The Python Tutorial Strings Lists
First Steps Towards Programming Control Flow Tools Functions
new jobs  Introductory Video Exercise: Python - Introduction Exercise: Types
List Tuples, Sequences Modules
Exercise: Control Statements Exercise:Strings Exercise: Lists
Exercise:Lists Exercise:Tuples Exercise:Dictionary
Exercise:Sets Exercise:Function Exercise:Classes and objects
Exercise:Modules Exercise:Conditions Exercise:Functions
Exercise:Classes Exercise:Loops Exercise:Miscellaneous
Exercise:Introduction to Numpy Exercise:Introduction to Numpy Exercise:Introduction to Numpy
Exercise:Numpy 1D Array Exercise:Numpy 2D Array Exercise:Matplotlib
Exercise:Introduction to Pandas Exercise:Introduction to Pandas Exercise:Introduction to Pandas
Exercise:Introduction to Pandas Exercise:Read file Exercise:Write file
Exercise:Load data Exercise:Introduction to seaborn Exercise:Introduction to seaborn

new jobs   Getting Started
1. Data Types Ex-1 Python codes: Types Ex-2 Python codes: Strings
2. Lists and Tuples Ex-3 Python codes: Tuples Ex-4 Python codes: Lists
3. Dictionary Ex-5 Python codes: Dictionary Ex-6 Python codes: Set
4. Conditions and Branching Ex-7 Python codes: Conditions 5. Loops
Ex-7 Python codes: Loops 6. Functions Ex-8 Python codes: Functions
7. Classes and Objects Ex-9 Python codes: Classes and objects 8. Reading Files
Ex-10 Python codes: Read files 9. Write and Save Files Ex-11 Python codes: Write files
10. Pandas 11. 1D Numpy Ex-12 Python codes: 1D / 2D Numpy
Ex-13 Python codes: 1D / 2D Numpy 12. Understanding the data science
Bitcoin csv dataset 2009-2019

new jobs   Getting Started
1. Data Wrangling Python: Introduction
Python: Data Wrangling 2. Correct data format
3. Data Normalization 4. Exploratory Data Analysis
Python: Exploratory Data Analysis 5. Basics of Grouping
6. Model Development Python: Model Development
7. Model Evaluation and Refinement Python: Model Evaluation and Refinement
Python: Feature Selection Python: Preprocessing data
Python. Model Hyperparameter Tuning Python. Model Hyperparameter Tuning 2
Python. Binary Classification Python. Multiclass Classification
Python. Multitarget regression Python. K-nearest neighbour classification
Python. DecisionTrees classification Python. PolyFit regression
Python. Decision Tree Regressor Python. Extra Tree Classifier
Python. Extra Tree Regressor Python. Ensemble Regressor
Python. Ensemble Classifier Python. MLP Classifier
Python. MLP Regressor Python. SVM Classifier
Python. XGB Classifier Python. XGB Regressor

new jobs   Getting Started
1. Introduction to Matplotlib and Line Plots 2. Pandas Intermediate
Python: Introduction to Matplotlib and Line Plots 3. Basic and Specialized Visualization Tools
4. Histogram 5. Bar Charts (Dataframe)
Python: Area Plots, Histograms, and Bar Plots 6. Pie Charts
7. Box Plots, Scatter Plots, and Bubble Plots Python: Pie Charts, Box Plots, Scatter Plots, and Bubble Plots
8. Waffle Charts, Word Clouds Python: Waffle Charts, Word Clouds, and Regression Plots
9. Generating Maps with Python Python: Generating Maps with Python

new jobs   Getting Started
Python: Simple Linear Regression Python: Polynomial Regression
Python: Multiple Linear Regression Python: Logistic regression
Python: Decision tree Python: K nearest neighbour
Python: Support vector machine Python: Density based cluster
Python: Heirarchical clustering Python: Collaborative filtering
Python: Content based filtering
Python: Clustering metrics Python: Clustering with kmeans
Python: Clustering with Affinity Propagation Python: Clustering with OPTICS
Python: Clustering with MiniBatchKMeans Python: Clustering with DBSCAN
Python: Clustering with BIRCH Python: Clustering with Agglomerative Clustering
Python: Clustering with Mean Shift Python: Spectral Clustering
Python: Dimensionality reduction Python: Manifold Learning
Python: Clustering Elbow method
1. About Java 2. Features of Java 3. First Program 4. Execute Java
5. Variables in Java 6. Primitive Data Types 7. Arrays 8. Operators
9. Equality, Relational, and Conditional 10.Bitwise and Bit Shift 11.Expressions, Statements, and Blocks 12.Control Flow
13.while and do-while 14.Classes and Objects 15.Declaring Classes 16.Member Variables
17.Methods 18.Constructors 19.Objects 20.Using Objects
21.Returning a Value 22.Access to Members 23.Class Members 24.Fields
25.Enum Types 26.Interfaces 27.Implementing an Interface 28.Inheritance
29.Polymorphism 30.Final Classes and Methods 31.Numbers and Strings 32.Formatting Numeric Print Output
33.Characters 34.Strings 35.Manipulating Characters 36.StringBuilder Class
37. Create packages 38. Exceptions 39. Exceptions Thrown by a Method 40. I/O Streams
41. Scanning 42. Collections 43. Set Interface 44. List Interface
45. Queue Interface 46. Map interface
Internet of Things
1. IoT-A Overview 2. Definitions and Architectures 3. Know your components
4. Install libraries 5. Arduino Uno IDE 6. Arduino sketch: Arduino Serial Monitor
7. Arduino sketch: Digital and Analog 8. Arduino sketch: Control outputs 10. Arduino sketch: Pulse Width Modulation
11. Arduino sketch: Servo motor 12. Arduino sketch: Photo Resistor or LDR 13. Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
14. Key aspects of IOT 15. IOT Architectures 16. IOT Communication models
17. UART 18. Seven segment display 19. Liquid crystal display
20. Humidity, IR sensors 20A. EEPROM 20B. I2C Communication
20C. Wire library 20D. Arduino shields 21. NodeMCU / ESP8266
22. Raspberry Pi 23. Programming with GPIO 24. GPIO library
25. Basic recipes
26. Advanced recipes 27. API Output devices 28. API Output devices - II
29. Advanced recipes-III 29A. General Purpose Input Output Pins 29B. General Purpose Input Output Pins
29C. Network and Raspberry Pi 29D. Network Sockets 29E. Sockets and Server
29F. Network Libraries
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