1. Explanation :

    0.008 = 8/100 = 1/1250.

  1. Explanation :

    0.04%= 0.04/100 =0.004.

  1. Explanation :

    0.004 = [(4/1000)*100]% = 0.4%.

  1. Explanation :

    28% of 450 + 45% of 280 =[(28/100)*450 + (45/100)*280] = (126+126) =252.

  1. Explanation :

    1 metric tonne = 10 quintals. Required percentage = [ (40/(2 * 10)) * 100]% = 200%.

  1. Explanation :

    Let x% of 25 = 2.125. Then , (x/100)*25 = 2.125 X = (2.125 * 4) = 8.5.

  1. Explanation :

    Required difference = [3 ½ % of Rs.8400] – [3 1/3 % of Rs.8400]
    = [(7/20-(10/3)]% of Rs.8400 =1/6 % of Rs.8400
    = Rs. [(1/6)8(1/100)*8400] = Rs. 14.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the number of meters to be examined be x.
    Then, 0.08% of x =2
    [(8/100)*(1/100)*x] = 2
    x = [(2*100*100)/8] = 2500

  1. Explanation :

    Let the number be x. Then, 4*x/5 –(65% of x) = 21 4x/5 –65x/100 = 21
    5 x = 2100
    x = 140.

  1. Explanation :

    . Let the numbers be x and y. Then , 7.5 % of x =12.5% of y
    X = 125*y/75 = 5*y/3.
    Now, x-y =1660
    5*y/3 –y =1660
    2*y/3= 1660
    y =[ (1660*3)/2] =2490.
    One number = 2490, Second number =5*y/3 =4150.

  1. Explanation :

    Error = (81.5 – 81.472)km = 0.028.
    Required percentage = [(0.028/81.472)*100]% = 0.034%.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the number of votes enrolled be x. Then ,
    Number of votes cast =75% of x. Valid votes = 98% of (75% of x). 75% of (98% of (75%of x)) =9261.
    [(75/100)*(98/100)*(75/100)*x] =9261.
    X = [(9261*100*100*100)/(75*98*75)] =16800.

  1. Explanation :

    Number of questions attempted correctly=(70% of 10 + 40% of 30 + 60% 0f 35) =7 + 12+21= 45
    questions to be answered correctly for 60% grade=60% of 75 = 45
    therefore required number of questions= (45-40) = 5.

  1. Explanation :

    50% of (x-y)=30% of(x+y)
    therefore required percentage =((y/x) X 100)% = ((y/4y) X 100) =25%

  1. Explanation :

    Let the initial amount with Mr.jones be Rs.x then,
    Money given to wife= Rs.(40/100)x=Rs.2x/5
    Money given to 3 sons= Rs(3X((20/200) X (3x/5)) = Rs.9x/5.
    Balance = Rs.((3x/5) – (9x/25))=Rs.6x/25.
    Amount deposited in bank= Rs(1/2 X 6x/25)=Rs.3x/25. Therefore 3x/25=12000
    x= ((12000 x 35)/3)=100000 So Mr.Jones initially had Rs.1,00,000 with him.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the total number of orginal inhabitants be x.
    (27/40)*x=4050 x=((4050*40)/27)=6000.

  1. Explanation :

    Let his total sales be Rs.x.Now(Total sales) – (Commission )=Rs.31,100 x-[(5% of 10000 + 4% of (x-10000)]=31,100
    x-[((5/100)*10000 + (4/100)*(x-10000)]=31,100
    Total sales=Rs.32,500

  1. Explanation :

    Let the original salary = Rs.100
    New final salary=150% of (50% of Rs.100)= Rs.((150/100)*(50/100)*100)=Rs.75.
    Decrease = 25%

  1. Explanation :

    Let the original income=Rs.100
    . Then , expenditure=Rs.75 and savings =Rs.25 New income =Rs.120 ,
    New expenditure = Rs.((110/100)*75)=Rs.165/2
    New savings = Rs.(120-(165/2)) = Rs.75/2
    Increase in savings = Rs.((75/2)-25)=Rs.25/2
    Increase %= ((25/2)*(1/25)*100)% = 50%.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the original salary be Rs.100 . New salary = Rs.90. Increase on 90=10 , Increase on 100=((10/90)*100)% = (100/9)%

  1. Explanation :

    Let the price of the product be Rs.100 and let original sale be 100 pieces.
    Then , Total Revenue = Rs.(100*100)=Rs.10000.
    New revenue = Rs.(90*130)=Rs.11700.
    Increase in revenue = ((1700/10000)*100)%=17%.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the original fraction be x/y.
    Then (115%of x)/(92% of y)=15/16 => (115x/92y)=15/16

  1. Explanation :

    Reduction in consumption = [((R/(100+R))*100]%

  1. Explanation :

    Population after 2 years = 176400*[1+(5/100)]^2 =[176400*(21/20)*(21/40)]
    = 194481.
    Population 2 years ago = 176400/[1+(5/100)]^2
    =[716400*(20/21)*(20/21)]= 160000.

  1. Explanation :

    Population in the beginning of the first year = 9975/[1+(5/100)]*[1-(5/100)] = [9975*(20/21)*(20/19)]=10000.