• When implementing a deep neural network, one of the debugging tools often used to check the correctness of the code is work through the dimensions and matrix involved.

  • deep-networks-dimensions
  • In above figure, Capital L is equal to 5, i.e. not counting the input layer, there are five layers here, so four hidden layers and one output layer.

  • And so if you implement forward propagation, the steps will be: \( Z^{[1]} = W^{[1]}*A^{[0]} + B^{[1]} \\ A^{[1]} = g(Z^{[1]}) \\ Z^{[2]} = W^{[2]}*A^{[1]} + B^{[2]} \\ A^{[2]} = g(Z^{[2]}) \\ Z^{[3]} = W^{[3]}*A^{[2]} + B^{[3]} \\ A^{[3]} = g(Z^{[3]}) \\ Z^{[4]} = W^{[4]}*A^{[3]} + B^{[4]} \\ A^{[4]} = g(Z^{[4]}) Z^{[5]} = W^{[5]}*A^{[4]} + B^{[5]} \\ \hat{Y} = A^{[5]} = g(Z^{[5]}) \\ \)

  • Now this first hidden layer has three hidden units. So using the notation we had from the previously, we have that \( n^{[1]} \), which is the number of hidden units in layer 1, is equal to 3.

  • And here we would have the \( n^{[2]} \) is equal to 5, \( n^{[3]} \) is equal to 4, \( n^{[4]} \) is equal to 2, and \( n^{[5]} \) is equal to 1.

  • And finally, for the input layer, we also have \( n^{[0]} \) = nx = 2.

  • So now, let's think about the dimensions of z, w, and x. z is the vector of activations for this first hidden layer, so z is going to be 3 by 1, it's going to be a 3-dimensional vector.

  • So I'm going to write it a \( n^{[1]} \) by 1-dimensional vector, \( n^{[1]} \) by 1-dimensional matrix, all right, so 3 by 1 in this case.

  • Now about the input features x, we have two input features.

  • So x is in this example 2 by 1, but more generally, it would be \( n^{[0]} \) by 1.

  • So what we need is for the matrix \( w^{[1]} \) to be something that when we multiply an \( n^{[0]} \) by 1 vector to it, we get an \( n^{[1]} \) by 1 vector

  • So you have a three dimensional vector equals something times a two dimensional vector.

  • And so by the rules of matrix multiplication, this has got be a 3 by 2 matrix because a 3 by 2 matrix times a 2 by 1 matrix, or times the 2 by 1 vector, that gives you a 3 by 1 vector.

  • And more generally, this is going to be an \( n^{[1]} \) by \( n^{[0]} \) dimensional matrix.

  • So what we figured out here is that the dimensions of \( w^{[1]} \) has to be \( n^{[1]} \) by \( n^{[0]} \).

  • And more generally, the dimensions of \( w^{[L]} \) must be \( n^{[L]} \) by \( n^{[L]} \) minus 1. So for example, the dimensions of \( w^{[2]} \) , for this, it would have to be 5 by 3, or it would be \( n^{[2]} \) by \( n^{[1]} \). Because we're going to compute \( z^{[2]} \) as \( w^{[2]} \) times \( a^{[1]} \) (let's ignore the bias for now).

  • So the general formula to check is that when you're implementing the matrix for layer L, that the dimension of that matrix be \( n^{[L]} \) by \( n^{[L-1]} \).

  • Let's think about the dimension of this vector b. The general rule is that \( b^{[L]} \) should be \( n^{[L]} \) by 1 dimensional.

  • So hopefully these two equations help you to double check that the dimensions of your matrices w, as well as your vectors p, are the correct dimensions.

  • And of course, if you're implementing back propagation, then the dimensions of dw should be the same as the dimension of w.

  • So dw should be the same dimension as w, and db should be the same dimension as b.

  • Now the other key set of quantities whose dimensions to check are these z, x, as well as \( a^{[L]} \) because \( z^{[L]} \) is equal to \( g(a^{[L]} \), applied element wise, then z and a should have the same dimension in these types of networks.