• If you quit from the Python interpreter and enter it again, the definitions you have made (functions and variables) are lost.

  • Therefore, if you want to write a somewhat longer program, you are better off using a text editor to prepare the input for the interpreter and running it with that file as input instead.

  • This is known as creating a script. As your program gets longer, you may want to split it into several files for easier maintenance.

  • You may also want to use a handy function that you’ve written in several programs without copying its definition into each program.

  • To support this, Python has a way to put definitions in a file and use them in a script or in an interactive instance of the interpreter.

  • Such a file is called a module; definitions from a module can be imported into other modules or into the main module (the collection of variables that you have access to in a script executed at the top level and in calculator mode).

  • A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended.

  • Within a module, the module’s name (as a string) is available as the value of the global variable __name__.

  • For instance, use your favorite text editor to create a file called fibo.py in the current directory with the following contents:

    # Fibonacci numbers module
    def fib(n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
        a, b = 0, 1
        while a < n:
            print(a, end=' ')
            a, b = b, a+b
    def fib2(n):   # return Fibonacci series up to n
        result = []
        a, b = 0, 1
        while a < n:
            a, b = b, a+b
        return result
  • Now enter the Python interpreter and import this module with the following command:

    >>> import fibo
  • This does not enter the names of the functions defined in fibo directly in the current symbol table; it only enters the module name fibo there. Using the module name you can access the functions:

    >>> fibo.fib(1000)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987
    >>> fibo.fib2(100)
    [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89]
    >>> fibo.__name__
  • If you intend to use a function often you can assign it to a local name:

    >>> fib = fibo.fib
    >>> fib(500)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

  • A module can contain executable statements as well as function definitions. These statements are intended to initialize the module.

  • They are executed only the first time the module name is encountered in an import statement. 1 (They are also run if the file is executed as a script.)

  • Each module has its own private symbol table, which is used as the global symbol table by all functions defined in the module.

  • Thus, the author of a module can use global variables in the module without worrying about accidental clashes with a user’s global variables.

  • On the other hand, if you know what you are doing you can touch a module’s global variables with the same notation used to refer to its functions, modname.itemname.

  • Modules can import other modules. It is customary but not required to place all import statements at the beginning of a module (or script, for that matter). The imported module names are placed in the importing module’s global symbol table.

  • There is a variant of the import statement that imports names from a module directly into the importing module’s symbol table. For example:

    >>> from fibo import fib, fib2
    >>> fib(500)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
  • This does not introduce the module name from which the imports are taken in the local symbol table (so in the example, fibo is not defined).

  • There is even a variant to import all names that a module defines:

    >>> from fibo import *
    >>> fib(500)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
  • This imports all names except those beginning with an underscore (_). In most cases Python programmers do not use this facility since it introduces an unknown set of names into the interpreter, possibly hiding some things you have already defined.

  • Note that in general the practice of importing * from a module or package is frowned upon, since it often causes poorly readable code. However, it is okay to use it to save typing in interactive sessions.

  • If the module name is followed by as, then the name following as is bound directly to the imported module.

    >>> import fibo as fib
    >>> fib.fib(500)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
  • This is effectively importing the module in the same way that import fibo will do, with the only difference of it being available as fib.

  • It can also be used when utilising from with similar effects:

    >>> from fibo import fib as fibonacci
    >>> fibonacci(500)
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
  • Note For efficiency reasons, each module is only imported once per interpreter session. Therefore, if you change your modules, you must restart the interpreter – or, if it’s just one module you want to test interactively, use importlib.reload(), e.g. import importlib; importlib.reload(modulename).

  • When you run a Python module with

    python fibo.py 
  • the code in the module will be executed, just as if you imported it, but with the __name__ set to "__main__". That means that by adding this code at the end of your module:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        import sys
  • you can make the file usable as a script as well as an importable module, because the code that parses the command line only runs if the module is executed as the “main” file:

    $ python fibo.py 50
    0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
  • If the module is imported, the code is not run:

    >>> import fibo
  • This is often used either to provide a convenient user interface to a module, or for testing purposes (running the module as a script executes a test suite).