Section 4:Past Years' Solved Questions from the SNAP

3.SNAP 2009

Directions for Questions 1 and 2: Answer the questions based on the information given below The Venn diagram given below shows the estimated readership of 3 daily newspapers (X, Y & Z) in a city. The total readership and advertising cost for each of these papers is as below:
SNAP 2009
The total population of the city is estimated to be 14 million. The common readership (in lakhs) is
indicated in the given Venn diagram
SNAP 2009

    Ans .

    (c) 17.4

    1. Explanation :

      The following figure shows the completed Venn diagram based on the information in the table:
      SNAP 2009
      The answers can be easily read off once we know the above figure.
      The number of people who read at least 1 newspaper is 2.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 4.7 + 4.6 + 1.5 + 2.6
      = 17.4. Option (c) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (b) 11.9

    1. Explanation :

      The number of people reading
      only 1 newspaper would be: 4.7 + 4.6 + 2.6 = 11.9. Option (b)
      is correct.

    Ans .

    (d) 24

    1. Explanation :

      The numbers in each row progressively double
      from the previous number to the next as we go
      from left to right. This can be clearly seen in the numbers in the bottom row, where 48
      becomes 96 and 96 becomes 192.
      Thus, in the top row, 6 becomes 12 and 12 would become 24 (which is the missing number).
      Option (d) is the correct answer

    Ans .

    (b) 6

    1. Explanation :

      The order of figures keeps rotating between Square-Triangle-Circle-Square-Triangle-Circle
      and so on. Thus, if the first figure is a triangle, the next figure in the same row would be a
      circle followed by a square. Thus, the missing figure in the bottom row must be a triangle. The
      other part of the logic you need to use in this case is that of the three figures one is not shaded,
      while the other two are shaded. Amongst the two figures which are shaded one is shaded by
      lines inclined to the right and the other is shaded by lines inclined to the left. In the third row,
      since the circle has a shading with right inclination, the missing triangle would have left
      inclined shading.
      The 6th figure gives us the required missing figure. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (b) A-39, B-21, C-12

    1. Explanation :

      The given exchanges can be best tested
      in the following manner by checking the options. We
      can see that option (b) fits the given description because of the following:
      SNAP 2009
      Hence, option (b) is correct

    Ans .

    (a) skills in reading, communication and mathematics play an important role in developing a career as a desktop publisher.

    1. Explanation :

      The first conclusion is a valid conclusion as
      it can be inferred that desktop
      requires skills in reading, communication and mathematics.
      The second option also looks close, but is incorrect because it concludes about the majority
      of the new jobs. The information provided in the basic question tells us nothing about the
      majority of new jobs it just talks about 'many of the new jobs.
      Concluding about majority based on many is one of the basic thought errors induced in such
      questions. Thus, option (b) though it looks close is not the correct answer.
      Option (a) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (d) according to the NAAS, if crop yields per acre drop by more than 50 per cent, then crop protection products have not been used to control insects, weeds and diseases.

    1. Explanation :

      In order to solve something like this where
      we need to find out the conclusion that cannot be
      validly made, we need to test each conclusion for its validity.
      The thinking about option (a) would proceed on the following lines:
      The basic information in the question states that if crop protection products are not used, crop
      yields would drop by more than 50%. This means that if crop yields do not drop by more than
      50%, it must be sure that crop protection products must have been used.
      A parallel logic to explain this can be stated in the following manner:
      If you do not study hard, you would fail in the exams. If you did not fail, it must be true that
      you did study hard. Thus, conclusion (a) is a valid conclusion.
      However, carrying this logic forward to option (d), it is clear that the conclusion drawn in
      option (d) is incorrect.
      Again the parallel analogy is: If you do not study hard, you will fail in the exams. In case, you
      failed in the exams, it is not necessarily true that you did not study hard.
      The conclusions in options (b) and (c) can be seen to be true.
      Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (b) Evelyn is right about Lous argument, but nevertheless her own conclusion is unwarranted.

    1. Explanation :

      The conclusion drawn by Lou in this case is erroneous as his argument is based on the
      following fallacy:
      If A happens, B will happen. (Here A = flight is cancelled, B = Manager does not arrive in
      Lou is concluding that A did not happen, hence B also will not happen. He is overlooking the
      possibility that the manager could still be late even if his flight is on time. Hence, Lous
      argument is fallacious.
      However, even Evelyns argument is also half baked-just because Lou is stating the manager would
      be on time, she is in effect saying that since Lous argument is fallacious, the opposite
      result (i.e. the manager would be late) is definite.
      Thus, Evelyn is right about Lous argument, but her own conclusion is also unwarranted.
      Thus, option (b) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (b) The number of car accidents is several hundred thousand times higher than the number of plane accidents.

    1. Explanation :

      Clearly, if we know that the number of car accidents
      is much higher than the number of plane
      accidents, the argument gets weakened. Option (b) tells us exactly that.
      Hence, Option (b) is correct

Directions for Questions 10 and 12: Refer to the chart below showing annual production and answer the questions that follow.
SNAP 2009

    Ans .

    (d) B only

    1. Explanation :

      From the figure it can be seen that the only input
      to S is from industry B. Thus, only industry B
      contributes to company S.
      Option (d) is correct.

    Ans .

    (d) Cannot be determined

    1. Explanation :

      Industry B processes some elements from elements
      4, 5 and 6. However, we do not know the
      split of these elements (as to how these elements are split between industries A, B and C) so
      we cannot determine the percentage of the total production of the listed elements that goes to
      Industry B. Thus, option (d) is correct.

    Ans .

    (b) 45,000

    1. Explanation :

      The production of industry A goes only to
      P, Q and R. Since P, Q and R account for 45% of
      the total production (and they do not get any inputs either from Industry B or Industry C), we
      can say that Industry A accounts for 45% of the total production = 45000 tons.
      Option (b) is correct.

Directions for Questions 13 and 16: In each of the following questions there are two blanks marked I & II. The words to fill in these blanks are given against I as (A, B, C, D) and II as (P, Q, R, S) respectively. The right words to fill in these blanks are given as four alternatives. The words on either side of the sign (::) have a similar relationship. That alternative which signifies this relationship is your answer.

    Ans .

    (b) RB

    1. Explanation :


      Decrease shows
      the same relationship across the two pairs.
      Option (b) is correct

    Ans .

    (a) AQ

    1. Explanation :



      Young:Old shows the
      same relationship across the two pairs. Option
      (a) is correct.

    Ans .

    (b) BQ

    1. Explanation :



      School shows the
      same relationship across the two pairs. Option (b) is

    Ans .

    (a) AQ

    1. Explanation :



      Pretty shows the same relationship across the two pairs. Option (a) is correct.

Ans .

(b) 204097

  1. Explanation :

    Looking at BEAUTIFUL = 573041208 and BUTTER = 504479,
    one realises that the coding in
    this question is direct, i.e. the digit code in the code for the word is in the exact same place of
    the letter it is replacing. This can be seen if we look at B = 5 and T = 4 in the two words.
    Thus, for future we realise that F = 2, U = 0, T = 4, R = 9 and E = 7 and hence the code for
    FUTURE = 204097. Option (b) is correct

Ans .

(d) Cannot be specified

  1. Explanation :

    The number of Mondays in a month having 31 days and ending on Wednesday would be 5, as
    the Mondays would fall on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the month.
    However, if the month has lower than 31 days the number of Mondays if the month ends on a
    Wednesday would just be 4.
    For example for a 30 day month, the 30th being a Wednesday, the last Monday would be on
    28th. Consequently, the Mondays of the month would fall on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th-a total
    of 4 Mondays only.
    Since, the question does not specify the number of days in the month, we can be sure that we do not have
    enough data to specify the exact number of Mondays in the month. Option (d) is correct.

Directions for Questions 19 and 20: There are two rows of numbers in each question. The upper row is complete and in the lower row one number is missing. Find a suitable number to fill the blank space so that the symmetry with the upper row is maintained.

    Ans .

    (b) 75

    1. Explanation :

      In the first row, the middle number is got by:
      17n = 12m = 102. In this case, n = 6 and m = 8.5.
      In the second row if we use: 15 ¥ 5 = 10 ¥ 7.5 = 75 we get the required value of the number. It
      can be seen that both the multipliers reduce by 1.
      Option (b) is correct.

    Ans .

    (b) 480

    1. Explanation :

      The logic for the middle number in the
      first row being 336 is 12 ¥ 14 ¥ 2 = 336.
      In the second row, on the basis of the same logic, the missing number would be 15 ¥ 16 ¥ 2 =

Directions for Questions 21 and 22: Seven People A, B, C, D, E, F, G plan to enjoy boating. There are only two boats, and the following conditions are to be kept in mind. (I) A will go in the same boat in which E is to go. (II) F cannot go in the same boat in which C is, unless D is also accompanying. (III) Neither B nor C can be given the boat in which G is. (IV) The maximum number of persons in one boat can be four only.

    Ans .

    (a) G is in the other boat.

    1. Explanation :

      In order to solve this set of questions, once you read
      the basic information you should realise that the
      two clues that give you a handle in order to move your thinking forward in this question are the clues
      (I) and (III). These state:
      A and E have to be together AND
      G cannot be with B or C which means that B and C have to be put in one boat and G on the other.
      With this basic precondition in place we can look at the following situation:
      SNAP 2009
      Now the second clue states that F cannot be on the same boat as C unless we put D also in the same
      This leads to the following possibilities:
      POSSIBILITY 1: If F is put with C AE D would need to be with F.
      SNAP 2009
      POSSIBILITY 2: If F is not put on the boat with C
      SNAP 2009
      This leaves us with A, E and D to place
      From this point we get the following situations:
      SNAP 2009
      SNAP 2009
      From this point we can move into the questions by looking at the individual situations as led into by
      the question.
      If F and B are on one boat as stated by this option, it means we are looking at possibility 1.
      In such a case the arrangement involves putting G on the other boat. Option (a) is correct.

    Ans .

    (d) C, D and B

    1. Explanation :

      In order to solve this set of questions, once you read
      the basic information you should realise that the
      two clues that give you a handle in order to move your thinking forward in this question are the clues
      (I) and (III). These state:
      A and E have to be together AND
      G cannot be with B or C which means that B and C have to be put in one boat and G on the other.
      With this basic precondition in place we can look at the following situation:
      SNAP 2009
      Now the second clue states that F cannot be on the same boat as C unless we put D also in the same
      This leads to the following possibilities:
      POSSIBILITY 1: If F is put with C AE D would need to be with F.
      SNAP 2009
      POSSIBILITY 2: If F is not put on the boat with C
      SNAP 2009
      This leaves us with A, E and D to place
      From this point we get the following situations:
      SNAP 2009
      SNAP 2009
      From this point we can move into the questions by looking at the individual situations as led into by
      the question.
      If E and F are together, it necessarily means that we are looking at Possibility 2B. In this case,
      the other boat would have B, C and D on it.

Directions for Questions 23 and 24: A series of figures has been shown on the left. Find the figure in the place of ? from the figures on the right.

    Ans .

    (c) SNAP 2009

    1. Explanation :

      In each figure as we move from the left
      to the right we are deleting one horizontal and one
      vertical line. Thus the final figure in place of the question mark would have just one vertical
      line. Option (c) is correct.

    Ans .

    (c) SNAP 2009

    1. Explanation :

      From the first figure to the next,
      the dots remain in the same place and the lines are inverted.
      The same relationship would exist between the third and the fourth figure. In option (c), the
      dots remain in their place (as in the third figure) and the lines are inverted.
      Thus, option (c) is the correct answer.

    Ans .

    (a) MSYE

    1. Explanation :

      There are four parallel series running in the given series.
      The series of letters in the first place: G, I, K AE hence M (skip 1 letter to get the next letter in
      the series).
      The series of letters in the second place: M, O, Q AE hence S (skip 1 letter to get the next
      letter in the series).
      At this point if we look at the options we realise that there are only two options, which give
      us a start of MS. Thus, we have to choose between options (a) and (d). Further, both these
      options give us Y as the third letter. Hence, we just need to focus on deciding on the last
      The series of letters in the fourth place: Y, A, C AE hence E (skip 1 letter to get the next letter
      in the series).
      Option (a) is correct.