2. for v in V
  3.      v.d = ∞
  4.      v.π = null
  5. s.d = 0 // source node
  6. for i = 1 to |v| - 1
  7.     for (u,v) ∈ E
  8.         relax(u,v,w)
  9. for (u,v) in E
  10.     if v.d > u.d + w(u,v)
  11.         report negative cycle exists

  1. RELAX(u,v)
  2. if v.d > u.d + w(u,v)
  3.     v.d = u.d + w(u,v)
  4.     v.π = u;

  1. STEP 1: Initialization of source node to 0 and all other nodes to infinity with parents = NULL for all except source {S}

  2. belmanford algorithm example
    1. From S we take the outgoing edges to E and A. Then we update the weights as 8 and 10 respectively as it is less than their original weights i.e. ∞ We also update parents to S from NULL for both.

    2. Then from A we take the outgoing edge to C and update weight and parent to 12 (10+2) and A. We update weight to 12 as we take total 12 units to reach C from source S and intermediate step A.

    3. We move on to B, but B has cost ∞ so we skip it.

    4. Next is C, we see outgoing edge to B and update cost and parent as 10(12-2) and C respectively.

    5. We move on to D, but D has cost ∞ so we skip it.

    6. We then move to E, and examine its outgoing edge to D. We update D to cost 9(8+1) and parent E.


    8. belmanford algorithm example
  3. STEP 2:

    1. We start with S but the edges show no improvement and so table isnt updates. Same is with A, B, C.

    2. Examining D and its outgoing edges to A and C we get an improvement and so we update cost as 5 and 8 and parents as D

    3. We move to D but there is no improvement.


    5. belmanford algorithm example
  4. STEP 3:

    1. In iteration 3 , the changes made are only by node A to C whose cost is now 7. Then when we examine C, the outgoing edge to B shows reduction in cost to 5 from 10.

    2. belmanford algorithm example


The Bellman-Ford algorithm runs in time O(VE), since the initialization takes Θ(V) time, each of the |V|-1 passes over the edges and takes Θ(E) time, and the "for loop" takes O(E) time.

  1. DIJKSTRA(G,w,s) // s is source, w is weight
  2. for v in V
  3.      v.d = ∞
  4.      v.π = null
  5. s.d = 0 // source node
  6. s = φ
  7. Q = V - S
  8. while Q ≠ φ
  9.    u = extract-min(Q)
  10.    s = s ∪ {u}
  11. for each vertex x ∈ adj[u]
  12.      relax(u,v,w)

  1. RELAX(u,v)
  2. if v.d > u.d + w(u,v)
  3.     v.d = u.d + w(u,v)
  4.     v.π = u;

  1. STEP 1: Initialization of source A to 0 and others to ∞ with parents NULL

  2. dijkstras algorithm example
    1. Examine outgoing edges of A to B and C and update their original weights ∞ to new weights 4 and 2 with parent A. We also remove A from the set of unvisited nodes.

    2. dijkstras algorithm example
  3. STEP 2: Then we choose the node with the lowest weight amongst the unvisited nodes i.e. C.

    1. From C we update the nodes B,D and E with new weights and change their parent node as shown below.

    2. dijkstras algorithm example
  4. STEP 3: Then we choose the node with the lowest weight amongst the unvisited nodes i.e. B.

    1. We update the values of D and E as shown below.

    2. dijkstras algorithm example

  6. STEP 5: CHOOSE E; NO UPDATES. So we get the final tree as below.

dijkstras algorithm example

  1. We can solve an all-pairs shortest-paths problem by running a single-source shortest-paths algorithm |V| times, once for each vertex as the source. If all edge weights are nonnegative, we can use Dijkstra’s algorithm.

  2. If we use the linear-array implementation of the min-priority queue, the running time is \( O(V^3) \).

  3. If the graph has negative-weight edges, we cannot use Dijkstra’s algorithm. Instead, we must run the slower Bellman-Ford algorithm once from each vertex. The resulting running time is \( O(V^4) \)

  2. let V be the number of vertices in the graph
  3. let dist be a V * V array of minimum distances and p be V * V array to store parent node value.
  4. for each vertex v
  5.    dist[v][v] <- 0
  6. for each edge (u,v)
  7.    dist[u][v] <- weight(u,v)
  8. for k = 1 to V
  9.    for i = 1 to V
  10.       for j = 1 to V
  11.          if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
  12.              dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
  13.              p[i][j] = p[k][j]
  14.          end if

  1. STEP 1: Initialize the dist matrix with weights and ∞ in places where edges are absent. Also all cells with A[i][i] should be zero. Fill p matrix with parent nodes if edge available OR ∞ for places with no edges.

  2. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
    1. For k = 0, i = 0, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[0][0] > d[0][0] + d[0][0]

    3. d[0][1] > d[0][0] + d[0][1]

    4. d[0][2] > d[0][0] + d[0][2]

    5. d[0][3] > d[0][0] + d[0][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 0, i = 1, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[1][0] > d[1][0] + d[0][0]

    3. d[1][1] > d[1][0] + d[0][1]

    4. d[1][2] > d[1][0] + d[0][2]

    5. d[1][3] > d[1][0] + d[0][3]

    6. Above all cases iteration 3 gives condition true and we have to modify entry d[1][2] = 2 and p[1][2] = 1.

    1. For k = 0, i = 2, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[2][0] > d[2][0] + d[0][0]

    3. d[2][1] > d[2][0] + d[0][1]

    4. d[2][2] > d[2][0] + d[0][2]

    5. d[2][3] > d[2][0] + d[0][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 0, i = 3, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[3][0] > d[3][0] + d[0][0]

    3. d[3][1] > d[3][0] + d[0][1]

    4. d[3][2] > d[3][0] + d[0][2]

    5. d[3][3] > d[3][0] + d[0][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    7. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  3. STEP 2: K is incremented to 1

    1. For k = 1, i = 0, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[0][0] > d[0][1] + d[1][0]

    3. d[0][1] > d[0][1] + d[1][1]

    4. d[0][2] > d[0][1] + d[1][2]

    5. d[0][3] > d[0][1] + d[1][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 1, i = 1, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[1][0] > d[1][1] + d[1][0]

    3. d[1][1] > d[1][1] + d[1][1]

    4. d[1][2] > d[1][1] + d[1][2]

    5. d[1][3] > d[1][1] + d[1][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 1, i = 2, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[2][0] > d[2][1] + d[1][0]

    3. d[2][1] > d[2][1] + d[1][1]

    4. d[2][2] > d[2][1] + d[1][2]

    5. d[2][3] > d[2][1] + d[1][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 1, i = 3, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[3][0] > d[3][1] + d[1][0]

    3. d[3][1] > d[3][1] + d[1][1]

    4. d[3][2] > d[3][1] + d[1][2]

    5. d[3][3] > d[3][1] + d[1][3]

    6. For 1st iteration the condition is true and we modify d[3][0] = 3 and p[3][0] = 2. For 3rd iteration the modification is of d[3][2] = 1 and p[3][2] = 1.

    7. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  4. STEP 3: K is incremented to 2

    1. For k = 2, i = 0, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[0][0] > d[0][2] + d[2][0]

    3. d[0][1] > d[0][2] + d[2][1]

    4. d[0][2] > d[0][2] + d[2][2]

    5. d[0][3] > d[0][2] + d[2][3]

    6. Modification is at d[0][3] and we put d[0][3] = 0, p[0][3] = 3.

    1. For k = 2, i = 1, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[1][0] > d[1][2] + d[2][0]

    3. d[1][1] > d[1][2] + d[2][1]

    4. d[1][2] > d[1][2] + d[2][2]

    5. d[1][3] > d[1][2] + d[2][3]

    6. Modification is at d[1][3] and we put d[1][3] = 0, p[1][3] = 3.

    1. For k = 2, i = 2, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[2][0] > d[2][2] + d[2][0]

    3. d[2][1] > d[2][2] + d[2][1]

    4. d[2][2] > d[2][2] + d[2][2]

    5. d[2][3] > d[2][2] + d[2][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table

    1. For k = 3, i = 3, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[3][0] > d[3][3] + d[3][0]

    3. d[3][1] > d[3][3] + d[3][1]

    4. d[3][2] > d[3][3] + d[3][2]

    5. d[3][3] > d[3][3] + d[3][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table.

    7. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  5. STEP 3: K is incremented to 3

    1. For k = 3, i = 0, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[0][0] > d[0][3] + d[3][0]

    3. d[0][1] > d[0][3] + d[3][1]

    4. d[0][2] > d[0][3] + d[3][2]

    5. d[0][3] > d[0][3] + d[3][3]

    6. Modification is at d[0][1] and we put d[0][1] = -1, p[0][1] = 4.

    1. For k = 3, i = 1, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[1][0] > d[1][3] + d[3][0]

    3. d[1][1] > d[1][3] + d[3][1]

    4. d[1][2] > d[1][3] + d[3][2]

    5. d[1][3] > d[1][3] + d[3][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table.

    1. For k = 3, i = 2, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[2][0] > d[2][3] + d[3][0]

    3. d[2][1] > d[2][3] + d[3][1]

    4. d[2][2] > d[2][3] + d[3][2]

    5. d[2][3] > d[2][3] + d[3][3]

    6. Modify d[2][0] as 5, p[2][0] as 2; d[2][1] = 1, p[2][1]= 4.

    1. For k = 3, i = 3, j = 0 to 3

    2. d[3][0] > d[3][3] + d[3][0]

    3. d[3][1] > d[3][3] + d[3][1]

    4. d[3][2] > d[3][3] + d[3][2]

    5. d[3][3] > d[3][3] + d[3][3]

    6. Above all cases give condition as false so no update to any table.

    7. Floyd Warshall Algorithm

Time complexity = \( O(V^3) \)

Q. What is the time complexity of Bellman-Ford single-source shortest path algorithm on a complete graph of n vertices? (GATE 2013 SET D)

  1. \(\theta(n^{2})\)

  2. \(\theta(n^2\log n)\)

  3. \(\theta(n^3)\)

  4. \(\theta(n^3\log n)\)

Ans . 3

  1. Bellman-ford time complexity: \( \theta(\mid V\mid \times \mid E \mid)\)

  2. For complete graph : \( \mid E\mid = \frac{n\left(n-1\right)}{2}\)

  3. \( \mid V \mid = n\)

  4. \( \theta ( n \times (\frac{n(n-1)}{2})) = \theta (n^{3}) \)

Q. Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct regarding Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm? (GATE 2009)

P. Always find a negative weighted cycle, if one exists

Q. Finds whether any negative weighted cycle is reachable from the source.

(A) P only
(B) Both P and Q
(C) Q only
(D) Neither P nor Q

Ans . C

Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm is a single source shortest path algorithm. So it can only find cycles which are reachable from a given source, not any negative weight cycle. Consider a disconnected graph where a negative weight cycle is not reachable from the source at all. If there is a negative weight cycle, then it will appear in shortest path as the negative weight cycle will always form a shorter path when iterated through the cycle again and again

Q. Which of the following statement(s)is / are correct regarding Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm? P: Always finds a negative weighted cycle, if one exist s. Q: Finds whether any negative weighted cycle is reachable from the source. (GATE 2009)

  1. P Only

  2. Q Only

  3. Both P and Q

  4. Neither P nor Q

Ans: B

Que 5: Consider the directed graph shown in the figure below. There are multiple shortest paths between vertices S and T. Which one will be reported by Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm? Assume that, in any iteration, the shortest path to a vertex v is updated only when a strictly shorter path to v is discovered. (GATE 2016 SET B)

Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
  1. SDT

  2. SBDT

  3. SACDT

  4. SACET

Ans . D

Let d[v] represent the shortest path distance computed from ‘S’ Initially d[S]=0, d[A] = ∞ , d[B] = ∞,..........,d[T] = ∞

And let P[v] represent the predecessor of v in the shortest path from ‘S’ to ‘v’ and let P[v]=-1 denote that currently predecessor of ‘v’ has not been computed

Let Q be the set of vertices for which shortest path distance has not been computed

Let W be the set of vertices for which shortest path distance has not been computed

So initially, Q = {S,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,T ,W} = ∅

We will use the following procedure Repeat until Q is empty

  1. u = choose a vertex from Q with minimum d[u] value
  2. Q = Q - u
  3. update all the adjacent vertices of u
  4. W = W U{u}

d[S] = 0, d[A] = ∞ , d[B] = ∞ ,………, d[T] = ∞

Iteration: 1

  1. u=S
  2. Q ={A,B,C,D,E,F,G,T}
  3. final values after adjustment d[S]=0, d[A]=4, d[B]=3, d[C]=∞, d{D]=7, d[E]=∞,........,d[T]=∞, P[A]=S, P[B]=S, P[C]=-1, P[D]=S, P[E]=-1,..............,P[T]=-1
  4. W={S}

Iteration: 2

  1. u=B
  2. Q = {A,C,D,E,F,G,T}
  3. final values after adjustment d[S]=0, d[A]=4, d[b]=3, d[C]=∞, d[D]=7, d[E]=∞,........,d[T]=&infin, P[A]=S, P[B]=S, P[C]=-1, P[D]=S, P[E]=-1,...........,P[T]=-1
  4. W = {S,B}

Iteration: 3

  1. u = A
  2. Q = {C,D,E,F,G,T}
  3. final values after adjustment d[S]=0, d[A]=4, d[B]=3, d[C]=5, d[D] =7, d[E]= ∞,........,P[A]=S, P[B]=S, P[C]=A, P[D]=S, P[E]=-1
  4. W = {S,B,A}

Iteration: 4

  1. u = C
  2. Q = {D, E, F, G, T}
  3. final values after adjustment d[S]=0, d[A]=4, d[B]=3, d[C]=5, d[D]=7, d[E]=6,....,d[T]= &nfin;, P[A]=S, P[B]=S, P[C]=A, P[D]=S, P[E]=C,......,P[T]=-1
  4. W = {S,B,A,C}

Iteration 5:

  1. u = E
  2. Q = {D, F, G, T}
  3. final values after adjustment d[S]=0, d[A]=4, d[B]=3, d[C]=5, d[D]=7, d[E]=6, d[F]=∞, d[G] = 8, d[T]=10, P[A]=S, P[B]=S, P[C]=A, P[D]=S, P[E]=C, P[F]=-1, P[G]=E, P[T]=E
  4. W = {S,B,A,C,E}

After iteration 5, we can observe that P[T]=E , P[E]=C , P[C]=A , P[A]=S, So the shortest path from S to T is SACET

Que 6: A list of n strings, each of length n, is sorted into lexicographic order using the merge-sort algorithm. The worst case running time of this computation is (GATE 2016 SET B)

  1. O(n log n)

  2. O(n2log n )

  3. O(n2 + log n)

  4. O(n2)

Ans . B

The height of the recursion tree using merge sort is logn and n2 comparisons are done at each level, where at most n pairs of strings are compared at each level and n comparisons are required to compare any two strings, So the worst case running time is O(n2 log n)