Chapter 15: Direction Sense Test

Problems and Solutions
Q. A man faces west. He turns 45° in clockwise
direction and 180° in same direction and 270° in anti
clockwise direction. Where is he facing now?
A. From graph we get answer south west.
Q. One day, Shyam left home and cycled 10 km
southwards, turned right and
cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left
and cycled
10 km. How many kilometres will he have to cycle to reach his
A. Shyam is 15 km in west from home.
Q. A child is looking for his toy. He went
90 metres in the east before turning to his right. He went 20
metres before turning to his right again to look for his toy
at his uncle's place 30 metres from this point. His toy was
not there. From there, he went 100 metres to his north before
meeting his toy in a street. How far did the son meet his toy
from starting point ?
A. The child is 100 m from home.

Q. A man is facing north west he turns 90°
in clockwise and 135° in anti clockwise direction so where is
he facing now?
A. From graph he is facing West.
Q. Kishen walks 10 km towards North. From
there, he walks 6 km towards South. Then, he walks 3 km
towards East. How far and in which direction is he with
reference to his starting point ?
A. From graph he is 5 km north east from his
starting point.
Q. Rasika walks 20 m North. Then she turns
right and walks 30 m. Then she turns right and walks 35 m.
Then she turns left and walks 15 m. Then she again turns left
and walks 15 m. In which direction and how many metres away is
she from her original position
A. 45m east of starting point

Q. 5 friends D,K,N,A,P are standing facing north
as given below:K is 40m to right of A; D is 60m to south of K;
N is 25m to west of K; P is 90m to north of D.
- who is to the north east of the person who is left of K
- if a boy walks from N, A, K, D, P then how many km has
he walked?
A. From graph we can solve the question.
Q. If
south east becomes north and north east becomes west then west
shall become
A. south east.
Q. 6 flats on a floor in two rows 3 facing north
and 3 south are allotted to P,Q,R,S,T,U; Q gets a north facing
flat and is not next to S; S,U gets diagonally opposite flats.
R next to U gets a south facing flat and T gets a north facing
- who all get south facing flats
- who lives between Q,S
- if flats of T,P are interchanged who will be next to U
- other than SU who all are diagonally opposite.
- which statement can be removed but we can get answers to
above questions
A. Arranging below as per data given:
Clearly all statements are necessary to answer the