The following table gives the sales of batteries manufactured by a company

lit the years. Study the table and answer the questions that follow:

1992 75 144 114 102 108 543
1993 90 126 102 84 426 528
1994 96 114 75 105 135 525
1995 105 90 150 90 75 510
1996 90 75 135 75 90 465
1997 105 60 165 45 120 495
1998 115 85 160 100 145 605

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    The total sales (in thousands) of all the seven years for various batteries are:

    For 4AH = 75 + 90 + 96 + 105 + 90 + 105 + 115 = 676

    For 7AH = 144 + 126 + 114 + 90 + 75 + 60 + 85 = 694

    For 32AH = 114 + 102 + 75 + 150 + 135 + 165 + 160 = 901

    For 35 AH= 102 + 84 + 105 + 90 + 75 + 45 + 100 = 601

    For 55 AH= 108 + 126 + 135 + 75 + 90 + 120 + 145 = 799.

    Clearly, sales are maximum in case of 32AH batteries.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required difference = [(84 - 45) x 1000] = 39000

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    The percentages of sales of 4AH batteries to the total sales in different years are:

    For 1992 =(75*100/543)%=13.81%

    For 1993=(90*100)/528%=17.05%

    For 1994=(96*100/465)%=19.35%

    For 1995=(105*100/495)%=20.59%

    For 1996=(96*100/465)%=19.35%

    For 1997=(105*100/495)%=21.21%

    For 1998=(115*100/605)%=19.01%

    Clearly, the percentage is maximum in 1997.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    From the table it is clear that the sales of 7AH batteries have

    been decreasing continuously from 1992 to 1997.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required Percentage =(145-108)/108)*100 %=34.26%=34%.

Study the following table carefully and answer these questions:



App.Qual.App.Qual. App.Qual.App.Qual.App.Qual.
M 5200 720 8500 980 7400 850 6800 775 9500 1125
N 7500 840 9200 1050 8450 920 9200 980 8800 1020
P 6400 780 8800 1020 7800 890 8750 1010 9750 1250
Q 8100 950 9500 1240 8700 980 9700 1200 8950 995
R 7800 870 7600 940 9800 1350 7600 945 7990 885

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required Percentage=(1020+1240) *100%=(2260*100)/18300%


Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required Percentage= (850+920+890+980+1350) *100% (7400+8450+7800+8700+9800)



Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required Percentage=(84+1050+920+980+1020)/(7500+9200+8450+9200+8800)*100%=(4810*100)/43150*) %


Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required average =(8100+9500+8700+9700+8950)/5=44950/5=8990

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    The percentages of candidates qualified to candidates appeared from

    State P during different years are:

    For 1997= 780 * 100% =12.19% 6400

    for 1998 = 1020*100 %=11.59% 8800

    For 1999 = 890*100 %=11.41%; 7800

    For 2000 = 1010* 100 % = 11.54%. 8 750

    For 2001=1250*100 %= 12.82% 9750

    Maximum percentage is for the year 2001..

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required Percentage =( 720 + 840 + 780 + 950 + 870) . x 100


The following table gives the percentage of marks obtained by seven students in six , different subjects in an examination. Study the table and

answer the questions based on it. The numbers in the brackets give the maximum marks in each subject.

StudentMaths Chemistry Physics Geography History Computer Science
Max Marks(160) (130) (120) (100) (60) (40)
Ayush 90 50 90 60 70 80
Aman 1008080408070
Muskan 806585955090
Tanvi 707565854060

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Aggregate marks obtained by Sajal

    = [(90% of 150) + (60% of 130) + (70% of 120) + (70% of 100) +(90% of 60) + (70% of 40)] = 135 + 78 + 84 + 70 + 54 + 28 = 449.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Aggregate marks obtained by Tarun .

    = [(65% of 150) + (35% of 130) + (50% of 120) + (77% of 100) + (80% of60) + (80% of 40)] = 97.5 + 45.5 + 60 + 77 + 48 + 32 = 360.

    Total maximum marks (of all the six subjects)

    = (150 + 130 + 120 + 100 + 60 + 40) = 600.

    Overall percentage of Tarun = 360 x 100 % = 60%.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Average marks obtained in Physics by all the seven students

    = 1/7 [(90% of 120) + (80% of 120) + (70% of 120) + (80% of 120)+ (85% of 120) + (65% of 120) + (50% of 120)]

    = 1/7 [(90 + 80 + 70 +80 + 85 + 65 + 50)% of 120]

    =1/7 [520% of 120] = 89.14.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    From the table it is clear that Sajal and Rohit have 60% or more

    marks in each of the six subjects.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    We shall find the overall percentage (for all the seven students) with respect to each subject.The overall percentage for any subject is equal to the average of percentages obtained by all the seven students since the maximum marks for any subject is the same for all the students.Therefore, overall percentage for:

    (i) Maths = [1/7(90+100+90+80+80+70+65)]%= [1/7(575)]% = 82.14%.

    (ii) Chemistry = [1/7(50 + 80 + 60 + 65 + 65 + 75 + 35)]%= [1/7(430)]% = 61.43%. .

    (iii) Physics = [1/7(90 + 80 + 70 + 80 + 85 + 65 + 50)]%=[1/7 (520)]% = 74.29%.

    (iv) Geography = [1/7(60 + 40 + 70 + 80 + 95 + 85 + 77)]%= [1/7 (507)} = 72.43%.

    (v) History = [1/7 (70 + 80 + 90+ 60 + 50 + 40 + 80)]%=1/7 [(470)]% = 67.14%.

    (vi) Computer Science = [1/7 (80 + 70 + 70 + 60 + 90 + 60 + 80)]%= [1/7 (510)]% = 72.86%.

    Clearly; this. percentage is highest for Maths.

Study the following table carefully and answer tbe questions given below:(Bank P.O. 2001) CLASSIFICATION OF 100 STUDENTS BASED ON THE MARKS OBTAINED BY THEM IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY IN AN EXAMINATION
(Marks out Of 50) Subject40 and above30 and above20 and above10 and above0 and above
physics 9 32 80 92 100
chemistry 4 21 66 81100
(aggregate Average) 7 27 73 87 100

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    We have 40% of 50 =(40/100 x 50)= 20.

    Required number = Number of students scoring less than 20 marks in aggregate

    = 100 - number of students scoring 20 and above marks in aggregate = 100 - 73 = 27.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    We have 60% of 50 =(60 /100x 50) = 30.

    Required number = Number of students scoring 30 and above mark in Physics = 32

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Required difference = (Number of students scoring 30 and

    above in mark in Chemistry) (Number of students scoring 30 and above marks in aggregate) = 27 - 21 = 6.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Number of students getting at least 60% marks in Chemistry

    = Number of students getting 30 and above marks in Chemistry = 21.

    Number of students getting at least 40% marks in aggregate

    = Number of students getting 20 and above marks in aggregate = 73.

    Required Percentage = (21/73x 100)% = 28.77% ˜29%.

Ans .


  1. Explanation :

    Since 66 students get 20 and above marks in Chemistry and out of

    these 21 students get 30 and above marks, therefore to select top 35 students in Chemistry, the qualifying marks

    should lie in the range 20-30.