1. Explanation :

    Part filled by A in 1 hour = (1/36); Part filled by B in 1 hour = (1/45);
    Part filled by (A + B) In 1 hour =(1/36)+(1/45)=(9/180)=(1/20)
    Hence, both the pipes together will fill the tank in 20 hours.

  1. Explanation :

    Net part filled In 1 hour =(1/10)+(1/12)-(1/20)=(8/60)=(2/15).
    The tank will be full in 15/2 hrs = 7 hrs 30 min.

  1. Explanation :

    let the reservoir be filled by first pipe in x hours.
    Then ,second pipe fill it in (x+10)hrs.
    Therefore (1/x)+(1/x+10)=(1/12)
    \( x^2\) –14x-120=0
    x=20 [neglecting the negative value of x]
    so, the second pipe will take (20+10)hrs. (i.e) 30 hours to fill the reservoir

  1. Explanation :

    Workdone by the waste pipe in 1min
    =(1/20)-(1/12)+(1/15) = -1/10 [negative sign means emptying] therefore the waste pipe will empty the full cistern in 10min

  1. Explanation :

    work done by the leak in 1 hour=(1/3)-(1/(7/2))=(1/3)-(2/7)=(1/21).
    The leak will empty .the tank in 21 hours.

  1. Explanation :

    Work done by the two pipes in 1 hour =(1/14)+(1/16)=(15/112).
    Time taken by these pipes to fill the tank = (112/15) hrs = 7 hrs 28 min. Due to leakage, time taken = 7 hrs 28 min + 32 min = 8 hrs
    Work done by (two pipes + leak) in 1 hour = (1/8).
    Work done by the leak m 1 hour =(15/112)-(1/8)=(1/112). Leak will empty the full cistern in 112 hours.

  1. Explanation :

    Part filled in 7 min. = 7*((1/36)+(1/45))=(7/20).
    Remaining part=(1-(7/20))=(13/20).
    Net part filled in 1min. when A,B and C are opened=(1/36)+(1/45)-(1/30)=(1/60).
    Now,(1/60) part is filled in one minute.
    (13/20) part is filled in (60*(13/20))=39 minutes.

  1. Explanation :

    let B be closed after x min. then , Part filled by (A+B) in x min. +part filled by A in (18-x)min.=1
    Therefore x*((1/24)+(1/32))+(18-x)*(1/24)=1
    (7x/96) + ((18-x)/24)=1.

    7x +4*(18-x)=96.
    Hence, be must be closed after 8 min.