doggerel :: poor verse

  179. dogmatic :: positive; arbitrary

  180. dolorous :: sorrowful

  181. dolt :: stupid person

  182. domicile :: home

  183. dormant :: sleeping; lethargic; torpid

  184. dorsal :: relating to the back of an animal

  185. dotage :: senility

  186. doughty :: courageous

  187. dour :: sullen; stubborn

  188. dregs :: sediment; worthless residue

  189. droll :: queer and amusing

  190. dross :: waste matter; worthless impurities

  191. drudgery :: menial work

  192. dubious :: doubtful

  193. duenna :: attendant of young female; chaperone

  194. dulcet :: sweet sounding

  195. duplicity :: double-dealing; hypocrisy

  196. durance :: restraint; imprisonment

  197. duress :: forcible restraint, especially unlawfully

  198. dynamic :: active; efficient


  1. earthy :: unrefined; coarse

  2. ebullient :: showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm

  3. eccentricity :: oddity; idiosyncrasy

  4. ecclesiastic :: pertaining to the church

  5. éclat :: brilliance; glory

  6. eclecticism :: selection of elements from various sets of opinions or systems

  7. ecstasy :: rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion

  8. edify :: instruct; correct morally

  9. educe :: draw forth; elicit

  10. eerie :: weird

  11. efface :: rub out

  12. effectual :: efficient

  13. effeminate :: having womanly traits

  14. effervesce :: bubble over; show excitement

  15. effete :: worn out; exhausted; barren

  16. efficacy :: power to produce desired effect

  17. effigy :: dummy

  18. efflorescent :: flowering

  19. effluvium :: noxious smell

  20. effrontery :: shameless boldness

  21. effulgent :: brilliantly radiant

  22. effusion :: pouring forth

  23. effusive :: pouring forth; gushing

  24. egoism :: excessive interest in one's self

  25. egotism :: conceit; vanity

  26. egregious :: gross; shocking

  27. egress :: exit

  28. ejaculation :: exclamation

  29. elation :: a rise in spirits; exaltation

  30. elegiacal :: like an elegy; mournful

  31. elicit :: draw out by discussion

  32. elucidate :: explain; enlighten

  33. elusive :: evasive; baffling; hard to grasp

  34. elusory :: tending to deceive expectations; elusive

  35. emaciated :: thin and wasted

  36. emanate :: issue forth

  37. emancipate :: set free

  38. embellish :: adorn

  39. embezzlement :: stealing

  40. emblazon :: deck in brilliant colors

  41. embroil :: throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle

  42. embryonic :: undeveloped; rudimentary

  43. emend :: correct; correct by a critic

  44. emendation :: correction of errors; improvement

  45. emeritus :: retired but retained in an honorary capacity

  46. emetic :: substance causing vomiting

  47. eminent :: high; lofty

  48. emollient :: soothing or softening remedy

  49. emolument :: salary; compensation

  50. empirical :: based on experience

  51. empyreal :: celestial; fiery

  52. emulate :: rival; imitate

  53. enamored :: in love

  54. enclave :: territory enclosed within an alien land

  55. encomiastic :: praising; eulogistic

  56. encomium :: praise; eulogy

  57. encompass :: surround

  58. encroachment :: gradual intrusion

  59. encumber :: burden

  60. endearment :: fond statement

  61. endemic :: prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area

  62. endive :: species of leafy plant used in salads

  63. endue :: provide with some quality; endow

  64. energize :: invigorate; make forceful and active

  65. enervate :: weaken

  66. engender :: cause; produce

  67. engross :: occupy fully

  68. enhance :: advance; improve

  69. enigma :: puzzle

  70. enigmatic :: obscure; puzzling

  71. enjoin :: command; order; forbid

  72. ennui :: boredom

  73. enormity :: hugeness (in a bad sense)

  74. enrapture :: please intensely

  75. ensconce :: settle comfortably

  76. ensue :: follow

  77. enthrall :: capture; enslave

  78. entity :: real being

  79. entomology :: study of insects

  80. entree :: entrance

  81. entrepreneur :: businessman; contractor

  82. environ :: enclose; surround

  83. ephemeral :: short-lived; fleeting

  84. epicure :: connoisseur of food and drink

  85. epicurean :: person who devotes himself to pleasure of the senses

  86. epigram :: witty thought or saying, usually short

  87. epilogue :: short speech at conclusion of dramatic work

  88. epitaph :: inscription in memory of a dead person

  89. epithet :: descriptive word or phrase

  90. epitome :: summary; concise abstract

  91. epoch :: period of time

  92. equable :: tranquil; steady; uniform

  93. equanimity :: calmness of temperament

  94. equestrian :: rider on horseback

  95. equinox :: period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn

  96. equipage :: horse-drawn carriage

  97. equitable :: fair; impartial

  98. equity :: fairness; justice

  99. equivocal :: doubtful; ambiguous

  100. equivocate :: lie; mislead; attempt to

  101. erode :: eat away

  102. erotic :: pertaining to passionate love

  103. errant :: wandering

  104. erudite :: learned; scholarly

  105. erudition :: high degree of knowledge and learning

  106. escapade :: prank; flighty conduct

  107. eschew :: avoid

  108. escutcheon :: shield-shaped surface on which coat of arms is placed

  109. esoteric :: known only to the chosen few

  110. espionage :: spying

  111. esprit de corps :: comradeship; spirit

  112. estranged :: separated

  113. etc.) into effective action

  114. ethereal :: light; heavenly; fine

  115. ethnic :: relating to races

  116. ethnology :: study of man

  117. etymology :: study of derivation,

  118. eugenic :: pertaining to the improvement of race

  119. eulogistic :: praising

  120. eulogy :: praise

  121. euphemism :: mild expression in place of an unpleasant one

  122. euphonious :: pleasing in sound

  123. evanescent :: fleeting; vanishing

  124. evasive :: not frank; eluding

  125. evince :: show clearly

  126. eviscerate :: disembowel; remove entrails

  127. evoke :: call forth

  128. ewer :: water pitcher

  129. ex officio :: by virtue of one's office

  130. exacerbate :: worsen; embitter

  131. exaction :: exorbitant demand; extortion

  132. exaggerated report

  133. exasperate :: vex

  134. exchequer :: treasury

  135. excision :: act of cutting away

  136. excoriate :: flay; abrade

  137. exculpate :: clear from blame

  138. execrable :: very bad

  139. execrate :: curse; express abhorrence for

  140. exegesis :: explanation, especially of Biblical passages

  141. exemplary :: serving as a model; outstanding

  142. exhort :: urge

  143. exhume :: dig out of the ground;

  144. exigency :: urgent situation

  145. exiguous :: small; minute

  146. exodus :: departure

  147. exonerate :: acquit; exculpate

  148. exorbitant :: excessive

  149. exorcise :: drive out evil spirits

  150. exotic :: not native; strange

  151. expatiate :: talk at length

  152. expatriate :: exile; someone who has withdrawn from his native land

  153. expediency :: that which is advisable or practical

  154. expeditiously :: rapidly and efficiently

  155. expiate :: make amends for a sin

  156. expletive :: interjection; profane oath

  157. explicit :: definite; open

  158. expostulation :: remonstrance

  159. expunge :: cancel; remove

  160. expurgate :: clean; remove offensive parts of a book

  161. extant :: still in existence

  162. extemporaneous :: not planned; impromptu

  163. extenuate :: weaken mitigate

  164. extirpate :: root up

  165. extol :: praise; glorify

  166. extort :: wring from; get money by threats, etc.

  167. extradition :: surrender of prisoner by one state to another

  168. extraneous :: not essential; external

  169. extricate :: free; disentangle

  170. extrinsic :: external; not inherent; foreign

  171. extrovert :: person interested mostly in external objects and actions

  172. extrude :: force or push out

  173. exuberant :: abundant; effusive; lavish

  174. exude :: discharge; give forth

Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.

Q. 1. Making people laugh is tricky.
A. At times, the intended humour may simply not come off.
B. Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can fall flat on two grounds.
C. There are many advertisements which do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash registers ringing.
D. Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales benefit.
6. There are indications that in substituting the hardsell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have rather thrown out the baby with the bath-water.

  1. CDBA

  2. ABCD

  3. BADC

  4. DCBA

Ans . C

Q. 1. Picture a termite colony, occupying a tall mud hump on an African plain.
A. Hungry predators often invade the colony and unsettle the balance.
B. The colony flourishes only if the proportion of soldiers to workers remains roughly the same, so that the queen and workers can be protected by the soldiers, and the queen and soldiers can be serviced by the workers.
C. But its fortunes are presently restored, because the immobile queen, walled in well below the ground level, lays eggs not only in large enough numbers, but also in the varying proportions required.
D. The hump is alive with worker termites and soldier termites going about their distinct kinds of business.
6. How can we account for a mysterious ability to respond like this to events on the distant surface?

  1. BADC

  2. DBAC

  3. ADCB

  4. BDCA

Ans . B

Q. 1. According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the age of three and five years.
A. The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure.
B. Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of doing well in all their subjects.
C. And the reason is actually quite simple.
D. This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school success.
6. Their comprehension of language is therefore very high.

  1. DACB

  2. ADCB

  3. ABCD

  4. BDCA

Ans . D

Q. 1. High-powered outboard motors were considered to be one of the major threats to the survival of the Beluga whales.
A. With these, hunters could approach Belugas within hunting range and profit from its inner skin and blubber.
B. To escape an approaching motor, Belugas have learnt to dive to the ocean bottom and stay there for up to 20 min, by which time the confused predator has left.
C. Today, however, even with much more powerful engines, it is difficult to come close, because the whales seem to disappear suddenly just when you thought you had them in your sights.
D. When the first outboard engines arrived in the early 1930s, one came across 4 HP and 8 HP motors.
6. Belugas seem to have used their well-known sensitivity to noise to evolve an ‘avoidance’ strategy to outsmart hunters and their powerful technologies.

  1. DACB

  2. ACDB

  3. ADCB

  4. DBAC

Ans . A

Q. 1. The reconstruction of history by post-revolutionary science texts involves more than a multiplication of historical misconstructions.
A. Because they aim quickly to acquaint the student with what the contemporary scientific community thinks it knows, textbooks treat the various experiments, concepts, laws and theories of the current normal science as separately and as nearly seriatim as possible.
B. Those misconstructions render revolutions invisible; the arrangement of the still visible material in science texts implies a process that, if it existed, would deny revolutions a function.
C. But when combined with the generally unhistorical air of science writing and with the occasional systematic misconstruction, one impression is likely to follow.
D. As pedagogy, this technique of presentation is unexceptionable.
6. Science has reached its present state by a series of individual discoveries and inventions that, when gathered together, constitute the modern body of technical knowledge.

  1. BADC

  2. ADCB

  3. DACB

  4. CBDA

Ans . A

Each question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the preceding two statements.

Q. A. All software companies employ knowledge workers.
B. Tara Tech employs knowledge workers.
C. Tara Tech is a software company.
D. Some software companies employ knowledge workers.
E. Tara Tech employs only knowledge workers.

  1. ABC

  2. ACB

  3. CDB

  4. ACE

Ans . B

Q. A. Traffic congestion increases carbon monoxide in the environment.
B. Increase in carbon monoxide is hazardous to health.
C. Traffic congestion is hazardous to health.
D. Some traffic congestion does not cause increased carbon monoxide.
E. Some traffic congestion is not hazardous to health.

  1. CBA

  2. BDE

  3. CDE

  4. BAC

Ans . D

Q. A. Apples are not sweets.
B. Some apples are sweet.
C. All sweets are tasty.
D. Some apples are not tasty.
E. No apple is tasty.

  1. CEA

  2. BDC

  3. CBD

  4. EAC

Ans . A

Q. A. Some towns in India are polluted.
B. All polluted towns should be destroyed.
C. Town Meghana should be destroyed.
D. Town Meghana is polluted.
E. Some towns in India should be destroyed.

  1. BDE

  2. BAE

  3. ADE

  4. CDB

Ans . B

Q. A. No patriot is a criminal.
B. Bundledas is not a criminal.
C. Bundledas is a patriot.
D. Bogusdas is not a patriot.
E. Bogusdas is a criminal.

  1. ACB

  2. ABC

  3. ADE

  4. ABE

Ans . A

Q. A. Anteaters like ants.
B. Boys are anteaters.
C. Balaram is an anteater.
D. Balaram likes ants.
E. Balaram may eat ants.

  1. DCA

  2. ADC

  3. ABE

  4. ACD

Ans . D

Q. A. All actors are handsome.
B. Some actors are popular.
C. Ram is handsome.
D. Ram is a popular actor.
E. Some popular people are handsome.

  1. ACD

  2. ABE

  3. DCA

  4. EDC

Ans . B

Q. A. Modern industry is technology-driven.
B. BTI is a modern industry.
C. BTI is technology-driven.
D. BTI may be technology-driven
E. Technology driven industry is modern.

  1. ABC

  2. ABD

  3. BCA

  4. EBC

Ans . A

Q. A. All Golmal islanders are blue-coloured people.
B. Some smart people are not blue-coloured people.
C. Some babies are blue-coloured.
D. Some babies are smart.
E. Some smart people are not Golmal islanders.

  1. BCD

  2. ABE

  3. CBD

  4. None of these

Ans . B

Q. A. MBAs are in great demand.
B. Ram and Sita are in great demand.
C. Ram is in great demand.
D. Sita is in great demand.
E. Ram and Sita are MBAs.

  1. ABE

  2. ECD

  3. AEB

  4. EBA

Ans . C

Each question has a main statement followed by four statements labelled A, B, C and D. Choose the ordered pair of statements where the first statement implies the second, and the two statements are logically consistent with the main statement.

Q. Either the orangutan is not angry, or he frowns upon the world.
A. The orangutan frowns upon the world.
B. The orangutan is not angry.
C. The orangutan does not frown upon the world.
D. The orangutan is angry.

  1. CB only

  2. DA only

  3. AB only

  4. CB and DA

Ans . D

Q. Either Ravana is a demon, or he is a hero.
A. Ravana is a hero.
B. Ravana is a demon.
C. Ravana is not a demon.
D. Ravana is not a hero.

  1. CD only

  2. BA only

  3. CD and BA

  4. DB and CA

Ans . D

Q. Whenever Rajeev uses the Internet, he dreams about spiders.
A. Rajeev did not dream about spiders.
B. Rajeev used the Internet.
C. Rajeev dreamt about spiders.
D. Rajeev did not use the Internet.

  1. AD

  2. DC

  3. CB

  4. DA

Ans . A

Q. If I talk to my professors, then I do not need to take a pill for headache.
A. I talked to my professors.
B. I did not need to take a pill for headache.
C. I needed to take a pill for headache.
D. I did not talk to my professors.

  1. AB only

  2. DC only

  3. CD only

  4. AB and CD

Ans . D

Choose the best alternative from among the four.

In each of the sentence, parts of the sentence are left blank. Beneath each sentence, four different ways of completing the sentence are indicated. Choose the best alternative from among the four.

Q. Though one eye is kept firmly on the ___, the company now also promotes ___ contemporary art.

  1. present ... experimental

  2. future ... popular

  3. present ... popular

  4. market ... popular

Ans . B

Q. The law prohibits a person from felling a sandalwood tree, even if it grows on one’s own land, without prior permission from the government. As poor people cannot deal with the government, this legal provision leads to a rip-roaring business for ___, who care neither for the ___, nor for the trees.

  1. middlemen ... rich

  2. the government ... poo

  3. touts ... rich

  4. touts ... poor

Ans . D

Q. It will take some time for many South Koreans to ___ the conflicting images of North Korea, let alone to ___ what to make of their northern cousins.

  1. reconcile ... decide

  2. understand ... clarify

  3. make out ... decide

  4. reconcile ... understand

Ans . A

Q. In these bleak and depressing times of ___ prices, non-performing governments and ___ crime rates, Sourav Ganguly has given us, Indians, a lot to cheer about.

  1. escalating ... increasing

  2. spiralling ... booming

  3. spiralling ... soaring

  4. ascending ... debilitating

Ans . C

Q. The manners and ___ of the nouveau riche is a recurrent ___ in the literature

  1. style ... motif

  2. morals ... story

  3. wealth ... theme

  4. morals ... theme

Ans . D

Read and Answer

For the word given at the top of each table, match the dictionary definitions on the left (A, B, C, D) with their corresponding usage on the right (E, F, G, H). Out of the four possibilities given in the boxes below the table, select the one that has all the definitions and their usages most closely matched.

Q. Measure

verbal for CAT
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. d

Ans . C

Q. Bound

verbal for CAT
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. d

Ans . B

Q. Catch

verbal for CAT
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. d

Ans . D

Q. Deal

verbal for CAT
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. d

Ans . B

Q. Turn

verbal for CAT
  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. d

Ans . D

The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph

Q. A. Branded disposable diapers are available at many supermarkets and drug stores.
B. If one supermarket sets a higher price for a diaper, customers may buy that brand elsewhere.
C. By contrast, the demand for private-label products may be less price sensitive since it is available only at a corresponding supermarket chain.
D. So the demand for branded diapers at any particular store may be quite price sensitive.
E. For instance, only SavOn Drugs stores sell SavOn Drugs diapers.
F. Then stores should set a higher incremental margin percentage for private label diapers.





Ans . C

Q. A. Having a strategy is a matter of discipline.
B. It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.
C. It requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to do.
D. Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.
E. A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning.
F. When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a strategy must replicate the whole system.





Ans . A

Q. A. As officials, their vision of a country shouldn’t run too far beyond that of the local people with whom they have to deal.
B. Ambassadors have to choose their words.
C. To say what they feel they have to say, they appear to be denying or ignoring part of what they know.
D. So, with ambassadors as with other expatriates in black Africa, there appears at a first meeting a kind of ambivalence.
E. They do a specialized job and it is necessary for them to live ceremonial lives.

  1. BCEDA

  2. BEDAC

  3. BEADC

  4. BCDEA

Ans . C

Q. A. “This face-off will continue for several months given the strong convictions on either side,” says a senior functionary of the high-powered task force on drought.
B. During the past week-and-a-half, the Central Government has sought to deny some of the earlier apprehensions over the impact of drought.
C. The recent revival of the rains had led to the emergence of a line of divide between the two.
D. The state governments, on the other hand, allege that the Centre is downplaying the crisis only to evade its full responsibility of financial assistance that is required to alleviate the damage.
E. Shrill alarm about the economic impact of an inadequate monsoon had been sounded by the Centre as well as most of the states, in late July and early August.

  1. EBCDA

  2. DBACE

  3. BDCAE

  4. ECBDA

Ans . D

Q. A. This fact was established in the 1730s by French survey expeditions to Equador near the equator and Lapland in the Arctic, which found that around the middle of the earth the arc was about a kilometer shorter.
B. One of the unsettled scientific questions in the late 18th century was the exact nature of the shape of the earth.
C. The length of one-degree arc would be less near the equatorial latitudes than at the poles.
D. One way of doing that is to determine the length of the arc along a chosen longitude or meridian at one-degree latitude separation.
E. While it was generally known that the earth was not a sphere but an ‘oblate spheroid’, more curved at the equator and flatter at the poles, the question of ‘how much more’ was yet to be established.

  1. BECAD

  2. BEDCA

  3. EDACB

  4. EBDCA

Ans . B

Read and Answer

Fill the gaps in the passages below with the most appropriate word from the options given for each gap. The right words are the ones used by the author. Be guided by the author’s overall style and meaning when you choose the answers.

Von Nuemann and Morgenstern assume a decision framework in which all options are thoroughly considered, each option being independent of the others, with a numerical value derived for the utility of each possible outcome (these outcomes reflecting, in turn, all possible combinations of choices). The decision is then made to maximize the expected utility. ... 111 ... such a model reflects major simplifications of the way divisions are made in the real world. Humans are not able to process information as quickly and effectively as the model assumes; they tend not to think ... 112 ... as easily as the model calls for; they often deal with a particular option without really assessing its ... 113 ... and when they do assess alternatives, they may be extremely nebulous about their criteria of evaluation.

Q. 111 can be filled with

  1. Regrettably

  2. Firstly

  3. Obviously

  4. Apparently

Ans . C

Q. 112 can be filled with

  1. quantitatively

  2. systematically

  3. scientifically

  4. analytically

Ans . A

Q. 113 can be filled with

  1. implications

  2. disadvantages

  3. utility

  4. alternatives

Ans . D

In a large company, ... 114 ... people is about as common as using a gun or a switch-blade to ... 115 ... an argument. As a result, most managers have little or no experience of firing people, and they find it emotionally traumatic; as result, they often delay the act interminably, much as an unhappy spouse will prolong a bad marriage. And when the firing is done, it’s often done clumsily, with far worse side effects than are necessary. Do the world-class software organizations have a different way of firing people? No, but they do the deed swiftly, humanely, and professionally. The key point here is to view the fired employee as a ‘failed product’ and to ask how the process ... 116 ... such a phenomenon in the first place

Q. 114 can be filled with

  1. dismissing

  2. punishing

  3. firing

  4. admonishing

Ans . C

Q. 115 can be filled with

  1. resolve

  2. thwart

  3. defeat

  4. close

Ans . A

Q. 116 can be filled with

  1. derived

  2. engineered

  3. produced

  4. allowed

Ans . D

Read and Answer

Q. A. The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is that it is not always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
B. The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not that it is always a bad thing, it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
C. The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not that it is always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.
D. The main problem with the notion of price discrimination is not it is always a bad thing, but that it is the monopolist who has the power to decide who is charged what price.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

Ans . C

Q. A. A symbiotic relationship develops among the contractors, bureaucracy and the politicians, and by a large number of devices costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated by underhand deals.
B. A symbiotic relationship develops among contractors, bureaucracy and politicians, and costs are artificially escalated with a large number of devices and black money is generated through underhand deals.
C. A symbiotic relationship develops among contractors, bureaucracy and the politicians, and by a large number of devices costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated on underhand deals.
D. A symbiotic relationship develops among the contractors, bureaucracy and politicians, and by large number of devices costs are artificially escalated and black money is generated by underhand deals.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

Ans . B

Q. A. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create difference of prices at which goods are traded on the world market and their price within a local market.
B. The distinctive feature of tarriffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference of prices at which goods are traded with the world market and their prices in the local market.
C. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference between prices at which goods are traded on the world market and their prices within a local market.
D. The distinctive feature of tarriffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference across prices at which goods are traded with the world market and their prices within a local market.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

Ans . C

Q. A. Any action of government to reduce the systemic risk inherent in financial markets will also reduce the risks that private operators perceive and thereby encourage excessive hedging.
B. Any action by government to reduce the systemic risk inherent in financial markets will also reduce the risks that private operators perceive and thereby encourage excessive gambling.
C. Any action by government to reduce the systemic risk inherent in financial markets will also reduce the risks that private operators perceive and thereby encourages excessive gambling.
D. Any action of government to reduce the systemic risk inherent in financial markets will also reduce the risks that private operators perceive and thereby encourages excessive gambling.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

Ans . B

Read and Answer

Directions for questions 121 to 125: For each of the words below a context is provided. From the alternatives given pick the word or phrase that is closest in meaning in the given context.

Q. Opprobrium: The police officer appears oblivious to the opprobrium generated by his blatantly partisan conduct.

  1. Harsh criticism

  2. Acute distrust

  3. Bitter enmity

  4. Stark oppressiveness

Ans . A

Q. Portend: It appears to many that the US ‘war on terrorism’ portends trouble in the Gulf.

  1. Introduces

  2. Evokes

  3. Spells

  4. Bodes

Ans . D

Q. Prevaricate: When a videotape of her meeting was played back to her and she was asked to explain her presence there, she started prevaricating

  1. Speaking evasively

  2. Speaking violently

  3. Lying furiously

  4. Throwing a tantrum

Ans . A

Q. Restive: The crowd became restive when the minister failed to appear even by 10 pm

  1. Violent

  2. Angry

  3. Restless

  4. Distressed

Ans . C

Q. Ostensible: Manohar’s ostensible job was to guard the building at night.

  1. Apparent

  2. Blatant

  3. Ostentatious

  4. Insidious

Ans . A