• Step 1: An actuator that rotates to a precise angle through a command. The servo angle can rotate to any angle between 0 - 180. The servo receives command from the arduino moves to the commanded angle and stops there. The servo has three pin interface with power supply, ground and signal.

  • Step 2: Apparatus is arduino uno board, jumper wires (male to male), printer wire to connect board to PC and servo motor. See image below

  • Servo motor
    Servo motor
    #include <Servo.h>
    Servo servo_1;
    void setup()
    \\attaches servo to pin 2.
    void loop(){
  • In this project we will make traffic lights using 3 LEDs with different color other than 1 LED and make them work accordingly

  • Hardware Required  Breadboard 830 points - 1  Arduino Uno with USB Cable – 1  Single stand wire 2mt – 1  M5 LED (Red, Yellow, Green) – 2 pcs each  220Ω resistor – 5  Jumper wires (Male to Male) – 40 pcs

  • Circuit Connection  Attach the three LEDs on the Breadboard.  Connect GND of Arduino with the Breadboard for further GND Connections.  Connect negative terminals of LEDs with the GND rail of the Breadboard via 220Ω resistor.  Connect positive terminal of Red LED with the Digital Pin 10 of the Arduino Uno.  Connect positive terminal of Yellow LED with the Digital Pin 9 of the Arduino Uno.  Connect positive terminal of Green LED with the Digital Pin 8 of the Arduino Uno.

  • traffic-arduino

  • The green light will be on for 5 seconds, and then off., followed by the yellow light blinking for 3 times, and then the red light on for 5 seconds, forming a cycle. And the Cycle repeats.

    int redled =10; // initialize digital pin 10.
    int yellowled =9; // initialize digital pin 9.
    int greenled =8; // initialize digital pin 8.
    void setup()
    pinMode(redled, OUTPUT);// set the pin with red LED as “output”
    pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with yellow LED as “output”
    pinMode(greenled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with green LED as “output”
    void loop()
    digitalWrite(greenled, HIGH);//// turn on green LED
    delay(5000);// wait 5 seconds
    digitalWrite(greenled, LOW); // turn off green LED
    for(int i=0;i>3;i++)// blinks for 3 times
    delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
    digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH);// turn on yellow LED
    delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
    digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);// turn off yellow LED
    delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
    digitalWrite(redled, HIGH);// turn on red LED
    delay(5000);// wait 5 second
    digitalWrite(redled, LOW);// turn off red LED
  • In this particular project, the LED’s blink by sequence in a series pattern

  • Hardware Required  Jumper wires (Male to Male) – 40 pcs  White LED – 3  220Ω resistor – 6  Arduino Uno with USB Cable – 1  Blue LED - 3  Breadboard 830 points – 1

  • Connections required: Attach the six LEDs on the Breadboard.  Connect the GND of Arduino Uno with the Breadboard to make further GND connections.  Connect negative terminals of all the LEDs with the GND rail of the Breadboard via 220Ω resistor.  Connect the Positive terminals of all the LED with Arduino Uno as follows: LED Arduino Uno  LED 1 -> Digital Pin 2  LED 2 -> Digital Pin 3  LED 3 -> Digital Pin 4  LED 4 -> Digital Pin 5  LED 5 -> Digital Pin 6

  • series-led
    int BASE = 2 ;  // the I/O pin for the first LED
    int NUM = 5;   // number of LEDs
    void setup()
       for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
         pinMode(i, OUTPUT);   // set I/O pins as output
    void loop()
       for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
         digitalWrite(i, LOW);    // set I/O pins as “low”, turn off LEDs one by one
         delay(200);        // delay
       for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
         digitalWrite(i, HIGH);    
  • Active buzzer is widely used on computer, printer, alarm, electronic toy, telephone, timer etc as a sound making element.

  • Hardware Required Jumper wires (Male to Male) – 40 pcs  Active Buzzer - 1  Arduino Uno with USB Cable - 1  Breadboard 830 points - 1

  • Connections required: First, attach the active Buzzer on the Breadboard.  Connect Digital Pin 8 of arduino Uno with positive terminal of active Buzzer.  Connect GND of arduino Uno with negative terminal of Buzzer

  • When the circuit is finished, you can begin programming. Program is simple. You control the buzzer by outputting high/low level.

  • Arduino-active-buzzer
    int buzzer=8;// initialize digital IO pin that controls the buzzer
    void setup()
      pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);// set pin mode as “output”
    void loop()
    digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); // produce sound
  • The buzzer we introduced here is a passive buzzer. It cannot be actuated by itself, but by external pulse frequencies. Different frequencies produce different sounds.

  • Hardware Required Breadboard 830 points - 1  Passive buzzer - 1  Arduino Uno with USB Cable - 1  Jumper wires (Male to Male) – 40 pcs

  • Connections required: First, attach the passive Buzzer on the Breadboard.  Connect the Digital Pin 8 of Arduino Uno with the positive terminal of the passive Buzzer.  Connect the GND of Arduino Uno with the negative terminal of the passive Buzzer.

  • The Passive Buzzer is the slightly shorter one, with the electronics exposed on the bottom. You have to send it an AC "sound signal" via the Arduino.

  • Arduino-passive-buzzer
    int buzzer=8;// select digital IO pin for the buzzer
    void setup()
    pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);// set digital IO pin pattern, OUTPUT to be output
    void loop()
    unsigned char i,j;//define variable
      for(i=0;i<80;i++)// output a frequency sound
          digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);// sound
          digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//not sound
          delay(1);//ms delay
      for(i=0;i<100;i++)// output a frequency sound
          digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);// sound
          digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//not sound
          delay(2);//2ms delay