• A type is how Python represents different types of data.

    print('Hello, Python!')
  • In this section, we will discuss some widely used types in Python.

  • You can have different types in Python. They can be integers like 11, real numbers like 21.213, they can even be words.

  • Integers, real numbers, and words can be expressed as different data types.

  • The following chart summarizes three data types for the last examples.

  • 11 int
    21.3 float
    "Hello Python" string

  • The first column indicates the expression. The second column indicates the data type.

  • We can see the actual data type in Python by using the type command.

    type("Hello, Python 101!")
  • We can have int, which stands for an integer and float that stands for float, essentially a real number.

  • The type string is a sequence of characters.

  • -4,4,0,1,2,5,55 are some integers. Integers can be negative or positive. It should be noted that there is a finite range of integers but it is quite large.

  • Floats are real numbers. They include the integers but also numbers in between the integers. Consider the numbers between 0 and 1. We can select numbers in between them.

  • These numbers are floats. Similarly, consider the numbers between 0.5 and 0.6. We can select numbers in between them.

  • You can change the type of the expression in Python, this is called typecasting. You can convert an int to a float.

  • For example, you can convert or cast the integer 2 to a float 2.0. Nothing really changes, if you cast a float to an integer, you must be careful. For example, if you cast the float 1.1 to 1, you will lose some information.

    # Convert 2 to a float
    # Convert integer 2 to a float and check its type
    # Casting 1.1 to integer will result in loss of information
  • If a string contains an integer value, you can convert it to int. If we convert a string that contains a non-integer value, we get an error.

    # Convert a string into an integer
    # Convert a string into an integer with error
    int('1 or 2 people')
    # Convert the string "1.2" into a float
  • You can convert an int to a string or a float to a string.

    # Convert an integer to a string
    # Convert a float to a string
  • Boolean is another important type in Python. A Boolean can take on two values. The first value is True, just remember we use an uppercase T. Boolean values can also be False with an uppercase F.

    # Type of True
    # Type of False
  • Using the type command on a Boolean value, we obtain the term bool.

  • This is short for Boolean, if we cast a Boolean True to an integer or float, we will get a 1. If we cast a Boolean False to an integer or float, we get a 0.

  • If you cast a 1 to a Boolean, you get a True. Similarly, if you cast a 0 to a Boolean, you get a False.

    # Convert True to int
    # Convert 1 to boolean
    # Convert 0 to boolean
    # Convert True to float
  • Expressions describe a type of operation the computers perform.

  • Expressions are operations the python performs, for example, basic arithmetic operations like adding multiple numbers.

  • We call the numbers operands and the math symbols in this case, addition, are called operators.

  • We can perform operations such as substraction using the subtraction sign.

  • We can perform multiplication operations using the asterisk.

  • We can also perform division with the forward slash. 25 / 5 is 5.0. 25 / 6 is approximately 4.167. In Python 3 the version we will using in this course, both will result in a float.

    # Addition operation expression
    43 + 60 + 16 + 41
    # Subtraction operation expression
    50 - 60
    # Multiplication operation expression
    5 * 5
    # Division operation expression
    25 / 5
  • We can use double slash for integer division, where the result is rounded.

    # Integer division operation expression
    25 // 5
    # Integer division operation expression
    25 // 6
  • Be aware, in some cases the results are not the same as regular division. Python follows mathematical conventions when performing mathematical expressions.

    # Mathematical expression
    30 + 2 * 60
  • The expressions in the parenthesis are performed first.

    # Mathematical expression
    (30 + 2) * 60
  • We can use variables to store values. We can then use the value somewhere else in the code by typing the exact name of the variable.

    # Store value into variable
    x = 43 + 60 + 16 + 41
  • The old value of the variable is not important. We can store the results of expressions in variables.

  • We can also perform operations on x and save the result to a new variable, y.

    # Use another variable to store the result of the operation between variable and value
    y = x / 60
    # Overwrite variable with new value
    x = x / 60
  • We can use the type command in variables as well. It's good practice to use meaningful variable names, so you don't have to keep track of what the variable is doing.

  • It's common to use the underscore to represent the start of a new word, you could also use a capital letter.

    # Name the variables meaningfully
    total_min = 43 + 42 + 57 # Total length of albums in minutes
    # Name the variables meaningfully
    total_hours = total_min / 60 # Total length of albums in hours 
    # Complicate expression
    total_hours = (43 + 42 + 57) / 60  # Total hours in a single expression
  • In Python, a string is a sequence of characters.

    # Use quotation marks for defining string
    "Michael Jackson"
  • A string is contained within two quotes. You could also use single quotes.

  • A string can be spaces or digits.

  • A string can also be special characters. We can bind or assign a string to another variable.

  • It is helpful to think of a string as an ordered sequence.

    # Use single quotation marks for defining string
    'Michael Jackson'
    # Digitals and spaces in string
    '1 2 3 4 5 6 '
    # Special characters in string
    # Print the string
    # Assign string to variable
    Name = "Michael Jackson"
  • Each element in the sequence can be accessed using an index represented by the array of numbers.

  • StringsIndex
  • We can also use negative indexing with strings. The last element is given by the index negative one.

  • StringsIndex
  • We can bind a string to another variable.

  • We can treat the string as a sequence and perform sequence operations.

    # Assign string to variable
    Name = "Michael Jackson"
    # Print the first element in the string
    # Print the element on index 6 in the string
    # Print the element on the 13th index in the string
    # Print the last element in the string
    # Print the first element in the string
    # Find the length of string
    len("Michael Jackson")
  • We can also input a stride value i.e. select a variable after a stride or jump of a given length.

  • StringsStride
    # Get every second element. The elments on index 1, 3, 5 ...
    # Get every second element in the range from index 0 to index 4
  • We can also incorporate slicing. In this, we return value from a particular start and end.

  • StringsSlice
    # Take the slice on variable Name with only index 0 to index 3
    # Take the slice on variable Name with only index 8 to index 11
  • We can use the len command to obtain the length of the string.

  • We can concatenate or combine strings. We use the addition symbols. The result is a new string that is a combination of both.

    # Concatenate two strings
    Statement = Name + "is the best"
  • We can replicate values of a string. We simply multiply the string by the number of times we would like to replicate it. The result is a new string. The new string consists of three copies of the original string. This means you cannot change the value of the string but you can create a new string.

    # Print the string for 3 times
    3 * "Michael Jackson"
    # Concatenate strings
    Name = "Michael Jackson"
    Name = Name + " is the best"
  • For example, you can create a new string by setting it to the original variable "Michael Jackson" and concatenate it with a new string "is the best". The result is a new string that changes from Michael Jackson to Michael Jackson is the best.

  • Strings are immutable i.e. once assigned a value cannot be changed.

  • Back slashes represent the beginning of escape sequences. Escape sequences represent strings that may be difficult to input. For example, backslashes n (\n) represent a new line. The output is given by a new line after the \n is encountered.

  • Similarly, backslash t (\t) represents a tab. The output is given by a tab where the \t is. If you want to place a backslash in your string, use a double backslash. The result is a backslash after the escape sequence.

    # New line escape sequence
    print(" Michael Jackson \n is the best" )
    # Tab escape sequence
    print(" Michael Jackson \t is the best" )
    # Include back slash in string
    print(" Michael Jackson \\ is the best" )
    # r will tell python that string will be display as raw string
    print(r" Michael Jackson \ is the best" )
  • When we apply a method to the string A, we get a new string B that is different from old string. Examples- the method upper. This method converts lowercase characters to uppercase characters.

  • The method "replace" replaces a segment of the string i.e. a substring with a new string. We input the part of the string we would like to change. The second argument is what we would like to exchange the segment with. The result is a new string with a segment changed.

  • The method find, find substrings. The argument is the substring you would like to find. The output is the first index of the sequence.

  • If the substring is not in the string, the output is negative one

  • StringsFind
    # Convert all the characters in string to upper case
    A = "Thriller is the sixth studio album"
    print("before upper:", A)
    B = A.upper()
    print("After upper:", B)
    # Replace the old substring with the new target substring is the segment has been found in the string
    A = "Michael Jackson is the best"
    B = A.replace('Michael', 'Janet')
    # Find the substring in the string. Only the index of the first elment of substring in string will be the output
    Name = "Michael Jackson"
    # Find the substring in the string.
    # If cannot find the substring in the string

  1. Explanation :

    correct, in this code, we first cast or convert the float to an integer, then use the type function to determine the type

  1. Explanation :

    Correct, In Python, if you cast a float to an integer, the conversion truncates towards zero.

  1. Explanation :

    What is the result of the following code segment: int(False)

  1. Explanation :

    correct // corresponds to integer division

  1. Explanation :

    Correct: the value x=x+1 changes the value of x, if x is assigned to its self. It's helpful to replace the value of x with its current value in this case 1 or x=1+1.

  1. Explanation :

    correct, Python follows the standard mathematical conventions

  1. Explanation :

    Correct, we only retrieve the first two elements.

  1. Explanation :

    Correct, the first index 1 from A[1::2] corresponds to the second value, i.e. 9 . The stride value of 2 from A[1::2] selects every second element.

  1. Explanation :

    upper returns a copy of the string in which all case-based characters have been converted to uppercase.

  1. Explanation :

    the method finds the starting index of a substring

  1. Explanation :

    correct, the argument is first evaluated 1+1=2, then the result is cast to a string.

  1. Explanation :

    correct, the method replace returns a copy of the string with all occurrences of the old substring