Section 3:Past Years' Solved Questions from the IIFT

3.IIFT 2009

Directions for Questions 1 to 3:

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions. Four houses Blue, Green, Red and Yellow are located in a row in the given order. Each of the houses is occupied by a person earning a fixed amount of a salary. The four persons are Paul, Krishna, Laxman and Som.
    I. Paul lives between Som and Krishna.
    II. Laxman does not stay in the Blue house.
    III. The person living in the Red house earns more than the person living in the Blue house.
    IV. The salary of Som is more than that of Paul but lesser than that of Krishna.
    V. One of the person earns ` 80,000.
    VI. The person earning ` 110,000 is not Laxman.
    VII. The salary difference between Laxman and Som is ` 30,000.
    VIII. The house in which Krishna lives is located between the houses with persons earning salaries of ` 30,000 and ` 50,000.
    IX. Krishna does not live in the Yellow house, and the person living in yellow house is not earning the lowest salary among the four persons.

Ans .

(b) Krishna

  1. Explanation :

    Solutions for Questions 1 to 3: In order to solve any puzzle kind of question, the first thing you have to think about is the best pictorial representation which would make it convenient to solve the question. In this context, you realise when you read the question set that there are essentially 4 variables in this question viz: The house position and the house colour, the person's name and the salary of the individual. Out of these you realise from the starting statement of the problem itself that the relationship between the house colour and position is fixed ("Four houses Blue, Green, Red and Yellow are located in a row in the given order.") Accordingly, your starting grid structure should look like this:

    IIFT 2009
    Note that the 1st and 4th houses in the row are corner houses and have only 1 neighbour. Once you create this grid structure, you need to first look at any direct clues within the clues provided. Scanning the 9 clues at this point you can see that all the clues are indirect clues and cannot be used directly in the current grid structure. The next thing you try to do is to try to use two clues in combination with each other. The first and second clues used together provide you with this opportunity.
    Analysis of clues (I) and (II):
    The first clue tells us that "Paul lives between Som and Krishna".
    This gives us an initial thought that these three can occupy the houses 1, 2, 3 in the row with Paul occupying the 2nd house and Som and Krishna sharing houses 1 and 3 in no particular order. In this case Laxman has to occupy the 4th house, i.e. the Yellow house.
    OR they can occupy the houses 2,3,4 with Paul occupying the 3rd house and Som and Krishna sharing houses 2 and 4 in no particular order. In this case Laxman has to occupy the 1st house, i.e. the Blue house. However, since we know from Clue (II) that Laxman does not stay in the Blue house we reject this possibility.
    Consequently, we can fix the position of Paul and Laxman in the Green and Yellow houses respectively.
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    At this point if we use Clue (VIII), we see that since ԋrishna lives in between two housesԠhe cannot be in the first house. Hence, Krishna takes the third house and Som takes the 1 st one. Thus, the grid converts to:
    IIFT 2009
    From this point we need to focus on fixing the values of the salaries of the 4 individuals. The values of the four salaries can first be identified as 30000, 50000 (from Clue VIII), 80000 (Clue V) and 110000 (Clue VI). We also know from Clue VIII that Krishna lives between the people earning 30000 and 50000 which means that 30000 and 50000 could be Laxman and Paul's salary. Further, the salary difference between Laxman and Som being 30000, their salaries would have to be 50000 and 80000, with Laxman getting 50000 and Som getting 80000. Consequently Paul gets 30000 and Krishna would earn 110000. The solution grid would then look like below:
    IIFT 2009

    Krishna lives in the red house. Option (b) is correct.

Ans .

(c) Red

  1. Explanation :

    The person earning the highest salary is Krishna and he lives in the Red house. Option (c) is correct.

Ans .

(a) 30,000

  1. Explanation :

    The salary of the person in the green house is ` 30000. Option (a) is correct

Ans .

(c) North East of starting point, 13 kms

  1. Explanation :

    IIFT 2009

Ans .

(d) 13 and 6

  1. Explanation :

    The following describes the cars and their occupants:
    Car 1: Grandmother (paternal), grandfather (maternal), Father and Mother Total 4 people with two missing-paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother.
    Car 2: Brother, brother's wife and sister's husband. Total 3 people with 1 missing, viz: Sister.
    Car 3: Raju and his wife; wife's sister, wife's brother, Raju's son's wife and Raju's grandson. Total six people with 3 missing-wife's sister's husband, wife's brother's wife and son.
    Thus, we can see that there are a total of 13 people going to the picnic and 6 people are being left behind. Option (d) is correct.

Ans .

(Inconsistent data)

  1. Explanation :

    The data is inconsistent in this question as we get that A has 5 cards lesser than E (i.e. E-5) while B has 5 cards lesser than D (i.e. D-5). This means that A and B together would have 10 cards less than D and E; but the problem states that A and B have 20 cards more than D and E. Hence, this question has inconsistent data and hence cannot be solved.

Ans .

(c) Tuesday and Thursday

  1. Explanation :

    IIFT 2009

Directions for Questions 8 to 10:

Study the information given below and answer the questions. A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it using a particular rule. The following is the illustration and the steps of the arrangement INPUT: Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline
    STEP 1: Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
    STEP 2: Style Mile Smile Nile Shine Wine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
    STEP 3: Style Mile Smile Nile Wine Shine Bovine Feline Mine Swine
    STEP 4: Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
    STEP 5: Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Swine Mine Feline Bovine
    STEP 6: Nile Smile Mile Style Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine
    STEP 7: Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

Ans .

(b) Smile Nile Style Mile Shine Wine Mine Swine Bovine Feline

  1. Explanation :

    Solutions for Questions 8 to 10: The given input output string is such that in seven steps we get the following interchanges: 1, 2, 3, 4 are switched to 4, 3, 2, 1. 5, 6 becomes 6, 5 and 7, 8, 9 and 10 becomes 10, 9, 8, 7. Thus, by step 14 the same changes would occur again, i.e., reversal of each of the strings, viz: 4, 3, 2, 1 will become 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5 will become 5, 6 and 10, 9, 8, 7 will become 7, 8, 9, 10. Based on this analysis we can solve the questions.

    Consequently step 14 would go back to the original arrangement, viz: Smile, Nile, Style, Mile, Shine, Wine, Mine, Swine, Bovine, Feline. Option (b) is correct.

Ans .

(b) Mile Style Nile Smile Wine Shine Feline Bovine Swine Mine

  1. Explanation :

    Steps 12 to 14 would be the reverse order of steps 2,1 and input. Option (b) is not a part of any of steps 1 or 2 and is not the input too. Thus, Option (b) is the correct answer.

Ans .

(d) Step 14

  1. Explanation :

    Step 14 would be the same as the input row as it would completely reverse all the changes that have happened from steps 1 to 7. Option (d) is correct.

Directions for Question 11:

Study the information given below and answer the questions. A Prime Minister is contemplating the expansion of his cabinet. There are four ministerial berths and there are eight probable candidates (C1-C8) to choose from. The selection should be in a manner that each selected person shares a liking with at least one of the other three selected members. Also, the selected candidates must also hate at least one of the likings of any of the other three persons selected.
    I. C1 likes travelling and sightseeing, but hates river rafting.
    II. C2 likes sightseeing and squash, but hates travelling.
    III. C3 likes river rafting, but hates sightseeing.
    IV. C4 likes trekking, but hates squash.
    V. C5 likes squash, but hates sightseeing and trekking.
    VI. C6 likes travelling, but hates sightseeing and trekking.
    VII. C7 likes river rafting and trekking, but hates travelling, and
    VIII. C8 likes sightseeing and river rafting, but hates trekking

Ans .

(c) C1, C2, C4, C7

  1. Explanation :

    The first option of the team of C1, C2, C5 and C6 does not meet the required condition as C1 hates only river rafting which no one likes.
    Similarly option (b) is also not correct as C3's liking is not shared by anyone else. Option (c) is correct because in the combination of C1, C2, C4 and C7, each of the four people has at least 1 person who shares his/her liking while the hate of each of the 4 people is liked by at least 1 person. Thus, all conditions are met in this case and this is the correct answer. Option (c) is correct.