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  • NumPy (or Numpy) is a Linear Algebra Library for Python. NumPy is a Python package. It stands for 'Numerical Python'. It is a library consisting of multidimensional array objects and a collection of routines for processing of array.

  • Numpy is also incredibly fast, as it has bindings to C libraries.

  • Importing NumPy To import NumPy in Colaboratory under the name **np** type the following:

    import numpy as np
  • Numpy has many built-in functions and capabilities. We won't cover them all but instead we will focus on some of the most important aspects of Numpy: vectors, arrays, matrices, and number generation. Let's start with arrays.

  • Numpy Arrays NumPy arrays are the main way we will use Numpy throughout the course. Numpy arrays essentially come in two flavors: vectors and matrices. Vectors are strictly 1-d arrays and matrices are 2-d.

  • A matrix can still have only one row or one column.

  • Creating NumPy Arrays

  • From a Python List We can create an array by directly converting a list or list of lists:

    my_list = [1,2,3]
    my_matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]      # list of lists
    np.array(my_matrix)      # 3x3 matrix
  • Built-in Methods There are lots of built-in ways to generate Arrays.

  • Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.

    np.arange(0,10)     #creates an array from 0 to 9
  • Note: The first parameter is the starting value and second parameter (excluding) is the ending value.

  • Note: The third parameter is the step value.

  • Generate arrays of zeros or ones

    np.zeros(3)      #creates an array of 3 zeros
    np.zeros((5,5))      #creates a 5x5 matrix of zeros
    np.ones(3)      #creates an array of 3 ones
    np.ones((5,5))      #creates a 5x5 matrix of ones
  • Linspace Returns number spaces evenly w.r.t interval. Similiar to arange but instead of step it uses sample number.

    numpy.linspace(start, stop, num = 50, endpoint = True, retstep = False, dtype = None,axis = 0)
  • Parameters : * start : [optional] start of interval range. By default start = 0

  • * stop : end of interval range, unless endpoint is set to False.In that case, the sequence consists of all but the last.

  • * num : [int, optional] No. of samples to generate.Default is 50. Must be non-negative.

  • * endpoint : [bool, optional] If True, stop is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. Default is True.

  • * restep : [bool, optional] If True, return (samples, step,)where step is the spacing between samples. By deflut restep = False.

  • * dtype : [dtype, optional] The type of the output array. If dtype is not given, infer the data type from the other input arguments.

  • *axis : [int, optional] The axis in the result to store the samples. Relevant only if start or stop are array-like. By default (0), the samples will be along a new axis inserted at the beginning. Use -1 to get an axis at the end.

    np.linspace(0,10,5)                 #5 intervals generated between 0 and 10
    np.linspace(0,10,50)                #50 intervals generated between 0 and 10
  • eye Creates an identity matrix

  • Random Numpy also has lots of ways to create random number arrays: Create an array of the given shape and populate it with random samples from a uniform distribution over ``[0, 1]``.

  • Return a sample (or samples) from the "standard normal" distribution. Unlike rand which is uniform:

  • randint Return random integers from `low` (inclusive) to `high` (exclusive).

    np.random.randint(1,100,10)      #print 10 values between 1 to 100
  • Note:** The third parameter indicates the number of values to be printed.

  • Array Attributes and Methods Let's discuss some useful attributes and methods or an array:

    arr = np.arange(30)
    ranarr = np.random.randint(0,50,10)
  • Reshape Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.

  • max, min, argmax, argmin These are useful methods for finding max or min values. Or to find their index locations using argmin or argmax

    ranarr.max()      #prints the maximum value in the array
    ranarr.argmax()      #prints the index of the max value
    ranarr.min()              #prints the minimum value in the array
    ranarr.argmin()      #prints the index of the max value
  • Shape Shape is an attribute that arrays have (not a method). It gives you the shape if the array(M x N).

    # Vector
    # Notice the two sets of brackets
  • dtype You can also grab the data type of the object in the array:
