• What are the main characteristics which have the most impact on the car price?

    #Import Data from Module 2
    #Import libraries
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
  • Load data and store in dataframe df: This dataset was hosted on IBM Cloud object click HERE for free storage

    df = pd.read_csv(path)
  • Analyzing Individual Feature Patterns using Visualization To install seaborn we use the pip which is the python package manager.

    ! pip install seaborn
  • Import visualization packages "Matplotlib" and "Seaborn", don't forget about "%matplotlib inline" to plot in a Jupyter notebook.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    %matplotlib inline 
  • How to choose the right visualization method? When visualizing individual variables, it is important to first understand what type of variable you are dealing with. This will help us find the right visualization method for that variable.

    # list the data types for each column
  • We can calculate the correlation between variables of type "int64" or "float64" using the method "corr":

  • The diagonal elements are always one; we will study correlation more precisely Pearson correlation in-depth at the end of the section.

  • Continuous numerical variables are variables that may contain any value within some range.

  • Continuous numerical variables can have the type "int64" or "float64".

  • A great way to visualize these variables is by using scatterplots with fitted lines.

  • In order to start understanding the (linear) relationship between an individual variable and the price. We can do this by using "regplot", which plots the scatterplot plus the fitted regression line for the data.

  • Let's see several examples of different linear relationships:

  • Positive linear relationship Let's find the scatterplot of "engine-size" and "price"

    # Engine size as potential predictor variable of price
    sns.regplot(x="engine-size", y="price", data=df)
  • From the plot above, we see that As the engine-size goes up, the price goes up: this indicates a positive direct correlation between these two variables.

  • Engine size seems like a pretty good predictor of price since the regression line is almost a perfect diagonal line.

  • We can examine the correlation between 'engine-size' and 'price' and see it's approximately 0.87

    df[["engine-size", "price"]].corr()
  • Highway mpg is a potential predictor variable of price. So testing this hypothesis using below command:

    sns.regplot(x="highway-mpg", y="price", data=df) 
  • As the highway-mpg goes up, the price goes down: this indicates an inverse/negative relationship between these two variables. Highway mpg could potentially be a predictor of price.

  • We can examine the correlation between 'highway-mpg' and 'price' and see it's approximately -0.704

    df[['highway-mpg', 'price']].corr()
  • Let's see if "Peak-rpm" as a predictor variable of "price".

    sns.regplot(x="peak-rpm", y="price", data=df)
  • From executing above command we can see, Peak rpm does not seem like a good predictor of the price at all since the regression line is close to horizontal.

  • Also, the data points are very scattered and far from the fitted line, showing lots of variability. Therefore it's it is not a reliable variable.

  • We can examine the correlation between 'peak-rpm' and 'price' and see it's approximately -0.101616

  • These are variables that describe a 'characteristic' of a data unit, and are selected from a small group of categories.

  • The categorical variables can have the type "object" or "int64".

  • A good way to visualize categorical variables is by using boxplots.

  • Let's look at the relationship between "body-style" and "price".

    sns.boxplot(x="body-style", y="price", data=df)
  • From above command, we obtain a plot where We see that the distributions of price between the different body-style categories have a significant overlap, and so body-style would not be a good predictor of price.

  • Let's examine engine "engine-location" and "price":

    sns.boxplot(x="engine-location", y="price", data=df)
  • Here we see that the distribution of price between these two engine-location categories, front and rear, are distinct enough to take engine-location as a potential good predictor of price.

  • Let's examine "drive-wheels" and "price".

    # drive-wheels
    sns.boxplot(x="drive-wheels", y="price", data=df)
  • Here we see that the distribution of price between the different drive-wheels categories differs; as such drive-wheels could potentially be a predictor of price.

  • The describe function automatically computes basic statistics for all continuous variables. Any NaN values are automatically skipped in these statistics.

  • This will show:

    1. the count of that variable

    2. the mean

    3. the standard deviation (std)

    4. the minimum value

    5. the IQR (Interquartile Range: 25%, 50% and 75%)

    6. the maximum value

  • We can apply the method "describe" as follows:

  • The default setting of "describe" skips variables of type object. We can apply the method "describe" on the variables of type 'object' as follows:

  • Value Counts Value-counts is a good way of understanding how many units of each characteristic/variable we have. We can apply the "value_counts" method on the column 'drive-wheels'.

  • Don’t forget the method "value_counts" only works on Pandas series, not Pandas Dataframes. As a result, we only include one bracket "df['drive-wheels']" not two brackets "df[['drive-wheels']]".

  • We can convert the series to a Dataframe as follows :

  • To repeat the above steps but save the results to the dataframe "drive_wheels_counts" and rename the column 'drive-wheels' to 'value_counts'.

    drive_wheels_counts = df['drive-wheels'].value_counts().to_frame()
    drive_wheels_counts.rename(columns={'drive-wheels': 'value_counts'}, inplace=True)
  • Now to rename the index to 'drive-wheels':

    drive_wheels_counts.index.name = 'drive-wheels'
  • We can repeat the above process for the variable 'engine-location'.

    # engine-location as variable
    engine_loc_counts = df['engine-location'].value_counts().to_frame()
    engine_loc_counts.rename(columns={'engine-location': 'value_counts'}, inplace=True)
    engine_loc_counts.index.name = 'engine-location'
  • Examining the value counts of the engine location would not be a good predictor variable for the price.

  • This is because we only have three cars with a rear engine and 198 with an engine in the front, this result is skewed.

  • Thus, we are not able to draw any conclusions about the engine location.