Perfect Competition
Natural monopoly is when there is extremely high fixed cost of distribution e.g. gas, water, electricity.
Monopolistic competition
Economic cost is the summation of explicit cost , implicit cost and normal profit. Explicit cost is needed for hiring or purchasing, implicit cost is incurred from own land or capital and normal profit is seen in monopolistic competition / perfect competition whereas abnormal profit is seen in monopsony, monopoly and oligopoly.
Economic cost is accounting cost plus opportunity cost.
Example is if a boy attends college then the accounting cost is calculated as a sum of tuition fee, travelling, cost of books, exam fee. But opportunity cost is the salary he could have earned if he had worked. Hence if his accounting cost is Rs. 1 lakh and opportunity cost is Rs. 2 lakh then the economic cost of attending college for him is Rs. 3 lakh.
Social cost is economic cost plus external cost. External cost is externalities like damage to environment done by the venture.
Total cost is sum of total fixed costs and total variable costs. Fixed costs are taxes, rents, license fee, depreciation. Variable costs are salary of casual workers, raw materials etc.
The total cost and total variable cost are parallel lines.
The total fixed cost is a straight line but the average fixed cost depends on the outputs and more the outputs more it will decline. Its shape is a Rectangular hyperbola.
Want / Desire - Primary wants are food, shelter, clothing and secondary wants are comfort and luxury.
Consumption - Using goods and services to satisfy wants.
Utility - Satisfying power of a good or service. Marginal utility is the maximum price a consumer is willing to pay.
Production - Making goods or services that have utility. Marginal price of production is minimum profit a producer expects.
Demand - Willingness to buy a good at a certain price at a certain time.
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