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  1. Explanation :

    Total number of suits is 4 We need minimum 9 cards to make sure that there are 3 cards of same suit. For example, With 8 cards, we can have 2 cards of each suit.

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  1. Explanation :

    Option A : L is not 0+ , because 0+ will contain any arbitrary string over alphabet 0 with any no of 0's ( except empty string ), for ex: {0, 00, 000,00000}, but L will only have the strings as { 00, 0000, 000000,...}, i.e only even no of  0's ( excluding empty string}.   Option D : L is a Context Free Language, because the Grammar G which generates the language L is Context Free Grammar. A Grammar G is CFG if all of its productions are of the form A->α, where A is a single non-terminal and α belongs to (V∪ T)* , i.e  α can be a string of terminals and/or Non-terminals. (V represents a non-terminal and T represents a terminal)   Option C : L is a Regular Language, Because we are able to write a regular expression for it ( and also able to make a Finite Automaton), which is (00)+. DFA (00)+ (1)     Option B :  Hence This option is Correct, because L is Regular but not 0+, as we proved above.

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  1. Explanation :

    In2's complement representation, positive numbers are represented as their representation and negative numbers are represented by first doing 1's complement, then adding 1 to the result. So 43 is represented as 00101011. Note that option represents -43.

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  1. Explanation :

    If ready pin is high the microprocessor will complete the operation and proceeds for the next operation. If ready pin is low the microprocessor will wait until it goes high. Thus, option (B) is the answer. Please comment below if you find anything wrong in the above post.


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  1. Explanation :

    TPipelining does not increase the execution time of a single instruction. It increases the overall performance by executing instructions in multiple pipeline stages. We assume that each stage takes ‘T’ unit of time both in pipelined and non-pipelined CPU. Let total stages in pipelined CPU = Total stages in non-pipelined CPU = K and number of Instructions = N = 1 Pipelined CPU : Total time (T1) = (K + (N - 1)) * T = KT Non-Pipelined CPU : Total time (T2) = KNT = KT Considering buffer delays in pipelined CPU, T1 >= T2 Thus, option (B) is the answer. Please comment below if you find anything wrong in the above post.

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  1. Explanation :

    Here the passage is asking, " what can be inferred ? ", i.e. it's asking about the hidden conclusion of the passage. Why not Option A ? - because it is clearly given in the passage : "The exact reasons for the formation of this gap are not clear ". Why not Option B ? - because the passage no where talks about the low-lying regions of Kerala and Tamil Nadu near the Palghat Gap. Why not option D ? - Because the passage only says : "neighbouring regions of Kerala having higher summer temperatures", it doesn't say that this high temperature results in rainfall. Note: We have to think and conclude only from what is given in the passage. We can't make our own conclusions. Why Option C ? - because the passage says : " It results in the neighbouring regions of Tamil Nadu getting more rainfall from the South West monsoon and the neighbouring regions of Kerala having higher summer temperatures", hence we can conclude here that the weather is getting affected due to the Gap. Therefore, option C is correct.

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  1. Explanation :

    • A says that strategies are now available for eliminating psychiatric illnesses but it is mentioned in the very first line that the geneticists are very close but the strategy is not available till now. So, A is incorrect.
    • The given data says that the geneticists are working on the genetic roots of psychiatric illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia, which implies that these two diseases have genetic basis. Thus, B is the correct option.
    • C says that all human diseases can be traced back to genes and how they are expressed, but the data given in the question talks about psychiatric illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia only. So, C is also incorrect.
    • D says that in future, genetics will be the only relevant field for identifying psychiatric illnesses, which cannot be inferred from the given data. So, D is also incorrect.
    So, B is the correct option  


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  1. Explanation :

    One way single person fare is 100. Therefore 2 way is 200.
    For 5 persons it is 200 x 5 = 1000
    Now 1st discount is of 10 % on total fare, which is 100( 10 % of 1000). And as the group is of more than 4, an additional discount of 5 % on total fare, which is 50( 5 % of 1000).
    Hence total discount is equal to 100 + 50 = 150.
    Therefore tickets are charged at Rs 1000 - 150 = 850.