• A class contains constructors that are invoked to create objects from the class.

  • Constructor declarations look like method declarations—except that they use the name of the class and have no return type.

  • For example, Bicycle has one constructor:

    public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
        gear = startGear;
        cadence = startCadence;
        speed = startSpeed;

    To create a new Bicycle object called myBike, a constructor is called by the new operator:

    Bicycle myBike = new Bicycle(30, 0, 8);

    new Bicycle(30, 0, 8) creates space in memory for the object and initializes its fields.

  • Although Bicycle only has one constructor, it could have others, including a no-argument constructor:

    public Bicycle() {
        gear = 1;
        cadence = 10;
        speed = 0;

    Bicycle yourBike = new Bicycle(); invokes the no-argument constructor to create a new Bicycle object called yourBike.

  • Both constructors could have been declared in Bicycle because they have different argument lists.

  • As with methods, the Java platform differentiates constructors on the basis of the number of arguments in the list and their types.

  • You cannot write two constructors that have the same number and type of arguments for the same class, because the platform would not be able to tell them apart.

  • Doing so causes a compile-time error.

  • You don't have to provide any constructors for your class, but you must be careful when doing this.

  • The compiler automatically provides a no-argument, default constructor for any class without constructors.

  • This default constructor will call the no-argument constructor of the superclass.

  • In this situation, the compiler will complain if the superclass doesn't have a no-argument constructor so you must verify that it does.

  • If your class has no explicit superclass, then it has an implicit superclass of Object, which does have a no-argument constructor.

  • You can use access modifiers in a constructor's declaration to control which other classes can call the constructor.

  • Note: If another class cannot call a MyClass constructor, it cannot directly create MyClass objects.

  • The declaration for a method or a constructor declares the number and the type of the arguments for that method or constructor.

  • For example, the following is a method that computes the monthly payments for a home loan, based on the amount of the loan, the interest rate, the length of the loan (the number of periods), and the future value of the loan:

    public double computePayment(
                      double loanAmt,
                      double rate,
                      double futureValue,
                      int numPeriods) {
        double interest = rate / 100.0;
        double partial1 = Math.pow((1 + interest), 
                        - numPeriods);
        double denominator = (1 - partial1) / interest;
        double answer = (-loanAmt / denominator)
                        - ((futureValue * partial1) / denominator);
        return answer;
  • This method has four parameters: the loan amount, the interest rate, the future value and the number of periods.

  • The first three are double-precision floating point numbers, and the fourth is an integer.

  • The parameters are used in the method body and at runtime will take on the values of the arguments that are passed in.

  • Note: Parameters refers to the list of variables in a method declaration.

  • Arguments are the actual values that are passed in when the method is invoked. When you invoke a method, the arguments used must match the declaration's parameters in type and order.

  • You can use any data type for a parameter of a method or a constructor.

  • This includes primitive data types, such as doubles, floats, and integers,along with such as objects and arrays.

  • Arbitrary Number of Arguments You can use a construct called varargs to pass an arbitrary number of values to a method.

  • You use varargs when you don't know how many of a particular type of argument will be passed to the method.

  • It's a shortcut to creating an array manually

  • To use varargs, you follow the type of the last parameter by an ellipsis (three dots, ...), then a space, and the parameter name.

  • The method can then be called with any number of that parameter, including none.

    public class Main
    	public static void main(String[] args) {
    		System.out.println("Hello World");
    		Main obj = new Main();
    	void add(int... a)
  • Above code gives output as 4. As an array is created and a[2] is used to store 4. But the same method is called even when no arguments are passed. But in this case would give a runtime error as arrayindexoutofbounds.

  • Parameter Names When you declare a parameter to a method or a constructor, you provide a name for that parameter. This name is used within the method body to refer to the passed-in argument.

  • The name of a parameter must be unique in its scope.

  • It cannot be the same as the name of another parameter for the same method or constructor, and it cannot be the name of a local variable within the method or constructor.

  • A parameter can have the same name as one of the class's fields.

  • If this is the case, the parameter is said to shadow the field.

  • Shadowing fields can make your code difficult to read and is conventionally used only within constructors and methods that set a particular field.

  • For example, consider the following Circle class and its setOrigin method:

    public class Circle {
        private int x, y, radius;
        public void setOrigin(int x, int y) {
  • The Circle class has three fields: x, y, and radius. The setOrigin method has two parameters, each of which has the same name as one of the fields.

  • Each method parameter shadows the field that shares its name.

  • So using the simple names x or y within the body of the method refers to the parameter, not to the field.

  • To access the field, you must use a qualified name. This will be discussed later in this lesson in the section titled "Using the this Keyword."

  • Passing Primitive Data Type Arguments Primitive arguments, such as an int or a double, are passed into methods by value.

  • This means that any changes to the values of the parameters exist only within the scope of the method.

  • When the method returns, the parameters are gone and any changes to them are lost. Here is an example:

    public class Main {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            int x = 3;
            // invoke passMethod() with 
            // x as argument
            // print x to see if its 
            // value has changed
            System.out.println("After invoking passMethod, x = " + x);
        // change parameter in passMethod()
        public static void passMethod(int x) {
            x = 10;
            System.out.println("Inside passMethod, x = " + x);
    Output is:
    Inside passMethod, x = 10                                                                          
    After invoking passMethod, x = 3