1. abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless

  2. acquiesce -: agree, accept without protest

  3. affable -: polite and friendly, easy to talk to

  4. affliction -: distress, suffering

  5. affluent -: wealthy, abundant

  6. agitate -: move, shake, stir up

  7. ambiguous -: having more then one meaning

  8. annex -: take possession of

  9. aqueous -: of or like water

  10. arduous -: demanding great effort, strenuous

  11. aroma -: quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical

  12. atone -: make repayment

  13. avarice -: greed

  14. bellicose -: inclined to fighting

  15. calisthenics -: exercises to develop strong bodies

  16. captor -: person who takes smb captive

  17. concoct -: invent, prepare by mixing together

  18. dangle -: hand or swing loosely

  19. deprive -: take away from, prevent from using

  20. diligent -: hard-working

  21. disrobe -: undress

  22. docile -: easily trained or controlled

  23. doleful -: dismal, mourful

  24. drought -: a long period of dry weather

  25. dubious -: feeling doubt

  26. dumbfound -: astonish

  27. efface -: rub or wipe out, obliterate

  28. elucidate -: to make understandable

  29. enchant -: charm, delight

  30. endeavor -: to make an effort, to try very hard

  31. endorse -: approve, support a claim or statement

  32. enthral -: take the whole attention, enslave

  33. exploit -: to use for selfish advantage or profit

  34. extensive -: far-reaching

  35. extol -: to praise highly

  36. flimsy -: lacking solidarity, strength

  37. fraud -: a fault, a deception

  38. gaudy -: too bright and showy

  39. ghastly -: death-like, pale and ill

  40. grumble -: to complain

  41. harass -: worry, trouble

  42. heretic -: very busy; active

  43. impediment -: smth that hinders (esp in speech)

  44. indigenous -: native

  45. insatiate -: never satisfied

  46. intrepid -: fearless

  47. irate -: angry

  48. jeopardy -: danger

  49. leash -: control

  50. loafer -: an idle, lazy person

  51. lucrative -: profitable

  52. lustrous -: bright; shining

  53. malign -: to slander

  54. meddle -: to interfere, to intrude

  55. mend -: to repair

  56. mirth -: being merry and happy

  57. nausea -: feeling of sickness

  58. neglect -: pay no attention to

  59. nocturnal -: of or in the night

  60. obese -: very fat

  61. obsolete -: no longer useful, outdated

  62. perch -: take up a high position

  63. pervade -: spread through every part of

  64. petulant -: unreasonably impatient or irritable

  65. pillage -: plunder (esp in war)

  66. presumptuous -: too bold or self-confident

  67. quashed -: annuled

  68. quenching -: satisfy, put an end to, put out

  69. refurbished -: make clean, as if like new

  70. rejoicing -: happiness, joy

  71. reticent -: in the habit of saying little

  72. reverberate -: be sent back, again and again

  73. rigor -: sternness, strictness, severe conditions

  74. rotundity -: state of being round

  75. salvage -: the saving of property from loss

  76. scattered -: not situated together

  77. shatter -: to break into many pieces

  78. shunned -: avoided, kept away from

  79. sketchy -: shortly, roughly, quickly

  80. sporadic -: happening from time to time

  81. stifled -: suppressed, kept back

  82. strive -: to make great efforts, to struggle

  83. subsequent -: following

  84. succumb -: yield, die

  85. taciturn -: unspoken, silent

  86. tantalize -: raise hopes that cannot be realized

  87. tentative -: uncertain, probable

  88. torpid -: dull and slow

  89. treacherous -: not to be trusted, perfidious

  90. tremor -: thrill

  91. tyro -: a beginner

  92. uproar -: noise and excitement

  93. vanity -: a foolish pride

  94. vehemence -: forcefulness; intensity; conviction

  95. vigilance -: watchfulness

  96. vindicate -: prove the truth

  97. voluptuous -: arousing sensual pleasures

  98. wan -: looking ill, not bright

  99. wile -: a trick

  100. wrinkle -: make small lines (eg forehead)

  1. adulate: to praise, adulterate: to make impure

  2. adverse: hostile; averse: unwilling

  3. anachronism: an outdated custom, anarchism: disruptive

  4. antipathy: hatred, aversion, apathy: indifference

  5. ascetic: self-denying, abstinent, austere aesthetic: related to beauty or art

  6. baleful: forshadows evil, baneful: poisonous, deadly

  7. censure: blame, criticize, censor: to remove the inappropriate

  8. capitulate: to surrender, recapitulate: to repeat

  9. disparate: different; diverse, desperate: needy, beyond reason

  10. divers: several diverse: distinct, varied

  11. elicit: to draw out, provoke illicit: illegal, improper

  12. heterogeneous: diverse throughout homogeneous: the same throughout

  13. illusion: something unreal deceptive allusion: indirect reference

  14. imbibe: to drink imbue: to infuse, dye, wet or moisten

  15. imminent: at any moment, soon eminent: famous, renowned

  16. ingenious: original, clever ingenuous: straightforward, open

  17. mendicant: beggar mendacious: dishonest

  18. penury: extreme poverty penurious: stingy, miser

  19. pestilence: epidemic, plague petulance: irritable or ill-tempered

  20. qualitative: having to do with a quality, quantitative: having to do with a number / quantity

  21. vicious: mean, cruel; viscious: resistance to flow

  1. assertion: a declaration or statement

  2. clarity: clearness in commmunication

  3. cogent: convincing, reasonable

  4. coherent: logically connected

  5. cohesive: sticking together

  6. didactic: intended to instruct

  7. discourse: verbal expression, conversation

  8. eloquence: the ability to speak persuasively

  9. fluid: flows easily

  10. lucid: clearly understood

  11. rhetoric: using language effectively and persuasively

  1. arbiter: a judge

  2. exculpate: to free from guilt or blame

  3. incontrovertible: indisputable

  4. integrity: trustworthiness

  5. jurisprudence: the philosophy or science of law

  6. objectivity: treating facts without influence from personal feelings or biases

  7. penitent: expressing remorse for misdeeds

  8. vindicated: freed from blame

  1. condescending: treating others as inferior

  2. contemptuous: scornful

  3. despotic: having absolute power, tyrannical

  4. dictatorial: domineering, overbearing

  5. disdain: contempt, scorn

  6. imperious: domineering, overbearing

  7. patronizing: to treat in a condescending manner

  1. convoluted: intricate, complex

  2. cryptic: difficult to comprehend

  3. futile: pointless

  4. impede: to slow progress

  5. obscure: to conceal

  6. quandary: a state of uncertainty

  1. dilatory: always late

  2. indolent: lazy

  3. insipid: uninteresting, unchallenging

  4. listless: lacking energy

  5. torpor: laziness, dullness

  1. ebullience: intense enthusiasm

  2. effusive: emotionally unrestrained

  3. egregious: bad or offensive

  4. flagrant: shocking or noticeable

  5. frenetic: wildly excited or active

  6. gratuitious: given freely, unwarranted

  7. superfluous: extra, unnecessary

  1. asylum: a place for retreat

  2. auspicious: favorable, promising

  3. benevolent: well-meaning, generous

  4. benign: kind and gentle

  5. emollient: soft and soothing

  6. intuition: sharp insight

  7. mollify: to calm or soothe

  8. reclamation: to make something useful again

  9. sanction: to give official approval

  1. dubious: doubtful

  2. dogmatic: stubbornly adhering to unproven beliefs

  3. fabricated: made, concocted to deceive

  4. hypocrisy: insincerity

  5. slander: false oral statements about someone

  6. spurious: not genuine, counterfeit

  1. astute: clever, shrewd

  2. camoflage: to hide by blending in

  3. clandestine: secretive

  4. coup: a well-executed plan

  5. disingenuous: not straightforward, crafty

  6. ruse: a trick

  7. stratagem: a clever trick used to deceive someone

  8. surrepititious: done by secretive means

  9. wary: on guard

  10. wily: cunning

  1. ambiguous: open to more than one interpretation

  2. ambivalent: uncertain, felling opposite feelings simultaneously

  3. apathetic: showing little emotion

  4. arbitrary: determined by impusle rather than reason

  5. capricious: impulsive

  6. equivocate: to avoid making a decision

  7. inconsequential: unimportant

  8. tenuous: shaky, unsure, weakwhimsical: unpredictable

  1. assiduous: hard working

  2. diligent: hard working

  3. dogged: persevering

  4. intrepid: courageous, fearless

  5. maverick: independent

  6. obdurate: stubborn, inflexible

  7. obstinate: stubborn

  8. proliferate: to grow or increase rapidly

  9. tenacity: persistence

  1. assimilation: to absorb, to make similar

  2. consensus: general agreement

  3. incumbent: imposed as a duty

  4. malleable: easily shaped or formed, easily influenced

  5. subdue: to restrain or hold back

  1. inherent: inborn, built in

  2. innate: inborn, possessed at birth

  3. inveterate: long established, deep rooted, habitual

  4. omnipotent: all powerful

  5. proximity: closeness

  1. elusive: difficult to capture

  2. emigrate: to leave one country and settle in another

  3. transient: moving from one place to another

  4. transitory: short-lived or temporary

  1. affable: friendly

  2. amenable: agreeable

  3. camaraderie: goodwill

  4. candor: sincerity, openness

  5. facetious: playfully humorous

  1. impinge: hinder

  2. lament: mourn

  3. melancholy: sadness, depression

  4. truncated: shortened, cut off

  1. aesthetic: appreciation of beauty

  2. anthology: a collection of literary pieces

  3. dilettante: one with a superficial understanding of a field

  4. eclectic: composed of a variety of sources or styles

  5. excerpt: a selected part of a passage

  6. genre: a category of art

  7. medley: as assortment or mixture of musical pieces

  8. parody: an artistic work that imitates the style of another work for comic effect

  9. virtuoso: a skilled artist

  1. decorous: proper, good taste

  2. equanimity: composure

  3. propriety: appropriate behavior

  4. prudent: using good judgment or common sense

  5. serene: calm

  6. staid: serious, unemotional

  7. stoic: impassive, indifferent to pleasure or pain

  1. disparage: to belittle, to speak badly of

  2. pejorative: to speak ngatively of someone

  3. plagiarism: to pass someone else's ideas or writing off as one's own

  4. vilify: to make vicious statements about

  1. brusque: abrupt

  2. caustic: biting, sarcastic

  3. feral: savage, untamed

  4. fractious: quarrelsome, unruly

  5. incorrigible: unable to be reformed

  6. ingrate: ungrateful person

  7. insolent: insulting in manner or speech

  8. notorious: known widely in an unfavorable manner

  9. pugnacious: combative, belligerent

  10. reprehensible: worthy of blame

  1. deleterious: injurious, having aharmful effect

  2. enmity: mutual hatred or ill-will

  3. heinous: evil, abominable

  4. malfeasance: wrongdoing, misconduct

  5. malice: ill will

  6. putrid: rotten

  7. rancorous: hateful

  1. archaic: old-fashioned

  2. hackneyed: trite, overused

  3. medieval: old-fashioned

  4. obsolete: no longer in use, old-fashioned

  1. austere: without decoration, plain

  2. mediocrity: average, low quality

  3. mundane: ordinary, commonplace

  4. ponderous: dull

  5. prosaic: dull, unimaginative

  6. sedentary: settled, not migratory

  1. harbinger: something that indicates what is to come, a forerunenr

  2. ominous: menacing, threatening

  3. timorous: timid, fearful of the future

  4. trepidation: uncertainty, apprehension

  1. innovative: introducing somehting new

  2. naive: lacking sophistication

  3. nascent: emerging

  4. novice: a beginner

  1. arid: a dry, rainless climate

  2. conflagration: a widespread fire

  3. nocturnal: occurring in the night

  4. sonorous: producing a deep or full sound

  1. comprehensive: large in scope

  2. copious: plentiful

  3. permeated: spread or flowing throughout

  4. pervasive: dispersed throughout

  5. prodigious: enormous

  6. replete: filled to capacity

  1. exemplary: commendable, worthy of imitation

  2. laudatory: giving praise

  3. venerated: highly respected

  4. facile: easy

  5. fastidious: paying careful attention to detail, hard to please

  6. meticulous: careful and precise

  7. pramatic: practical

  8. solvent: able to pay one's debts

  1. abstract: not applied to actual objects

  2. paradigm: an exmaple or model

  3. rational: logical, motivated by reaosn rahter than feeligns

  4. theoretical: lacking practical application