• What are kernels and how do we use them? We have a training set and We want to find a non-linear boundary.

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • Come up with a complex set of polynomial features to fit the data Have \( h_\theta(x) \) which Returns 1 if the combined weighted sum of vectors (weighted by the parameter vector) is less than or equal to 0 or Else return 0.

  • Another way of writing this (new notation) is That a hypothesis computes a decision boundary by taking the sum of the parameter vector multiplied by a new feature vector f, which simply contains the various high order x terms

  • e.g. \( h_\theta(x) = θ_0+ θ_1f_1+ θ_2f_2 + θ_3f_3 \) Where \( f_1= x_1 \\ f_2 = x_1x_2 \\ f_3 = ... \)

  • i.e. not specific values, but each of the terms from your complex polynomial function Is there a better choice of feature f than the high order polynomials? As we saw with computer imaging, high order polynomials become computationally expensive

  • New features Define three features in this example (ignore x0) Have a graph of x1 vs. x2 (don't plot the values, just define the space) Pick three points in that space

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • These points l1, l2, and l3, were chosen manually and are called landmarks

  • Given x, define f1 as the similarity between (x, l1) = \( exp\frac{(- (|| x - l_1||^2 )} {2\sigma^2} \)

  • || x - l1 || is the euclidean distance between the point x and the landmark l1 squared

  • If we remember our statistics, we know that σ is the standard deviation σ2 is commonly called the variance

  • So, f2 is defined as f2 = similarity(x, l2) = exp(- (|| x - l2 ||2 ) / 2σ2) And similarly f3 = similarity(x, l3) = exp(- (|| x - l3 ||2 ) / 2σ2) This similarity function is called a kernel

  • This function is a Gaussian Kernel So, instead of writing similarity between x and l we might write f1= k(x, l1)

  • So lets see what these kernels do and why the functions defined make sense Say x is close to a landmark Then the squared distance will be ~0 So \( f_1 \sim exp(-\frac{0^2}{2\sigma^2})\)

  • Which is basically \( e^{-0} \) which is close to 1. Say x is far from a landmark, then the squared distance is big, which is gives e- large number which gives a result that is close to zero.

  • Each landmark defines a new feature. If we plot f1 vs the kernel function we get a plot like this Notice that when x = [3,5] then f1 = 1 As x moves away from [3,5] then the feature takes on values close to zero So this measures how close x is to this landmark.

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • What does σ do? σ2 is a parameter of the Gaussian kernel Defines the steepness of the rise around the landmark Above example σ2 = 1 Below σ2 = 0.5

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • We see here that as you move away from x = [3,5] the feature f1 falls to zero much more rapidly. The inverse can be seen if σ2 = 3.

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • Given this definition, what kinds of hypotheses can we learn? With training examples x we predict "1" when \( θ_0 + θ_1f_1 + θ_2f_2 + θ_3f_3 >= 0 \)

  • For our example, lets say we've already run an algorithm and got the θ0 = -0.5 θ1 = 1 θ2 = 1 θ3 = 0

  • Given our placement of three examples, what happens if we evaluate an example at the magenta dot below?

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • Looking at our formula, we know f1 will be close to 1, but f2 and f3 will be close to 0

  • So if we look at the formula we have \( θ_0+ θ_1f_1 + θ_2f_2 + θ_3f_3 >= 0 \\ -0.5 + 1 + 0 + 0 = 0.5 \) 0.5 is greater than 1

  • If we had another point far away from all three

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • This equates to -0.5 So we predict 0 Considering our parameter, for points near l1 and l2 you predict 1, but for points near l3 you predict 0 Which means we create a non-linear decision boundary that goes a lil' something like this;

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • Inside we predict y = 1 Outside we predict y = 0 So this show how we can create a non-linear boundary with landmarks and the kernel function in the support vector machine

  • But How do we get/chose the landmarks What other kernels can we use (other than the Gaussian kernel)

  • Now, Where do we get the landmarks from? For complex problems we probably want lots of them.

  • Algorithm : Choosing the landmarks

    1. Take the training data, assume 'm' landmarks

    2. For each example place a landmark at exactly the same location

    3. So end up with m landmarks

    4. One landmark per location per training example

    5. Means our features measure how close to a training set example something is

    6. Given a new example, compute all the f values Gives you a feature vector f (f0 to fm) f0 = 1 always

    7. A more detailed look at generating the f vector If we had a training example - features we compute would be using (xi, yi) So we just cycle through each landmark, calculating how close to that landmark actually xi is \( f_1^i, = k(x^i, l^1) \\ f_2^i, = k(x^i, l^2) \\ ... \\ f_m^i, = k(x^i, l^m) \)

    8. Somewhere in the list we compare x to itself... (i.e. when we're at f_i^i) So because we're using the Gaussian Kernel this evalues to 1

    9. Take these m features (f1, f2 ... fm) group them into an [m + 1 x 1] dimensional vector called f

    10. fi is the f feature vector for the ith example And add a 0th term = 1 Given these kernels, how do we use a support vector machine

  • Predict y = 1 if (θT f) >= 0

  • Because θ = [m+1 x 1] -- dimensions of the matrix ; And f = [m +1 x 1] -- dimensions of the matrix. We can multiply these.

  • So, this is how you make a prediction assuming you already have θ How do you get θ? . Given in the next section.

  • Use the SVM learning algorithm: Cost function given below

  • Adapting SVM to non-linear classifiers

  • Now, we minimize using f as the feature vector instead of x. By solving this minimization problem you get the parameters for your SVM. In this setup, m = n because number of features is the number of training data examples we have

  • SVM parameters (C) : Bias and variance trade off is controlled by parameter 'C'. Must chose C carefully. C plays a role similar to 1/LAMBDA (where LAMBDA is the regularization parameter). Large C gives a hypothesis of low bias high variance --> overfitting Small C gives a hypothesis of high bias low variance --> underfitting

  • SVM parameters (σ2) Parameter for calculating f values Large σ2 - f features vary more smoothly - higher bias, lower variance Small σ2 - f features vary abruptly - low bias, high variance

  • Use SVM software packages (e.g. liblinear, libsvm) to solve parameters θ Need to specify Choice of parameter C Choice of kernel Choosing a kernel

  • We've looked at the Gaussian kernel Need to define σ (σ2)

  • When would you chose a Gaussian? If n is small and/or m is large e.g. 2D training set that's large

  • If you're using a Gaussian kernel then you may need to implement the kernel function e.g. a function fi = kernel(x1,x2) Returns a real number

  • Some SVM packages will expect you to define kernel Although, some SVM implementations include the Gaussian and a few others Gaussian is probably most popular kernel

  • NB - make sure you perform feature scaling before using a Gaussian kernel If you don't features with a large value will dominate the f value

  • Could use no kernel - linear kernel Predict y = 1 if (θT x) >= 0 So no f vector

  • Get a standard linear classifier Why do this? If n is large and m is small then Lots of features, few examples Not enough data - risk overfitting in a high dimensional feature-space

  • Other choice of kernel : Linear and Gaussian are most common. But few other choices exist.

  • Polynomial Kernel We measure the similarity of x and l by doing one of

  • \( (x^T . l)^2 \\ (x^T . l)^3 \\ (x^T . l+1)^3 \\ ... \\ (x^T . l+Const)^D \)

  • If they're similar then the inner product tends to be large Not used that often , hence Two parameters : Degree of polynomial (D) ; Number you add to l (Const)

  • Many packages have built in multi-class classification packages Otherwise use one-vs all method Not a big issue

  • Logistic regression vs. SVM When should you use SVM and when is logistic regression more applicable If n (features) is large vs. m (training set) e.g. text classification problem

  • Feature vector dimension is 10,000 Training set is 10 - 1000 Then use logistic regression or SVM with a linear kernel

  • If n is small and m is intermediate n = 1 - 1000 m = 10 - 10 000 Gaussian kernel is good

  • If n is small and m is large n = 1 - 1000 m = 50 000+ SVM will be slow to run with Gaussian kernel

  • In that case Manually create or add more features Use logistic regression or SVM with a linear kernel

  • Logistic regression and SVM with a linear kernel are pretty similar Do similar things Get similar performance

  • A lot of SVM's power is using diferent kernels to learn complex non-linear functions

  • For all these regimes a well designed Neural Network should work But, for some of these problems a NN might be slower - SVM well implemented would be faster

  • SVM has a convex optimization problem - so you get a global minimum

  • Files included in this exercise can be downloaded here ⇒ : Exercise-6