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  • Explanation : Based on how and why the software products are being developed, software products can be of two types Generic and Customized.

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  • Explanation : The testing must be incorporated in every step of the development cycle to ensure a secure system and also which makes the system robust.

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  • Explanation : A software process is a sequence of activities that leads to the production of a software product. There are four fundamental activities that are common to all software processes. These activities are: Specification, Development, Validation, Evolution.

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  • Explanation : Maintaining excellent quality data is essential to ensure long-term customers relationships so data cleaning is necessary.

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  • Explanation : Because each record in a dimension table can describe many records in the fact table.

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  • Explanation : OLAP allows users to analyze database information from multiple database systems at one time.

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  • Explanation : The basic principle of interleaving is to spread burst errors over many code words. So fading causes bit errors to occur in bursts corresponding to the times when the channel is in a deep fade.

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  • Explanation : This cable is the most commonly used and is cheaper than others. It is lightweight, cheap, can be installed easily, and they support many different types of network.

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  • Explanation : Speedup is a number that measures the relative performance of two systems processing the same problem. More technically, it is the improvement in speed of execution of a task executed on two similar architectures with different resources

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  • Explanation : The definition of parallel efficiency is indeed commonly defined as the speedup divided by the number of units of execution (processors, cores, ...) which will always be between 0 and 1 since the units of execution will increase in parallel computer.

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  • Explanation : No specific explanation. Its a disjoint rule.

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  • Explanation : If a function is one to one and onto then all the functions resulting from this function will be one to one and onto as well.

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  • Explanation : An equivalence relation is a binary relation that is at the same time a reflexive relation, a symmetric relation and a transitive relation. As a consequence of these properties an equivalence relation provides a partition of a set into equivalence classes.

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  • Explanation : Deterministic PDA cannot handle languages or grammars with ambiguity, but NDPDA can handle languages with ambiguity and any context-free grammar. So every nondeterministic PDA can not be converted to an equivalent deterministic PDA.

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  • Explanation : If L1 and If L2 are two context free languages, their union L1 ∪ L2 will also be context free. This is a standard property of Context free grammars.

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  • Explanation :Given is the number 2AF in base 16 and you want to know the two’s complement of that number for a 12bit representation written out in base 8.Let’s start with converting 2AF base 16 to binary: 0010 1010 1111. This should be easy enough, as each digit of a base 16 number represents exactly 4 digit of a binary number and you can easily look that up on the internet.The next step to convert this to it’s two’s complement, is to invert every single bit of it: 1101 0101 0000. Should also be very easy (Just as a side note: This is called the one’s complement).Now comes the most complicated part: We need to add 1 to the result we’ve got so far: 1101 0101 0001. As there was no need to propagate any carry bit, this was actually easier than I expected.Now, that we have the final result in base 2, we need to convert that to base 8. Luckily enough, in base 8 each digit represents exactly 3 bits of the base 2 representation, so as a first step, we group the binary digits a little bit different (in 3s instead of 4s) and we get: 110 101 010 001. And finally we use the trick with the look up on the internet again - this time to convert our groups of 3 bits to octal digits: 6521.And so our final result is: 6521 in base 8.

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  • Explanation : the truth table of (a v b) v (a ʌ c) is equal to a v b rest of option dont have same truth table.

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  • Explanation :characteristic of well formed formulae

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  • Explanation :decoder is used to convert BCD number to decimal.

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  • Explanation : No explanation

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  • Explanation :When j is 50, the function would call itself again and again as neither i nor j is changed inside the recursion.

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  • Explanation : when we use casting of pointer to another type of object it goes to dereferencing.

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  • Explanation :the given declaration m is array pointer to function as defined in question

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  • Explanation : Size of any type of pointer is 2 byte.

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  • Explanation :static constructor does not allows to chnage operator only dynamic constructor gives allowance.

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  • Explanation : in these query the salary is given in paranthesis which means as either one salary is selected and hence employees whith these 4000 or 8000 is displayed

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  • Explanation :the given relation is in BCNF is given as it follows X → Y is a trivial functional dependency (Y ⊆ X)
    X is a superkey for schema R

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  • Explanation :Transaction control language command are used to manage transaction in database.These are used to manage the changes made by DML statements. It also allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions.

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  • Explanation : Mapping cardinality is also called as cardinality ratio.

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  • Explanation : members of F are:
    A H by transitivity from A B and B H
    AG I by augmenting A C with G, to get AGCG and then transitivity with CG I
    CGHI by augmenting CGI to infer CGCGI, and augmenting of CGH to infer CGIHI, and then transitivity

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  • Explanation : Transactional processing is an database application not an data warehouse application

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  • Explanation : no explanation

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  • Explanation : A table and matrix are both two dimentional.

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  • Explanation : A binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two child nodes. The number of subtrees of a node is called the degree of the node. In a binary tree, all nodes have degree 0, 1, or 2. The degree of a tree is the maximum degree of a node in the tree. A binary tree is of degree 2.

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  • Explanation : no explanation

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  • Explanation : log 2 (6 x 109 x 103 ) = 42.44 ⇒ 43 bits are required to assign a unique host address to each communicating device.

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  • Explanation : A client application generates an ephemeral port number for every TCP connection it sets up. An HTTP request connection is uniquely specified by the five parameters: (TCP, client IP address, ephemeral port #, server IP address, 80). The two applications in the above situations will have different ephemeral port #s and will thus be distinguishable to the server.

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  • Explanation : Size of received file = 1.5 megabyte = 1.5 * 10^6 bytes.
    Maximum packet size (payload) = 1500 bytes.
    IP packet contains TCP segment header (20 bytes) and IP packet header (20 bytes).
    Hence data size in a packet = 1500 –20 –20 = 1460 bytes
    Therefore, to receive a file of 1.5 megabytes, we need 1.5∗10ˆ6/1460=1027.397 packets.
    That means total 1028 packets.
    Now, overhead incurred = ((no of packet*payload-file size)/file size)*100 = ((1028∗1500−(1.5∗10ˆ6))/(1.5∗10ˆ6))*100 = (42000/(1.5∗10ˆ6))*100 = 2.8%

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  • Explanation : The data link layer is concerned with the transfer of frames of information across a single hop . The network layer involves the transfer of information across a network using multiple hops per path in general. The connection from a radio antenna to the laptops is direct, and thus a data link layer protocol is more suitable for this situation .

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  • Explanation : The parse tables SLR(l) and LALR(l) contains same number entries but the reduce in the tables may be different. As there is changes in reduce entries error entries will different.

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  • Explanation :The second pass generates the values, translates the opcode and operands and synthesizes the document.

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  • Explanation : The syntax phase processes the constructs and performs appropriate actions.

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  • Explanation : It is a rule to store the most significant bit of the result in the sign status flag. The first bit always signifies the sign of the result.

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  • Explanation : A bottom-up parsing builds a derivation by working from the input sentence to the start symbol S which generates rightmost derivation in reverse.

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  • Explanation : Let three process be P0, P1 and P2 with arrival times 0, 2 and 6 respectively and CPU burst times 10, 20 and 30 respectively. At time 0, P0 is the only available process so it runs. At time 2, P1 arrives, but P0 has the shortest remaining time, so it continues. At time 6, P2 arrives, but P0 has the shortest remaining time, so it continues. At time 10, P1 is scheduled as it is the shortest remaining time process. At time 30, P2 is scheduled. Only two context switches are needed. P0 to P1 and P1 to P2.

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  • Explanation : Critical section is the part of the program where shared or common resources are pooled so that there is no inconsistency or deadlocks during access of resources

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  • Explanation : If block size is large then seek time is less (fewer blocks to seek) and disk performance is improved, but remember larger block size also causes waste of disk space.

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  • Explanation : If block size is large then seek time is less (fewer blocks to seek) and disk performance is improved, but remember larger block size also causes waste of disk space. 48)32 bit virtual address results in large memory overhead in maintaining the page tables.

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  • Explanation : The basic need of a software product or a system is to provide good functionality and performance. Hence they are good software attributes.

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  • Explanation : Every software system has different requirements and features. Hence, the best software engineering depends on the type of product to be built.