• A characteristic of digital systems is their ability to represent and manipulate discrete el­ements of information. Any set that is restricted to a finite number of elements contains dis­crete information.

  • Examples of discrete sets are the 10 decimal digits. the 26 letters of the alphabet the 52 playing cards. Early digital computers were used for numeric computations. In this case. the discrete elements were the digits. From this application the term digital computer emerged.

  • Discrete elements of information are rep­resented in a digital system by physical quantities called signals.

  • Electrical signals such as voltages and currents arc the most common . Electronic devices called transistors predominate in the circuitry that implements these signals. The signals in most present day electronic dig­ital systems use just two discrete values and are the therefore said to be binary.

  • A binary digit is called a bit. It has two values: 0 and I. Discrete elements of information are represented with groups of bits called binary codes.

  • A major trend in digital design methodology is the use of a hardware description language(HDL) to describe and simulate the functionality of a digital circuit.

  • An HDL resembles a pro­gramming language and is suitable for describing digital circuits in textual form. It is used to simulate a digital system to verify its operation before hardware is built in. It is also used in conjunction with logic synthesis tools to automate the design process.

  • Digital circuits are also referred to as logic circuits. They process data by means of binary logic elements (logic gates) using binary signals. Quantities are stored in binary (two- valued) stor­age elements (flip-flops).

  • A decimal number is reresented by the convention.

    • \( a_5a_4a_3a_2a_1a_0.a_{-1}a_{-2}a_{-3} \)

  • The coefficients aj are any digits (0 - 9) and the subscript value 'j' gives the place value and hence the power of 10 by which the coefficient must he multiplied. Thus, the preceding decimal number can he expressed as

    • \( 10^5a_5 + 10^4a_4 + 10^3a_3 + 10^2a_2 + 10^1a_1 + 10^0a_0 + 10^{-1}a_{-1} + 10^{-2}a_{-2} + 10^{-3}a_{-3} \)

  • The decimal number system is said be of base, or radix = 10 because it uses 10 digits and the coefficients are multiplied by powers of 10.

  • The binary system is a different number system. The coefficients of the binary number system have only two [possible values: 0 and 1].

  • Each coefficient aj is multiplied by 2j and the results are added to obtain the decimal equiv­alent of the number. The radix point ( e.g .. the decimal point when 10 is the radix) distinguishes positive powers of 10 from negative powers of 10.

  • Example: Binary number 11010.11 in decimal form is expressed as:

    • \( 1 * 2^4 + 1 * 2^3 + 0 * 2^2 + 1 * 2^1 + 0 * 2^0 + 1 * 2^{-1} + 1 * 2^{-2} = 26.75\)

  • In general a number of base 'r' is expressed as:

    • \( r^na_n + r^{n-1}a_{n-1} + r^{n-2}a_{n-2} + r^{n-3}a_{n-3} + ... + r^{1}a_{1} + r^{0}a_{0} + r^{-1}a_{-1} + r^{-2}a_{-2} + ... + r^{-m}a_{-m} \)

    • The coefficients aj range in value from 0 to r - 1.

  • Example: Base-5 number (4021.2)5 in decimal form is expressed as:

    • \( 4 * 5^3 + 0 * 5^2 + 2 * 5^1 + 1 * 5^0 + 2 * 5^{-1} = (511.40)_{10} \)

  • Example: Octal number (127.4)8 in binary form is expressed as:

    • \( 1 * 8^2 + 2 * 8^1 + 7 * 8^0 + 4 * 8^{-1} = (87.5)_{10}\)

  • Example: Hexadecimal number (B65F)16 in binary form is expressed as:

    • \( 11 * 16^3 + 6 * 16^2 + 5 * 16^1 + 15 * 16^0 = (46687)_{10}\)

Rules of Binary Addition

  • 0 + 0 = 0
  • 0 + 1 = 1
  • 1 + 0 = 1
  • 1 + 1 = 0, and carry 1 to the next more significant bit

For example,

00011010 + 00001100 = 00100110                  1  1  carries
  0  0  0  1  1  0  1  0    =   26(base 10)
+ 0  0  0  0  1  1  0  0
   =   12(base 10)
  0  0  1  0  0  1  1  0    =   38(base 10)
00010011 + 00111110 = 01010001           1  1  1  1  1  carries
  0  0  0  1  0  0  1  1    =   19(base 10)
+ 0  0  1  1  1  1  1  0
   =   62(base 10)
  0  1  0  1  0  0  0  1    =   81(base 10)

Note:  The rules of binary addition (without carries) are the same as the truths of the XOR gate.

Rules of Binary Subtraction

  • 0 - 0 = 0
  • 0 - 1 = 1, and borrow 1 from the next more significant bit
  • 1 - 0 = 1
  • 1 - 1 = 0

For example,

00100101 - 00010001 = 00010100                  0  borrows
  0  0  1 10  0  1  0  1    =   37(base 10)
- 0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
   =   17(base 10)
  0  0  0  1  0  1  0  0    =   20(base 10)
00110011 - 00010110 = 00011101              0 10  1  borrows
  0  0  1  1  0 10  1  1    =   51(base 10)
- 0  0  0  1  0  1  1  0
   =   22(base 10)
  0  0  0  1  1  1  0  1    =   29(base 10)

Rules of Binary Multiplication

  • 0 x 0 = 0
  • 0 x 1 = 0
  • 1 x 0 = 0
  • 1 x 1 = 1, and no carry or borrow bits

For example,

00101001 × 00000110 = 11110110          0  0  1  0  1  0  0  1    =   41(base 10)
× 0  0  0  0  0  1  1  0
   =   6(base 10)
0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  
0  0  1  0  1  0  0  1     
0  0  1  0  1  0  0  1      
0  0  1  1  1  1  0  1  1  0    =   246(base 10)
00010111 × 00000011 = 01000101          0  0  0  1  0  1  1  1    =   23(base 10)
× 0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
   =   3(base 10)
   1  1  1  1  1        carries
0  0  0  1  0  1  1  1  
0  0  0  1  0  1  1  1   
0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  1    =   69(base 10)

Binary Division

Binary division is the repeated process of subtraction, just as in decimal division.

For example,

00101010 ÷ 00000110 = 00000111                    1  1  1     =   7(base 10)

1  1  0  )  0  0  1 1 1  0  1  0     =   42(base 10)
      -   1  1  0        =   6(base 10)
      1       borrows
    1  0 1 1   
    -   1  1  0   
         1  1  0 
     -   1  1  0 
10000111 ÷ 00000101 = 00011011                  1  1  0  1  1     =   27(base 10)

1  0  1  )  1  0  0 1 0  1  1  1     =   135(base 10)
    -   1  0  1          =   5(base 10)

    1  1 1    
  -   1  0  1     
      1  1    
    -    0    
      1  1  1   
    -   1  0  1   
       1  0  1 
     -   1  0  1 

  • The conversion of a decimal integer to a number in base 'r' is done by dividing the number and all successive quotients by 'r' and accumulating the remainders.

Integer Quotient Remainder Coefficient 'aj'
153 / 8 = 19 1 a0 = 1
19 / 8 = 2 3 a1 = 3
2/8 = 0 2 a2 = 2

Therefore, the answer of (153)10 = \( a_2a_1a_0 \) = (231) 8.

Q.Convert decimal (0.6875)10 to binary.

Step Integer Fraction Coefficient 'aj'
0.6875 * 2= 1 0.375 a-1 = 1
0.3750 * 2 = 0 0.75 a-2 = 0
0.75 * 2 = 1 0.5 a-3 = 1
0.5 * 2 = 1 0 a-4 = 1

Therefore, the answer of (0.6875)10 = \( (0.a_{-1}a_{-2}a_{-3}a_{- 4})_2 \) = \( (0.1011)_2 \). To convert a decimal fraction to a number expressed in base 'r', a similar procedure is used. However. multiplication is by 'r' instead of 2 and the coefficients found from the Integers may range in value from 0 to r - 1 instead of 0 and 1.

Q.Convert decimal (0.513)10 to octal.

Number Conversion: Octal and Hexadecimal numbers.

  • The conversion from and to binary, octal and hexadecimal plays an important role in digital computers. Since 23 = 8 and 24= 16, each octal digit corresponds to three binary digits and each hexadecimal digit corresponds to four binary digits.

  • The conversion from binary to octal is easily accomplished by partitioning the binary number into groups of three digits each starting from the binary point ( . ) and proceeding to the left and to the right. The corresponding octal digit is then assigned to each group.

  • binary to octal
  • Conversion from binary to hexadecimal is similar, except that the binary number is divided into groups of four digits: The corresponding hexadecimal (or octal) digit for each group of binary digils is easily remembered from the values

  • binary to octal
  • Conversion from octal or hexadecimal to binary is done by reversing the preceding procedure . Each octal digit is converted to its three digit binary equivalent. Similarly, each hexadecimal digit is converted to its four digit binary equivalent.

  • binary to octal

  • Binary numbers are difficult to work with because they require three or four times as many digits as their decimal equivalents.

  • However digital computers use binary numbers, and it is sometimes necessary for the human operator or user to communicate directly with the machine by means of such numbers.

  • Therefore, the relationship of the hexdecimal and octal numbers with binary system is used to reduce the bits required to specify binary quantities.

  • Hexadecimal is preferred over octal.

  • There are two types of complements for each base 'r' system: the radix: com­plement and the diminished radix complement. The first is referred to as the r's complement and the second as the (r - 1 )'s complement.

    • When the value of the base 'r' is substituted in the name the two types are referred to as the 2' s complement and 1's complement for binary num­bers.

    • Similarly it is 10's complement and 9's complement for decimal numbers.

Q. Calculate 9's complement of 546700

  1. 9's complement of a decimal number is obtained by subtracting each digit from 9.

  2. The 9' s complement of 546700 is 999999 - 546700 =

  3. 453299

Q. The 9' s complement of 012398 is

  1. = 999999 - 012398

  2. = 987601

Q. The 1's complement of 1011000 is

  1. The 1's complement of a binary number is formed by changing 1's to 0's and 0's to 1's.

  2. So we get 0100111.

Q. The 1's complement of 0101101 is

  1. The 1's complement of a binary number is formed by changing 1's to 0's and 0's to 1's.

  2. So we get 1010010.

  • The r' s complement of an n-digit number N in base r is defined as rn - N for N ≠ 0 and as 0 for N = 0.

  • We also note that the r's complement is obtained by adding 1 to the (r - 1)'s complement

  • Thus, the l0' s complement of decimal 2389 is 7610 + 1 = 7611 and is obtained by adding 1 to the 9's complement value.

  • The 2' s complement of binary 101100 is 010011 + 1 = 010100 and is obtained by adding 1 to the 1's complement value.

  • The complement of the complement is the original number.

  • Ignore all zeros in least significant positions.

  • Subtract the first non zero least significant bit from 10.

  • Subtract all other higher significant bits from 9.

Q. Find 10's complement of 012398

  1. The least significant digit is 8 so subtract it from 10 and we get 2.

  2. All other higher bits are subtracted from 9.

  3. Final answer is 987602

Q. Find 10's complement of 246700

  1. The least significant digits are 0 so ignore them till we reach first non zero LSB which is 7. Subsract it from 10 to get 3..

  2. All other higher bits are subtracted from 9.

  3. Final answer is 753300

  • Ignore all 0's and the first 1 in least significant positions.

  • Change all 0's to 1 and 1's to zeros for every other bit.

Q. 2's complement of 1101100 is

  1. Ignore all 0's and the first 1 in least significant positions.

  2. Change all 0's to 1 and 1's to zeros for every other bit.

  3. Finally we get 0010100

Q. 2's complement of 0110111 is

  1. Ignore all 0's and the first 1 in least significant positions.

  2. Change all 0's to 1 and 1's to zeros for every other bit.

  3. Finally we get 1001001

  • When we subtract M - N then 'M' is referred to as 'Minuend' and 'subtraend' respectively.

  • Step 1:

    Add 'M' to the r's complement of 'N'. If M ≥ N then a carry will be produced so discard it.

  • Step 2:

    If M < N then no end carry is produced and so we take the r's complement of the final answer and add minus sign to it.

Q. Using 10's complement subtract 72532 - 3250

  1. M has five digits and N has only four digits. Both numbers must have the same num­ber of digits, so we write N as 03250. Taking the 10' s complement of N produces a 9 in the most significant position. The occurrence of the end carry signifies that M ≥ N and that the result is therefore positive.


Q. Using 10's complement subtract 3250 - 72532

  1. There is no end carry, Therefore, the answer is 10's complement of 30718 = - 69282


Q. Using 2's complement subtract 1010100 - 1000011 and also 1000011 - 1010100
