1. Explanation :

    sp=rs 28.50 gain=rs(28.50 –27.50)=rs1.10
    so gain%={(1.10/27.50)*100}=4%

  1. Explanation :

    ,sp= 465.50.
    loss=rs(490-465.50)=rs 24.50.

  1. Explanation :

    SP =20% of rs 56.25 ,=rs{(120/100)*56.25}=rs67.50.

  1. Explanation :

    let the new sp be rsx.then
    (100-loss%) : (1st sp)=(100+gain%) (\(2^{nd}\) sp)
    {(100-5)/1400}={(100+5)/x}=> x={(105*1140)/95} =1260.

  1. Explanation :

    SP=rs 27.50: profit =10%.
    CP=rs {(100/110)*27.50}=rs 25.
    When sp =Rs25.75 ,profit =Rs(25.75-25)=Rs 0.75 Profit%={(0.75/25)*100}%=25/6%=3%

  1. Explanation :

    sp=Rs100 : then cp=Rs 96:profit =Rs 4. Profit={(4/96)*100}%=4.17%

  1. Explanation :

    CP of each article be Rs 1
    CP of 18 articles =Rs18 ,sp of 18 articles =Rs 21.

  1. Explanation :

    (SP of 33m)-(CP of 33m)=Gain=SP of 11m
    SP of 22m = CP of 33m
    Let CP of each metre be Re.1 , Then, CP of 22m= Rs.22,SP of 22m=Rs.33.

  1. Explanation :

    Suppose , number of bananas bought = LCM of 6 and 4=12
    CP=Rs.[(10/6)*12]=Rs.20 ; SP= Rs[(6/4)*12]=Rs.18

  1. Explanation :

    C.P of 3 toffees=Re 1; S.P of 3 toffees =150% of Re.1=3/2.
    For Rs.3/2, toffees sold =3,
    for Re.1, toffees sold = [3*(2/3)] = 2.

  1. Explanation :

    C.P of 200 kg of mixture = Rs. (80 * 13.50+120*16) = Rs.3000.
    S.P =116% 0f Rs.3000 =Rs.[(116/200) *3000]=Rs.3480.
    Rate of S.P of the mixture =Rs.[3480/200] per kg =Rs.17.40 per kg.

  1. Explanation :

    Mean cost price =Rs. [ (100/120)*96 ] =Rs.80 per kg.

  1. Explanation :

    Let the cost of production of the table be Rs x
    The ,125% of 115% of 110% of x=1265

  1. Explanation :

    Let the s.p be Rs. X .then C.P = Rs.9x/10,Receipt=108% of rs.x=Rs 27x/25 Gain=Rs (27x/25*9x/10)=Rs(108x-90x/100)=Rs18x/100 Gain%=(18x/100*10/9x*100)%=20%

  1. Explanation :

    let the original s.p be Rs x. then now S.P=Rs2x/3,loss=10% now C.P=Rs20x/27*27/20x*100)%=35%

  1. Explanation :

    Let C.P be Rs x. then (105% of x)-(80 % of x)=100 or 25% of x=100
    x/4=100 or x=400
    so,C.P =Rs 400

  1. Explanation :

    Let the C.P be Rs x
    1st S.P=125% of x =125x/100=5x/4;2nd S.P=80% of x=80x/100=4x/5
    2nd S.P=130% of 4x/5=(130/100*4x/5)=26x/25
    x=(10.50*100)/21=50 hence C.P=Rs.50

  1. Explanation :

    Let the orginal price of the jewel be Rs p and let the profit earned by the thrid seller be x% Then,(100+x)% of 125% OF 120% OF P=165% OF P

  1. Explanation :

    In this case there will be alwalys loss. The selling price is immaterial Hence, loss % = (common loss and gain%)2 /10=(16/10)%=(64/25)%=2.56%

  1. Explanation :

    Let the C.P of the whole be Rs x
    C.P of 3/4th =Rs 3x/4,C.P of 1/4th =Rs x/4
    total S.P=Rs [(120%of 3x/4)+x/4]=Rs(9x/10+x/4)=Rs 23x/20
    gain=Rs(23x/20-x)=Rs 3x/20

  1. Explanation :

    let the marked price be Rs 100
    then ,net S.P=95% of 90% of 80% of Rs 100

  1. Explanation :

    let the market price of each pen be Rs 1
    then,C.P of 40 pens = Rs 36 S.P of 40 pens =99% of Rs 40=Rs 39.60
    profit %=((3.60*100)/36) %=10%

  1. Explanation :

    Let C.P be Rs 100.then S.P be Rs 133 Let the market price be Rs x
    Then 90% of x=133=>95x/100=133=>x=(133*100/95)=140
    Market price = 40% above C.P