• End-to-end deep learning is the simplification of a processing or learning systems into one neural network.

  • Example - Speech recognition model

  • The traditional way - small data set

  • end-to-end-deep-learning

  • The hybrid way - medium data set

  • end-to-end-deep-learning

  • The End-to-End deep learning way – large data set

  • end-to-end-deep-learning

  • End-to-end deep learning cannot be used for every problem since it needs a lot of labeled data.

  • It is used mainly in audio transcripts, image captures, image synthesis, machine translation, steering in self-driving cars, etc.

  • Before applying end-to-end deep learning, you need to ask yourself the following question: Do you have enough data to learn a function of the complexity needed to map x and y?

  • Pro:

    1. Let the data speak - By having a pure machine learning approach, the neural network will learn from x to y. It will be able to find which statistics are in the data, rather than being forced to reflect human preconceptions.

    2. Less hand-designing of components needed - It simplifies the design work flow.

  • Cons:

    1. Large amount of labeled data - It cannot be used for every problem as it needs a lot of labeled data.

    2. Excludes potentially useful hand-designed component - Data and any hand-design’s components or features are the 2 main sources of knowledge for a learning algorithm. If the data set is small than a hand-design system is a way to give manual knowledge into the algorithm.